Commit 356b60

2025-01-17 23:58:54 Haikal: fr
Characters/Player Characters/Zel'eon ..
@@ 138,11 138,17 @@
# Infusion List
- Arm Launcher:
As an action, this magical launcher can be loaded with up to five Tiny objects, such as individual bags of ball bearings or caltrops, or vials of acid, alchemist's fire, oil, or holy water. As a bonus action, the wearer can activate the launcher to fire one of the objects loaded in it, making a ranged weapon attack against a target or space it can see within 20 feet.
- Enhanced Arcane Focus:
This magic item grants its wielder +1 bonus to spell attack rolls, and it ignores half cover when making spell attacks. This bonus increases at 11th level (+2) and 17th level (+3).
- - Wildfire Cannon
+ - Wildfire Cannon:
As an action, the wielder of this magical object can expend Charges and use your Artificer Spellcasting modifier to cast these spells: firebolt (0 Charges), burning hands (1 Charge), scorching ray (2 Charges), or fireball (3 Charges).This magical item has a number of Charges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 Charge), and it regains all of its expended Charges each day at dawn.
- - Goggles of Clearsight
+ - Goggles of Clearsight:
While wearing these magical goggles the wearer can see normally through light or heavy obscurement from mundane and magical phenomena, including darkness, within 120 feet. The wearer also no longer suffers negative effects from the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, and it has advantage on any saving throws it makes to resist the blinded condition.
- -Enhanced Defense
- This magical item grants its wearer or wielder a +1 bonus to its Armor Class while wearing or wielding this infused item.This bonus increases at 11th level (+2) and 17th level (+3).
+ - Repulsion Shield:
+ When the wielder of this magic shield is hit by a melee attack, it can expend one Charge to force the attacking creature to make a Strength saving throw. Large or larger creatures have advantage on this saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker is knocked back 15 feet in a straight line and falls prone.
+ This magical item has a number of Charges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 Charge), and it regains all of its expended Charges each day at dawn.
+ At 11th level, this magic shield grants a +1 bonus to Armor Class. This Armor Class bonus increases to +2 at 17th level.
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