Commit 60beef

2024-09-19 11:27:21 Haikal: Commit
Characters/Player Characters/Zel'eon ..
@@ 70,9 70,20 @@
### Class: Artificer
- Hit Dice: 4d8
- Max HP: 41
- #### Example Feature
*4rd level feature*
- Feature description:
ASI Improvement:
Con +2
Feat: Spellsword
+ # Level 5
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 5d8
+ - Max HP: 52
+ -
+ *5th level feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ - You have improved your modifications to further augment your combat abilities. You gain the following benefits:
+ You can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
+ Each of your Enhancements can bear a single Infusion usually meant for the following objects: Mobility (boots), Nimble (gauntlets), Power (armor), Visual (helm, goggles).
+ Your Blade counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks.
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