Commit 7ee492

2024-08-26 22:49:07 Mohammad Rafiq: Added files back in.
/dev/null .. PCs/Arche
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+ # Overview
+ Born as Luvia Bellona Ortlinde on the 12th of Lunaris 1875, Arche Kagekiyo was raised in the prestigious Ortlinde clan, known for their unparalleled craftsmanship in weaponry and their obsession with heroism and power. Her early years were filled with warmth and familial love, but after her younger brother, Taira, was kidnapped, leading to her mother falling into depression and her father obsessively pursuing power. Arche found solace in embracing the worship of the moon, a practise considered heretical, and when her father found her out, she ran away to Mosskach, adopting the name Arche Kagekiyo.
+ She stayed with her childhood friend Senzorin for a number of years, working with Zel'eon Talos at his clinic in the slums of Mosskach. After they got on the wrong side of EchoTech, they fled back to Ilrinia, forcing Arche back into the city where she was born. Arche is currently attending the Arbalest Academy as a final year high school student, and longs to reunite with her brother.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Arche is a female sun elf in her late teens, standing at a height of 5'8". She keeps herself fit, but does not keep any muscle. She has shoulder-length black hair styled in a wolf cut, and often wears a face mask. Arche carries a ceramic gun made by Zel'eon which she uses in her rituals to Ruatis.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 13
+ - DEX: 17 = 14 + 2 from race + 1 from level 4 asi
+ - CON: 14
+ - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - WIS: 20 = 18 + 1 from feat + 1 from level 4 asi
+ - CHA: 4
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: Sun Elf
+ - Ability Score Increase: DEX +2, INT +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30 ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
+ - Skills: Perception
+ - Tools: longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow
+ - Darkvision 60ft.
+ - Fey Ancestry. Adv. on saves vs charm, and can't be put to sleep by magic
+ - Know the cantrip shape water
+ ### Background: Custom
+ - Skills: Medicine, Religion
+ - Languages: none
+ - Tools: none (should pick two)
+ ### Feat: Fey Touched
+ - Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
+ - Learn Misty Step, Identify
+ ### Class: Cleric
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 10 = 8 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: all
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: all
+ - Tools: none
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: WIS, CHA
+ - Skills: History, Insight
+ #### Eyes of Night
+ *1st level twilight cleric feature*
+ - Darkvision 300ft.
+ - As an action, can share Darkvision with number of creatures up to WIS mod for one hour, once per long rest (can expend spell slot to use more than once per long rest)
+ #### Vigilant Blessing
+ *1st level twilight cleric feature*
+ - As an action, give one creature advantage on initiative
+ #### Spellcasting
+ *1st level cleric feature*
+ - Can prepare spells equal to WIS mod + cleric level every long rest
+ - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
+ - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
+ #### Domain Spells
+ *1st level twilight cleric feature*
+ - Following spells are always prepared and don't count against preparation limit: faerie fire, sleep, moonbeam, see invisibility, aura of vitality, Leomund's tiny hut, aura of life, greater invisibility, circle of power, mislead
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: Cleric
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 20 = 10 + 8 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
+ - +1 1st level spell slot
+ - +1 prepared spell (6 total)
+ #### Channel Divinity
+ *2nd level cleric feature*
+ - Can use once per short or long rest from the following options:
+ - Turn Undead: As an action, make all undead within 30ft run away from you upon failing WIS save
+ - Harness Divine Power: Bonus action to regain one expended spell slot up to level equals to half your proficiency bonus
+ - Twilight Sanctuary: Action to cast 30ft radius sphere, lasts for 1 minute, if creature ends turn in sphere, you can end one charmed/frightened effect, all allies in sphere get prof bonus + WIS mod damage reduction once per round
+ ## Level 3
+ ### Class: Cleric
+ - Hit Dice: 3d8
+ - Max HP: 27 = 20 + 5 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
+ - +1 1st level spell slot, +2 2nd level spell slots
+ - +1 prepared spell (7 total)
+ ## Level 4
+ ### Class: Cleric
+ - Hit Dice: 4d8
+ - Max Hp 37 = 20 + 5 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod) + 8 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
+ - +2 prepared spells (19 > 20 WIS + level up)
+ - +1 2nd level spell slot
+ - ASI +1 to WIS = 20 / +1 to DEX = 17
+ - New Feat: Eldritch initiate, eldritch sight
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+ # Overview
+ Born on the 3rd of Mistfall in the year 1875, Ekra is a 17 year old half-elf male. He was stillborn, but was brought back to life by his parents, a wood elf from the forest of Alwahd and a human botanist from Ilrinia, beseeching the gods for him to live. He has done well with his gift, spending the majority of his childhood under the mentorship of Varanggana Vanavichayen the Astral Fist, abbess of a renowned monastery in the Bear Mountains.
+ Ekra excelled in his monastic training, but ultimately did not achieve mastery due to his rival, Xerxes Fairchild, disrupting Ekra when he first tried to astral project. Ekra has been unable to achieve any semblance of astral projection since then, and thus has not achieved master status. His mentor took pity on him and sent him back to Ilrinia around four years ago, and Ekra has been attending high school at the Arbalest Academy since then.
+ Ekra is currently in his final year of high school, and lives a pretty easy going life. He mostly hangs out with his boyfriend Varris or with his childhood friends Arika and Shari, though recently he has started to spend more time with his schoolmates Rook, Fenrir, and Phyrrah. After they all ended up in detention on a Zymis, they got into a scuffle with a local gang to the neighbourhood called the Arbys. This has led to a few conflicts with the Arbys, and most recently while planning their strike back at them, has led to Fenrir dying in a mugging gone awry, though his body promptly had a new soul deposited in it albeit without any memories. Ekra feels responsible for this, and has taken it upon himself to take care of Ellipses, which is what the new soul inhabiting Fenrir's body calls himself.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Ekra presents as a normal half-wood elf, which are common enough in the city of Ilrinia. He stands around 6 feet, and has a stockier build due to his years of monastic training and his time in Arbalest Academy's swim team. His wood elf heritage presents itself in the form of light mother-of-pearl scales covering his joints, radiating out from his sternum where a dense oval core of scales sits. Upon closer inspection, his divine nature is clear - his eyes intermittently flash pure white, his skin turns a reflective silvery grey in the sunlight, and a faint glowing aura emanates from him.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 12 = 10 + 2 from race
+ - DEX: 16
+ - CON: 11
+ - INT: 10
+ - WIS: 16 = 15 + 1 from race
+ - CHA: 13 = 12 + 1 from feat
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Aasimar (Protector)](
+ - Ability Score Increase: CHA +2, WIS +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Celestial
+ - Darkvision 60ft.
+ - Celestial Resistance. Resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
+ - Healing Hands. Action to touch creature and heal it for HP equal to character level once per long rest
+ - Light Bearer. Can cast [light]( cantrip using CHA as spellcasting ability
+ - Radiant Soul. (Starting at 3rd level) Action to transform into protector form for 1 minute or until ended as bonus action, gain flying speed of 30ft. and can deal extra radiant damage equal to character level once per turn upon dealing damage, once per long rest
+ ### Background: [Athlete](
+ - Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics
+ - Languages: Elvish
+ - Tools: Vehicles (land)
+ ### Feat: [Telepathic](
+ - Ability Score Increase: CHA +1
+ - Can speak telepathically to any creature within 60ft., creature cannot respond
+ - Can cast [detect thoughts]( once per long rest using CHA as spellcasting ability
+ ### Class: [Alternate Monk](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d10
+ - Max HP: 10 = 10 + 0 (CON mod)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: none
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, shortswords
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: STR, DEX
+ - Skills: Insight, Stealth
+ #### Martial Arts
+ *1st level Monk feature*
+ - [Unarmed strikes](,9,melee%20attacks,0) and melee attacks with weapons without the heavy of special properties are considered Martial Arts attacks
+ - Martial Arts attacks have the following benefits when not wearing heavy armour, shields, or heavy weapons
+ - Use DEX for attack and damage rolls
+ - Use DEX (Athletics) checks for [grappling]( and [shoving]( instead of STR (Athletics)
+ - Use Martial Arts die (starts as d6) instead of normal damage die
+ - Can make unarmed strike attack as bonus action if Attack action is used to make Martial Arts attack on same turn
+ #### Unarmoured Defence
+ *1st level monk feature*
+ - When not wearing armour or wielding shield, Armour Class is equal to 10 + DEX mod + WIS mod
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Alternate Monk](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d10
+ - Max HP: 10 + 7 (1d10) + 0 (CON mod) = 17
+ #### Ki
+ *2nd level monk feature*
+ - Pool of Ki Points equal to monk level + WIS modifier, refreshes on short or long rest
+ - Technique Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + WIS modifier
+ - Learn [Techniques](,flstfeature%20type:llam%3at=1) as you level up, can change out one technique every level up
+ - Techniques Known (2nd level):
+ - Crippling Strike: Can spend 1 Ki Point upon hitting creature with Martial Arts attack to force it to make CON save or be blinded, deafened, or mute until the beginning of your next turn
+ - Patient Defence: Can spend 1 Ki Point to take [Dodge]( action as bonus action
+ - Step of the Wind: Can take [Dash]( or [Disengage]( actions as a bonus action, and when you do, your [jump distance](,4,jumping) is doubled until the end of your next turn
+ #### Flurry of Blows
+ *2nd level monk feature*
+ - Can spend 1 Ki Point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action if Attack action is used to make Martial Arts attack on same turn
+ #### Unarmoured Movement
+ *2nd level monk feature*
+ - When not wearing armour or wielding shield, gain 10ft. speed
/dev/null .. PCs/Ellipses
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+ # Overview
+ Ellipses is a 17 year old human male born and raised in the city of Ilrinia. He has no memories, having woken up one day in the body of a juvenile delinquent who passed away in a mugging gone awry. Three other youngsters, friends of the person whose body Ellipses inhabits, took him in and have been trying to normalise Ellipses into the city of Ilrinia.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Ellipses is a tall older teenager with an athletic yet compact build. He has pale skin and shoulder length black hair, and a clean shaven face with nicks and cuts along his jaw.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - DEX: 8
+ - CON: 14
+ - INT: 12
+ - WIS: 10
+ - CHA: 17 = 15 + 2 from race
+ ## Level 1
+ ## Race: [Aasimar (Fallen)](
+ - Ability Score Increase: CHA +2, WIS +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Celestial
+ - Darkvision 60ft.
+ - Celestial Resistance. Resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
+ - Healing Hands. Action to touch creature and heal it for HP equal to character level once per long rest
+ - Light Bearer. Can cast [light]( cantrip using Charisma
+ - Necrotic Shroud. (Starting at 3rd level) Action to transform into fallen form for 1 minute or until ended as bonus action, make all creatures within 10ft become frightened until end of next turn on failing CHA save against CHA spell save DC and can deal extra necrotic damage equal to character level once per turn upon dealing damage, once per long rest
+ ## Background: [Custom](
+ - Skills: Pick 2
+ - Tool Proficiencies: Pick 2 (shared with languages known)
+ - Languages Known: Pick 2 (shared with tool proficiencies)
+ ## Feat: Pick 1
+ - Ability Score Increases:
+ - Skills:
+ - Tool Proficiencies:
+ - Languages Known:
+ - Feature:
+ ## Class: Sorcerer
+ - Max HP: 8 = 6 + 2 (CON mod)
+ - Saves: CON, CHA
+ - Skills: Choose 2 from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion
+ ### Spellcasting
+ *1st-level Sorcerer feature*
+ - Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier
+ - Spell Attack Modifier = proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier
+ - Know 4 cantrips and 2 1st level spells at first level
+ - Learn extra spell and switch out one spell of choice at each level
+ ### Iron Spells
+ *1st-level Ironmonger feature*
+ - Learn the following spells, doesn't count against spells known limit:
+ - 1st level: Command, Compelled Duel
+ ### Armaments of War
+ *1st-level Ironmonger feature*
+ - Proficiency with light and medium armour, shields, and all weapons that are not heavy or two handed
+ ### Blade of Strife
+ *1st-level Ironmonger feature*
+ - Bonus action to summon Blade of Strife (BoS) at a point within sight within 60ft
+ - BoS lasts 1 minute or if dispelled with bonus action
+ - Can attack for 1d8 magical slashing damage when summoned and upon using bonus action while BoS is summoned along with moving it up to 30ft
+ - Uses equal to CHA mod, refreshes on long rest. Can use any level spell slot to regain one use.
+ # Level 2
+ ## Class: Sorcerer
+ - Max HP: 14 = 8 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON mod)
+ - Learn 1 more spell
+ - Gain 1 1st level spell slot
+ ### Font of Magic
+ *2nd level Sorcerer feature*
+ - Start with 2 sorcery points (SP), gain 1 per level up to 20
+ - Can't exceed SP limit for level, regain all after long rest
+ - Bonus action to expend SP to create spell slot, costs vary by level
+ - Bonus action to convert spell slot to SP equal to slot's level
+ # Level 3
+ ## Class: Sorcerer
+ - Max HP: 20 = 14 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON Mod)
+ - Learn 1 more spell
+ - Gain 1 1st level spell slot, 2nd level spell slot
+ - Gain 1 SP
+ ### Metamagic
+ *3rd level Sorcerer feature*
+ - Can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.
+ ### Metamagic Options
+ - Seeking Spell. If an attack roll for a spell misses, you can spend 2 SP to reroll the d20. Must use the new roll.
+ - Can use Seeking Spell even if already used a different MM when casting the spell.
+ - Careful Spell. When a spell requires a saving throw, you can choose to protect some creatures from the spell. Spend 1 SP and choose the creature (amount: CHA mod).
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/dev/null .. PCs/Phyrrah
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+ # Overview
+ Born on the 6th of Mistfall in the year 1875 in the forest of Alwahd, Phyrrah was born and raised in the Whiteapes, one of many wood elf tribes in said forest, located north east of Ilrinia. Though the majority of Alwahdian wood elves have a dislike for city folk, Phyrrah has always held an interest for the technology the Ilrinian anthropologists have brought with them to their tribal holdings in their frequent forays into the forest to study the tribes.
+ In 1889, the city offered Phyrrah a scholarship as part of an outreach program to the tribes. She has since moved to the city and is currently a final year student in Arbalest Academy, on track to continuing her scholarship in a Council university studying software development after graduation.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Phyrrah is a full blooded wood elf of the Whiteape tribe in her late teens. She stands taller than most her peers, and exhibits strong traits of her heritage by way of a light downing of white fur covering her body and a strong, muscular build.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 10
+ - DEX: 14 = 12 + 2 from race
+ - CON: 15
+ - INT: 11
+ - WIS: 18 = 16 + 1 from race + 1 from feat
+ - CHA: 10
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Elf (Wood)](
+ - Ability Score Increase: DEX +2, WIS +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 35ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Elvish
+ - Darkvision 60ft.
+ - Keen Senses. Proficiency in Perception.
+ - Fey Ancestry. Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and immune to being put to sleep by magic
+ - Trance. Long rest takes 4 hours instead of 8
+ - Elf Weapon Training. Proficiency with longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow
+ - Mask of the Wild. May hide in foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
+ ### Background: [Outlander]()
+ - Skills: Athletics, Software
+ - Tools: Hacker's kit, playing cards
+ ### Feat: [Observant](
+ - Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
+ - Can read lips in a language you understand
+ - +5 to passive Perception and Investigation
+ ### Class: [Druid](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 10 = 8 + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: light armour, medium armour, shields
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
+ - Tools: Herbalism kit
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: INT, WIS
+ - Skills: Insight, Survival
+ #### Druidic
+ *1st level druid feature*
+ - Can speak Druidic and leave and read hidden messages in it
+ #### Spellcasting
+ *1st level druid feature*
+ - Learn 2 cantrips at 1st level, gain more as druid level increases
+ - Cantrips known at 1st Level:
+ - [Poison Spray](, [Produce Flame](
+ - Prepare a number of spells equal to Druid level + WIS mod after every long rest, choosing from [druid spell list](,flstlevel:0=1,flstclass:druid=1)
+ - Spell Save DC: 8 + proficiency bonus + WIS mod
+ - Spell Attack Modifier: proficiency bonus + WIS mod
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Druid](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 18 = 10 + 6 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
+ #### Wild Shape
+ *2nd level druid feature*
+ - Twice per short or long rest, may use action to transform into CR 1/4 beast without flying or swimming speed
+ - Can revert to normal form using bonus action
+ - Wild Shape form retains INT, WIS, and CHA scores, but takes physical attributes and stat block of beast
+ - Any damage that reduces Wild Shape form to 0 HP carries over excess damage to normal form's HP
+ - Can't cast spells in beast form, but does not break concentration
+ #### Combat Wild Shape
+ *2nd level druid (circle of the moon) feature*
+ - Can use Wild Shape as bonus action instead of action
+ - Bonus action to expend one spell slot to regain 1d8 HP per level of spell slot expended while in Wild Shape form
+ - Can transform into CR 1 beasts at 2nd level instead of CR 1/4, retain restrictions on no flying or swimming speed
/dev/null .. PCs/
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+ # Overview
+ Born on the 22nd of Lunaris in the year 1875, Rook is a 17 year old human male born and raised in the city of Ilrinia. Rook has little to no memories of his parents, who died when he was an infant. He was raised by his uncle, a chapter leader of the Front Libere gang, and lived in and among gang members as long as he can remember.
+ In 1892, Rook discovered a small tunnel under a canal in the mostly abandoned Ham Row neighbourhood of Ilrinia, leading to a small underground nook containing half buried relics from the undercity of Ilrinia. Rook is currently in his final year of high school at Arbalest Academy and aspires to go to a university to study archaeology in an attempt to understand more about Ilrinia's undercity.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Rook is a lanky human male in his late teens of average height with brown skin and blond spiky hair. Despite his young age, is covered in tattoos, ranging from gang insignia to runic symbols.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 10
+ - DEX: 10
+ - CON: 17 = 15 + 1 from race + 1 from feat
+ - INT: 11
+ - WIS: 18 = 16 + 2 from race
+ - CHA: 12
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Human (Variant; Mark of Finding)](
+ - Ability Score Increase: WIS +2, CON +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Goblin
+ - Darkvision 60ft.
+ - Hunter's Intuition. Can add 1d4 to WIS (Perception) and WIS (Survival) checks
+ - Finder's Mark. Can cast [hunter's mark]('s%20mark_phb) and (starting at 3rd level) [locate object]( once per long rest
+ - Spells of the Mark. The following spells are added to your spell list and can be taken as part of your classes Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature: [faerie fire](, [longstrider](, [locate animals or plants](, [locate object](, [clairvoyance](, [speak with plants](, [divination](, [locate creature](, [commune with nature](
+ ## Background: [Urchin](
+ - Skills: Sleight of Hand, Stealth
+ - Tools: Disguise kit, Thieves' tools
+ ### Feat: [Human Determination](
+ - Ability Score Increase: CON +1
+ - Can add advantage to d20 roll once per short or long rest
+ ### Class: [Shaman](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 12 = 8 + 3 (CON modifier) + 1 (Sacred Focus: Body)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: light armour, shields
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, blowguns, nets
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: WIS, CHA
+ - Skills: Insight, ?
+ #### Sacred Focus: Body
+ *1st level Shaman feature*
+ - Max HP increases by 1 per level
+ #### Totems
+ *1st level Shaman feature*
+ - Bind 2 Totems at first level, gain more as shaman level increases
+ - Totemic save DC: 8 + proficiency bonus + WIS modifier
+ - Totemic Assault. Action to force one creature within 60ft. to make CHA save or take 1d8 necrotic damage (increases at level 5, 11, and 17)
+ - Bound Totems:
+ - Totem of the Eagle. Proficiency in WIS (Perception) checks, advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on sight
+ - Totem of the Mountain. AC = 13 + CON modifier
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Shaman](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 20 = 12 + 4 (1d8) + 3 (CON modifier) + 1 (Sacred Focus: Body)
+ #### Primal Magic
+ *2nd level Shaman feature*
+ - Learn 2 cantrips at 2nd level, gain additional cantrips at 4th and 10th level
+ - Cantrips known at 2nd level: otherworldly grasp, mold earth
+ - Learn 3 1st level spells at 2nd level, gain additional spells at higher levels
+ - Spells Known at 2nd level: Command, Armor of Agathys, Cause Fear
+ - Spell slots refresh on short or long rest
+ - Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + WIS modifier
+ - Spell attack modifier = proficiency bonus + WIS modifier
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/dev/null .. PCs/Saziver
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+ # Overview
+ Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Mosskach to a loving gnome couple, Saziver lived a sheltered and peaceful childhood. Saziver took after his mechanic mother and took apart anything he could get his hands on, to the chagrin of whoever the owner of the item was. Saziver was also raised by Both Steeljaw, a former professional Blood Bowl athlete turned sportscaster, whose publicist was Saziver's (other) mother.
+ Saziver has recently developed psionic abilities, possibly as a result of exposure to Both, who has revealed himself to also have psionic abilities. He has just fled the city of Mosskach to the neighbouring Ilrinia, after him and Zel'eon Talos, Senzorin Talos, and Arche Kagekiyo got into trouble with the EchoTech corporation. Saziver hacked the database of a private school named Arbalest Academy, inserting the four of them as exchange students from Mosskach.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Saziver is a male gnome in his late teens, with a wiry frame. He has an ash-brown complexion and copper hair, each inherited from a different parent. He has a distinct nervous energy about him and is constantly fidgeting with his hands or whatever is in them at that moment.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 4
+ - DEX: 14
+ - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - INT: 20 = 18 + 2 from race
+ - WIS: 17 = 14 + 1 from feat + 2 (ASI)
+ - CHA: 13
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Gnome (Rock)](
+ - Ability Score Increase: INT +2, CON +1
+ - Size: Small
+ - Speed: 25 ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
+ - Darkvision 60 ft.
+ - Gnome Cunning. Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saves against magic
+ - Artificer's Lore. Add double proficiency bonus for History checks related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices
+ - Tinker. Proficiency with tinker's tools, can spend 1hr and 10gp to construct Tiny clockwork device, up to 3 devices active at a time, effects as follows:
+ - Clockwork Toy. Can move 5ft each turn in random direction and make noise
+ - Fire Starter. Produces miniature flame that can be used to light candle, torch, or campfire
+ - Music Box. Plays a single song at a moderate volume until closed
+ ### Background: Custom
+ - Skills: Cybersecurity, Tinkering
+ - Languages: Orcish
+ - Tools: Playing cards
+ ### Feat: [Observant](
+ - Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
+ - Can read lips in a language you understand
+ - +5 to passive Perception and Investigation
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d6
+ - Max HP: 8 = 6 + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: light armour
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons
+ - Tools: none
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: INT, WIS
+ - Skills: Perception, Investigation
+ #### Psionics
+ *1st level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 2 cantrips at 1st level:
+ - Mind Thrust, Message
+ - Pool of Psi Points equal to Psion level + 1, refresh on short or long rest
+ - Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell
+ - Can only cast spells of level up to Mental Limit
+ - Learn 2 1st level spells:
+ - Alarm, Id Insinuation
+ - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
+ - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
+ #### Aura Sight
+ *1st level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Proficiency in Insight
+ - Add INT modifier to all Insight rolls
+ - Can spend 1 Psi Point as an action to learn the most powerful surface-level emotion of a creature within 60ft.
+ - Can add INT modifier to CHA check on a creature that you have read the aura of
+ #### Empath Spell
+ *1st level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Learn Charm Person
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d6
+ - Max HP: 14 = 8 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Spells Learnt: Shield
+ #### Harmonious Recovery
+ *2nd level Psion feature*
+ - Bonus action to regenerate Psi Points equal to INT mod once per long rest
+ #### Mystic Talents
+ *2nd level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 2 Mystic Talents:
+ - Precognition I. Cannot be surprised unless unconscious, asleep, or incapacitated, and gain a bonus to initiative equal to INT modifier
+ - Telepathy I. Can telepathically communicate with up to one creature within 60ft.
+ ## Level 3
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 3d6
+ - Max HP: 20 = 14 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Psionics
+ *3rd level class features*
+ - Learn 1 Spell at 3rd level:
+ - Mirror Image.
+ #### Emotional Flood
+ *3rd level Psion feature*
+ - You can psionically manipulate the emotional auras of other creatures. At 3rd level, you gain the following abilities:
+ - Depress
+ - When you manifest a psion spell that charms or frightens a creature, you can expend additional psi points to impose disadvantage on their initial saving throw. For each additional psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit) a target of your choice has disadvantage on their initial roll.
+ - Elate
+ - As an action, you can touch a creature and expend psi points to inspire them. It gains 1d4 temporary hit points for each psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit).
+ - Enrage
+ - The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or immediately use its reaction to make a single melee attack against one target of its choice within range. If there are no targets within range it takes 1d6 psychic damage.
+ #### Mystic Talents
+ *3rd level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
+ - Iron Durability I. So long as you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is equal to 13 + your Intelligence modifier.
+ #### Empath Spell
+ *3re level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Learn Calm Person
+ ## Level 4
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 4d6
+ - Max HP: 26 = 20 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ ### Ability Score Improvement
+ - +2 WIS
+ ### Feat: [Inspiring Leader](
+ - Spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions. Choose up to six friendly creatures within 30 feet. Each gains temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. Can’t gain temporary hit points from this feat again until finishing a short or long rest.
+ #### Psionics
+ *4th level class features*
+ - Learn 1 cantrip and 1 spell at 4th level
+ - Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip
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+ # Overview
+ Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Ilrinia, Senzorin is a product of two different worlds. His mother, a sun elf high society business woman, and his father, a human bartender, raised Senzorin under the yoke of the Talos clan doctrine. They expected Senzorin to live up to the standard set by the rest of the clan, but the pressure was too much for him. At the age of ten, he ran away to the neighbouring city of Mosskach, abandoning his family.
+ The next few years were a whirlwind for Senzorin - first living as an urchin on the crime ridden streets of Mosskach, he was soon recruited into a gang and made to sell dwarven mined drugs. He soon picked himself up a mentor in the form of Einrow Whitebeard, a former pirate captain who has blood ties to the gang. Einrow had turned to a life of burglary after getting bored of the high seas, and took Senzorin under his wing, teaching him the trade.
+ In 1891, Einrow passed while on a burglary gone awry. Senzorin continued his life as a burglar, though without much use for the riches he gathered, redistributed them among the poorer citizens of Mosskach. He spent most of his days whiling away time, not doing much else other than burglary, though he began to spend some time studying folklore in Mosskach's public libraries.
+ In 1892, Senzorin and his friends, Zel'eon, Arche, and Saziver, got into serious trouble with the EchoTech corporation after stealing one of their experimental chips. The four fled to Ilrinia, where they have enrolled into Arbalest Academy.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Senzorin Talos is a half-elf male in his late teens of average height and physique. He bears a distinct knife scar on his right eye as a result of defying orders in his time as a gang member. His shoulder length hair is gold in colour, but he dyes it black to avoid people guessing at his sun elf heritage.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
+ - DEX: 18
+ - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - WIS: 14
+ - CHA: 16 = 14 + 2 from race
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Half-Elf](
+ - Ability Score Increase: CHA +2, CON +1, INT +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30 ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
+ ## Background: [Urchin](
+ - Skills: Sleight of Hand, Stealth
+ - Tools: Disguise kit, Thieves' tools
+ ### Feat: [Athlete](
+ - Ability Score Increase: STR +1
+ - Standing up from prone only costs 5ft of movement
+ - Climbing doesn't cost extra movement
+ - Can make running long or high jump after only moving 5 ft on foot instead of 10 ft
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 10 = 8 + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: light armour
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
+ - Tools: thieves' tools
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: DEX, INT
+ - Skills: Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, Perception
+ #### Expertise
+ *1st level rogue feature*
+ - Can use double proficiency bonus for ability checks with thieves' tools or Stealth
+ - Another skill or tool proficiency of your choice gains this benefit at 6th, 11th, 15th, and 20th level.
+ #### Sneak Attack
+ *1st level rogue feature*
+ - Add 1d6 damage to attacks made with advantage once per turn
+ - Do not need advantage if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
+ #### Thieves' Cant
+ *1st level rogue feature*
+ - Can speak and understand thieves' cant
+ - Can leave secret messages and symbols and understand them
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 16 = 10 + 4 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Cunning Action
+ *2nd level rogue feature*
+ - Can take [Dash](, [Disengage](, [Hide](, or [use an object]( action as bonus action
+ #### Devious Exploits
+ *2nd level rogue feature*
+ - Learn two Exploits of your choice at 2nd level:
+ - Counter: You can use your reaction when a creature misses you with a melee attack to expend an Exploit Die and make a single melee weapon attack against it, adding one roll of your Exploit Die to your damage roll.
+ - Roguish Charm: You can use an action to expend an Exploit Die to force a creature that can hear and understand you to make a Wisdom save (with advantage if you or your allies are fighting it). Upon failure, it is charmed by you for 1 hour and regards you as a friendly acquaintance for the duration, though it will not risk its life for you. The effect ends if you or your companions do anything harmful to the creature and the target will then realise it was deceived by you.
+ - You can use only one Exploit per attack, ability check, or saving throw
+ - Have 2 Exploit Dice at 2nd level, Exploit Dice is 1d4
+ - Regain all Exploit Dice on short or long rest
+ - **Exploit save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
+ ## Level 3
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 3d8
+ - Max HP: 25 = 16 + 7 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Sneak Attack
+ *3rd level rogue feature*
+ - Add 2d6 damage to attacks made with advantage once per turn
+ - Do not need advantage if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
+ #### Spellcasting
+ *3rd level arcane trickster feature*
+ - Learn mage hand and two other cantrips at 3rd level, learn another at 10th level
+ - Mage Hand, Message, Minor Illusion
+ - Can cast spells using spell slots, regain spell slots on long rest
+ - Learn three 1st-level spells at 3rd level, learn more as level up
+ - Find Familiar, Unseen Servant, Disguise Self
+ - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
+ - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
+ #### Mage Hand Adept
+ *3rd level arcane trickster feature*
+ - Can control mage hand as a bonus action within 30ft
+ - Can make mage hand invisible
+ - Can use mage hand to stow or retrieve an object from a container worn or carried by another creature within range
+ - Mage hand can use any set of tools you are proficient with
+ ## Level 4
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 4d8
+ - Max HP: 31 = 25 + 4 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Ability Score Improvement
+ *4th level rogue feature*
+ - DEX +2
+ **New Ability Scores**
+ - STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
+ - DEX: 20 = 18 + 2 from ASI
+ - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - WIS: 14
+ - CHA: 16 = 14 + 2 from race
+ ### Feat: Prodigy
+ - Gain proficiency in Initimidation, hacker's kit, and Orcish
+ - Gain expertise in Persuasion
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+ # Overview
+ Overview of character
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Character's appearance as seen by others
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR:
+ - DEX:
+ - CON:
+ - INT:
+ - WIS:
+ - CHA:
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race:
+ - Ability Score Increase:
+ - Size:
+ - Speed:
+ - Languages Known:
+ ### Background:
+ - Skills:
+ - Languages:
+ - Tools:
+ ### Feat:
+ - Ability Score Increase:
+ ### Class:
+ - Hit Dice:
+ - Max HP:
+ - Armor Proficiencies:
+ - Weapon Proficiencies:
+ - Tools:
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies:
+ - Skills:
+ #### Example feature
+ *1st level ? feature*
+ - Feature description
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class:
+ - Hit Dice:
+ - Max HP:
+ #### Example Feature
+ *2nd level ? feature*
+ - Feature description
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+ A group of young men (and one woman) who escaped from Mosskach to Ilrinia after getting on the wrong side of EchoTech. They are slowly making a name for themselves there, though for those of the group borm in Ilrinia, being known isn't exactly what they want.
+ # Members
+ - Senzorin Talos
+ - Arche Kagekiyo
+ - Saziver Copper-Fern
+ - Zel'eon Talos
+ # Fame
+ A rough gauge is that your fame score for a particular city or faction is roughly equal to the percentage of that group that know who you are.
+ ## Cities
+ - Mosskach: 2.5
+ - Ilrinia: 5
+ ## Factions
+ - The Council of Arcaneum: 10
+ - The New Dawn: 5
+ - EchoTech: -25
+ # Allies
+ - Ellipses Seventhtime
+ - Dalen Blackwell
+ # Inventory
+ - Bag of Holding
+ - Lesser Cloak of Invisibility
+ # Feats
+ - Got caught stealing the prototype orichalcum brain chip from EchoTech: -25 reputation with EchoTech, +2.5 reputation in Mosskach
+ - Defeated the Verminlord Skratch, helping Dalen Blackwell (though not without being snarky towards him): +2.5 reputation with Council of Arcaneum
+ - Successfully defeated Azura Glimmerwrench after investigating the theft of the central power grid hub wardstone (though not without unnecessarily maiming her): +2.5 reputation with the Council of Arcaneum
+ - Defeated the rogue Council golem at the New Dawn lecture and converted an elderly woman to the cult of Ruatis: +5 reputation in Ilrinia, +5 reputation with Council of Arcaneum, +5 reputation with the New Dawn
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+ # Overview
+ Born on the 22nd of Chronos to the Talos family, a sun elf clan specialising in car manufacturing, Zel'eon faced a severe condition: his arm was necrotising, threatening to take over the rest of his body. His mother cut off the necrotising arm, saving him, but the rest of the family kicked Zel'eon and his mother out for fear of how the crippled boy would affect their family name. Zel'eon's mother fled to Mosskach with the young Zel'eon, and started a small clinic in the slums.
+ After his mother passed when he was a young teenager, Zel'eon took over the clinic, treating patients who had nowhere else to go, including gang members. He learned the basics of combat from his orc patients, finding a love for sparring from them. He also took on two trainees, an ex-gangster named Maria, and Arche Kagekiyo, a young woman of Zel's age who had barely any social skills.
+ Zel'eon has recently fled to Ilrinia after getting on the wrong side of EchoTech with Arche and two others, named Saziver and Senzorin. He is currently attending Arbalest Academy with them, slowly letting his guard down in the relative safety of Ilrinia.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Character's appearance as seen by others
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 4
+ - DEX: 13
+ - CON: 18 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat + 2 from ASI
+ - INT: 18
+ - WIS: 13
+ - CHA: 16 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: Variant Human
+ - Ability Score Increase: +1 CHA, +1 CON
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30 ft
+ - Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
+ ### Background:
+ - Skills: Persuasion (Background)
+ - Languages: Orcish
+ - Tools: Leather, Vehicles (Land), Chefs Utensils
+ ### Feat:
+ - Skill Expert; CHA +1
+ Proficiency: Intimidation
+ Expertise: Tinkering
+ - Signature Weapon; CON +1
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 11
+ - Armor Proficiencies: All Armor, Shields,
+ - Weapon Proficiencies:
+ - Tools: Leather, Healer, Tinkers, Smith, Utensils, Vehicles (Land)
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: CON, INT
+ - Skills: Tinkering (Class), Nature (Class), Medicine (Race), Intimidation(Skill Expert), Survival (Background), Perception (Background)
+ #### Example feature
+ *1st level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ Blade Enhancement; Hidden arm Blade that does 1d8 Slashing Damage on hit, Uses INT for ATK and DMG rolls.
+ Infusions:
+ Arm Launcher
+ Enhanced Weapon
+ Enhanced Defense
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 19
+ #### Example Feature
+ *2nd level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ Spell Casting
+ Save DC: 8 + PB + INT
+ Spell ATK: PB + INT
+ Spells Slots: 3 1st Level, 3 Spells Known, 2 Cantrips Known
+ # Level 3
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 3d8
+ - Max HP: 27
+ #### Example Feature
+ *3rd level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ Enhancements;
+ Power Enhancements, Add INT to STR Checks
+ # Level 4
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 4d8
+ - Max HP: 41
+ #### Example Feature
+ *4rd level feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ ASI Improvement:
+ Con +2
+ Feat: Spellsword
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+ # Players
+ - Rafiq: Game Master
+ - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Artificer 1
+ - Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Rogue 1
+ - Dom: Saziver Copper-Fern, Gnome Psion 1
+ - Toph: Arche Kagekiyo, Sun Elf Cleric 1
+ # Recap
+ ## Zel'eon, Arche, Senzorin, and Saziver
+ On the morning of Udis, the 30th of Eternae, 1892, Zel'eon Talos stood outside his clinic in the bustling streets of Mosskach. The sun was just beginning to light up the day as he conversed with Dregdul, a large orc youth. They were deeply entrenched in a discussion about the recent rise in gang troubles when suddenly, the roar of a motorcycle engine broke their focus.
+ Senzorin, a half-elf rogue, pulled up on his sputtering bike, which whined mechanically before coming to a halt. Zel'eon's gaze quickly flicked to Senzorin’s face, which was marred by a grimace of pain, and to the three clawed gash that marred his side.
+ Senzorin explained that Arche, his roommate and Zel’eon's employee, had invited him to receive treatment at the clinic. With a knowing nod, Zel'eon gestured for him to enter and led him up the stairs to the surgery room on the second floor. Zel'eon began disinfecting Senzorin's infected wound, meticulously stitching it shut as Senzorin winced in pain. Though he didn't mention it to Senzorin, Zel'eon noted the wound as being from a werewolf. Senzorin’s gaze wandered around the room, lingering on the scratches along the walls, evidence as to Zel'eon's other proclivities.
+ Just then, Arche entered, her prim demeanor faltering momentarily as she took in Senzorin’s condition. She admonished Senzorin for not taking better care of himself as he wryly bantered with her.
+ Zel'eon’s attention shifted as his communicator buzzed—a text message from Maria, his employee at the front desk, informed him of a nervous gnome named Saziver awaiting him. The trio descended to the first floor, where they found Saziver standing at the counter, glancing anxiously around the room. The sight of Senzorin caught him off guard, having previously surveilled the rogue during his escapades. “I should have known you’d be involved with this lot,” Senzorin quipped as he took his leave, letting Zel'eon and Saziver continue their conversation in private.
+ Once alone, Saziver leaned in, visibly excited as he told Zel'eon that he had discovered an experimental chip created by EchoTech—an intriguing piece of technology that could potentially link Zel'eon’s implants directly to his mind. Saziver informed him the chip was currently on an EchoTech transport heading toward the city that very night. Zel'eon acknowledged this, his mind already racing with possibilities as he bid Saziver farewell, ready to formulate a plan.
+ ## Ray Shelby and the Peakers
+ Eager to act on the information Saziver provided, Zel'eon reached out to Ray Shelby, the local gang leader of the Peakers. Sitting at his desk on the third floor of the clinic, he knew he needed Shelby’s crew if they were to pull off a caper. Before long, the unmistakable sounds of Shelby’s approach filled the air, punctuated by the acrid aroma of cheap cologne that trailed behind him. He swaggered into the office, exuding a false confidence that crawled under the young man’s skin.
+ Zel'eon divulged the details about the EchoTech transport scheduled to pass by that evening, but he could see the flicker of greed ignite in Ray's eyes. A warning bell rang in Zel'eon’s mind, and the realization of his error dawned on his mind. When Ray departed, his anger boiled over, prompting Zel'eon to punch a wall in a fit of irritation, the impact echoing throughout the clinic.
+ Determined to rectify his miscalculation, he called Senzorin, Arche, and Saziver back to the clinic, hopeful that together they could assist him. Motivated by gratitude for everything Zel'eon had done for the community and their shared animosity toward the Peakers, the trio readily agreed to help.
+ Reunited at the clinic, Saziver provided a detailed briefing on the transport's route, and they began to weave their strategy around the Peakers’ planned ambush, intending to use it as a distraction to slip in unnoticed and swipe the valuable chip from the back of the transport.
+ As dusk descended upon Mosskach, Zel'eon, Arche, and Senzorin positioned themselves stealthily atop the clinic’s roof, while Saziver took his perch in the office on the third floor, ready to monitor the approaching transport through a hacked feed.
+ ## Ambushing the EchoTech Transport
+ With Saziver in their ears steadily counting down the minutes, the clock inched closer to midnight, the moment when the transport was set to pass directly by the clinic and into the waiting clutches of the Peakers. Below, the Peakers lounged along the street, clad in flat caps and leather jackets, scattering caltrops along the pavement, small metal spikes meant to pop the transport’s tires.
+ As Zel'eon glanced at Arche, he found her gazing skyward, murmuring quiet prayers to her goddess. He searched for Senzorin, but the rogue had seamlessly melted away into the shadows. Down in the alley next to the clinic, Senzorin tightened his grip on the cutlass once wielded by his mentor, Einrow, ready for the fight ahead.
+ Saziver, from his vantage point on the second floor, spoke into their headsets with an urgent whisper: the transport was approaching. The distant headlights cut through the dimming dusk, illuminating the street ahead. As the transport rumbled into view, it seemed to hit an unseen obstacle, and in an instant, the tires exploded in a catastrophic pop, sending it careening toward a nearby bus stop.
+ The Peakers erupted from their hiding spots, their cries loud and triumphant as they rushed forward to seize the chaos. Seizing the opportunity, Arche leaped from her perch and sprinted toward the rear of the transport.
+ A barrage of explosions erupted as the cabin doors of the transport flew open, two heavily armed guards jumping out to unleash a ferocious hail of fire from their magitech rifles. Arche's advance faltered when a heat grenade detonated nearby, the vibrating force momentarily disorienting her. As she fought to regain her balance, she locked eyes with a lone Peaker who had crept toward the back of the van, clearly having had the same plan as the team. Just as he opened his mouth to call for help, a deafening explosion pierced the air—his kneecap shattered in a spray of blood and flesh.
+ Spinning to locate the source of the shot, Arche spotted Senzorin, his revolver aimed with uncanny accuracy. He cocked his head, motioning her toward the target.
+ Arche lunged at the fallen gang member, thrusting her spear through his mouth to silence his scream of pain before darting towards the back of the transport. She darted toward the transport, grappling with the padlock securing the doors, only to discover that it was reinforced both physically and magically.
+ With concentration, she began to unravel the enchantment just as, unbeknownst to her, one of the EchoTech guards approached from the front. The guard rounded the van just in time to see her. Raising his rifle, he shouted in surprise. Arche reacted quickly, disarming him and sending his weapon clattering to the ground. Enraged, the guard lunged for her, brandishing a security baton, but something above him caught his attention.
+ Zel'eon’s arm blade sang through the air, severing the guard’s head in a swift, lethal motion. The lifeless body swayed for a heartbeat before collapsing. Without hesitation, Zel'eon aimed his arm at the padlock, firing an acid vial from his weapon. The lock fizzled and dissolved under the corrosive torrent, and Senzorin yanked open the transport's doors, revealing a silver briefcase nestled inside.
+ Senzorin dove into the opening, grabbing the briefcase, and sprinted into the alleyway, Arche hot on his heels. Before bolting after them, Zel'eon took a moment to etch a message onto the helmet of the decapitated guard, hurling the incriminating object into the van's interior before sealing the doors and fled toward an underground fight pit—a place he knew was safe.
+ Meanwhile, Saziver remained in Zel'eon’s office, curled into a fetal position within the comforting glow of multiple screens, panic gnawing at his nerves as he heard the chaos erupt nearby. The Peakers, intoxicated by victory, soon overwhelmed the remaining EchoTech guard, their triumphant shouts echoing as they closed in on their prize. Saziver heard only their angry shouts as they found the message Zel'eon left for them on the helmet: "For Ray Shelby."
+ ## Examining the Chip
+ Hours later, the street in front of Zel’eon's clinic lay silent, save for the smoldering wreckage of the EchoTech transport. The team had gathered back inside the clinic, the exhilaration of their earlier success buzzing in the air. Yet, unease tinged Saziver's words as he voiced his fears about EchoTech potentially tracking the stolen chip.
+ Zel’eon shared Saziver’s apprehension. He led Saziver to his workshop for a closer inspection of the chip. As they examined it, they discovered that it was entirely crafted from orichalcum—a rare metal renowned for being the only perfect conductor of both electricity and magic - featuring a series of pins on the back, intended to be directly inserted into brain tissue.
+ Zel’eon noted with relief that there didn’t appear to be any embedded tracking software. Instead, it seemed to be engineered to translate electrical signals through the user’s circulatory system, effectively granting someone the ability to control electronic devices with their mind.
+ The rest of the team eventually drifted into the workshop, their earlier tension giving way to celebration. Dregdul proposed a traditional Orcish drinking contest to Senzorin. They began trading drinks as Zel’eon glanced up intermittently from his work to watch their antics. Senzorin, fueled by determination, matched Dregdul drink for drink, the air filled with boisterous cheers and playful jabs between the orc and the elf.
+ Arche moved among her teammates, tending to their wounds and ensuring everyone was taken care of as the evening wore on. Finally, she settled into a chair, observing Senzorin and Dregdul as they grew progressively more inebriated.
+ At last, Saziver bid the team goodnight, retreating to his home, while the others remained in a celebratory haze. Zel’eon, hungry to tap into the true potential of the chip, began drawing plans for the surgical procedure that would implant it directly into his brain.
+ ## Implanting the Chip into Zel'eon's Brain
+ As Senzorin and Dregdul lay sprawled on the floor of the workshop after their drinking contest, the faint sounds of snoring punctuated the otherwise quiet room where Zel’eon proposed his plan for the surgical procedure to implant the chip to Arche. They carefully refined the steps required for the surgery and eventually, after hours of discussion and preparation, Arche agreed to perform the surgery on Zel’eon.
+ Zel’eon strapped himself into the patient’s chair for the first time under a doctor that wasn't himself or his mother. As a wave of apprehension washed over him, Arche carefully made the first incision, skillfully splitting the skin above his frontal lobe.
+ The moment Arche began to drill a hole in his skull sufficient for the chip to fit through, pain erupted through Zel’eon’s body. It was an all-consuming agony, more than he had ever experienced, and it made him scream, his cries echoing throughout the clinic and into the quiet neighborhood beyond. Arche pressed on with the procedure, her focus unwavering, as the sounds of his suffering rang loud in her ears.
+ As soon as the drill pierced through the final layer of his skull, Arche deftly dropped the chip through the newly created hole, the pins penetrating into Zel'eon’s frontal lobe like tiny needles and establishing a connection instantly. She quickly covered the opening, meticulously stitching him up.
+ As Zel’eon’s pain began to fade, he opened his eyes, blinking against the remnants of the pain that had blurred his vision. Shakily, he sat up in the chair, seeing the first rays of the dawn sun shine through the windows of his office. He glanced down at his prosthetic arm, and a wave of realization washed over him. The hidden mechanisms he had designed, once only known to him as the blueprints he had meticulously pored over and memorised, now lay overlaid in his mind over his arm.
+ With a simple thought, he imagined the blade extending from his forearm just as he would have moved a finger, and it obeyed, gliding fluidly from its sheath. Each flick of his mental switch brought an immediate response: the blade extending, retracting, shifting with precision— a delicate waltz of metal and sinew. Arche watched as the world faded into insignificance around Zel'eon, leaving only the exhilaration of becoming one with his creations. He smiled with exhilaration as the soft hum of the world outside began to stir, as if heralding the adventures that awaited Zel'eon, Arche, Saziver, and Senzorin.
+ # Experience Points
+ Zel'eon, Senzorin, Arche, and Saziver gain 150xp each for their success in stealing the experimental orichalcum chip from the EchoTech transport without the Peakers or EchoTech finding out. The team now have a total of 150xp each.
+ # Loot
+ ## Magic Items
+ ### Experimental EchoTech Orichalcum Chip
+ *Wondrous item, legendary*
+ - This chip is crafted entirely from orichalcum, renowned for its exceptional conductive properties for both electricity and magic.
+ - When permanently implanted within the brain, it allows the user to transmit electrical signals through their circulatory system.
+ ### Shinra Arcus M42
+ *Weapon (assault rifle), uncommon*
+ - Damage: 1d10 force damage
+ - Weight: 10 lbs.
+ - Range: 100/300 ft.
+ - Ammunition: requires specially designed energy cartridges that contain magical energy, expending one with each shot, can fire a total of 30 times before needing a 1-hour recharge.
+ - Burst Fire: When you use the burst fire property of an assault rifle, you expend the entire magazine to target a point within normal range, forcing all creatures within a 10-foot radius to make a Dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to the weapon's normal damage (1d10 force damage for the Shinra Arcus M42), with half damage on a successful save; this feature uses up all the rounds left in the magazine.
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+ # Players
+ - Rafiq: Game Master
+ - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 3
+ - Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue 3
+ - Toph: Arche Kagekiyo, High Elf Twilight Cleric 3
+ - Eva: Ellipses Seventhtime, Aasimar Ironmonger Sorcerer 3
+ - Dom: Saziver Copper-Fern, Gnome Empath Psion 3
+ # Session Recap
+ ## Preparations
+ It's the 23rd of Mistfall 1892, and the group meets for breakfast, inviting Ellipses to join them. Zel'eon, Senzorin, Arche, and Ellipses fill Saziver in on the previous day's events, including the golem attack at the New Dawn lecture. They decide to follow up on Lyra Valen's invitation to her estate after their classes, hoping to find out what she wants from them.
+ Before heading to Lyra's estate, Ellipses helps Zel'eon de-rust the Talos Sovereign in their garage and attempts to add a skull to the front of Senzorin's motorcycle, which ends up looking more like a blob. The group stocks up on supplies, with Arche picking up a new rapier. They meet back at the house and head to Greenwich, where Lyra's estate is located.
+ Upon arrival, they are greeted by a large mansion in an affluent district. A mild-mannered butler welcomes them and brings them to a study in the back of the mansion, where Lyra sits. She greets them warmly and asks for their help in investigating the source of the golem attack from the previous night. She suggests they head to the Horizon Community Center to find any clues about who commandeered and sent the golem to kill her.
+ ## Investigation
+ Worried the Council investigators wouldn't let them in, Zel'eon calls Dalen for access to the crime scene but hears the sounds of a firefight in the background of the call. Dalen agrees over the sound of a fireball exploding concerningly close to the handphone, and Zel'eon promptly hangs up.
+ At the community centre, the security officer, a tall sun elf woman, directs them to the security room. On the second floor, Zel'eon and Saziver scrub through the security footage while Arche and Senzorin search a locked supply cabinet. Arche finds a false bottom with a blueprint of the security system marked with handwritten notes on vulnerabilities. Saziver finds no abnormalities in the footage, but Ellipses discovers a runestone inscribed with a rune of altered perception in the trash, indicating the footage had been magically tampered with.
+ Zel'eon notices an escape route on the blueprint leading to a vent on the roof. He unfurls his wings and flies straight up, crashing through a skylight. The rest of the group rushes downstairs to apologize to the inspector. Zel'eon finds nothing on the roof but notices a ladder leading to an alleyway, where he discovers a letter detailing the golem's location and assurances of the recipient's dedication to magical purity. He returns and hands the letter to the inspector, who identifies the seal of the Council being on the letter. The group takes pictures of the evidence before handing it over and leaves after thanking the inspector and apologising to her once again.
+ Arche searches the internet for information on groups dedicated to preserving magical purity and finds a website called the Pure Path, condemning technomancy. The site lists an address, and the group heads to the district of Ham Row. Senzorin sends his owl familiar to scout ahead, finding a dilapidated three-story office building. Saziver and Arche sneak to the back entrance while Zel'eon and Ellipses approach the front door.
+ ## Assault
+ Zel'eon and Ellipses knock on the front door but receive no answer. As they step through, they trigger a trap that knocks them back, shattering the door. Two armed guards appear and point their crossbows at them. Hearing the commotion, Arche, Saziver, and Senzorin sneak in from the back and attack the guards, quickly dispatching them, but an arcane golem suddenly bursts through the ceiling, and arcane bolts fire down from above through the hole created by the golem.
+ Ellipses, Arche, and Saziver head to the second floor to engage a few mages while Zel'eon and Senzorin take on the golem. After finishing off the golem, Zel'eon and Senzorin head upstairs to see the fight wrapping up, only to find Ellipses missing.
+ Ellipses had headed up the stairs to the third floor, finding a door that was left slightly ajar. He pulls it open, and is immediately attacked with two javelins. He sees two figures in the room, a spellcaster sitting calmly behind a desk, and a heavily armoured enforcer, wielding a longsword and a brace of javelins. As the rest of the group hears Ellipses get attacked upstairs, they head up and the group begins battle with Thibault Carroway, the leader of the Purists.
+ Saziver incapacitates Thibault, taking over his mind as the rest of the group focus on taking down the enforcer. Ellipses, overcome by a terrifying might, unveils a frightening necrotic form, unfurling two metallic skeletal wings, causing the enforcer to run in fright. Zel'eon and Senzorin manage to dispatch him, and the group turn to Thibault. Ellipses, still in his terrifying visage, tells him to stand down, and Thibault sits back down behind his desk, defeated.
+ They begin questioning him, trying to find out whether this group was involved in the golem attack on Ruatis. Thibault laughs, and although he does not outright say it, he reveals the Purists were not actually the ones who carried out the attack. The group, frustrated with his reticence, knock him out and begin carrying him downstairs, planning to bring him to Lyra.
+ # Experience Points and Reputation
+ For investigating the evidence left at the scene of the golem attack on the Horizon Community Centre, and wiping out the Purists at their hideout, Ellipses, Senzorin, Arche, Saziver, and Zel'eon gain 400xp each, levelling all of them up to character level 4.
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+ # Players
+ - Rafiq: Game Master
+ - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 4
+ - Toph: Arche Kagekiyo, High Elf Twilight Cleric 4
+ # Session Recap
+ ## The Offices of the Purists
+ On the 23rd of Mistfall 1892, Zel'eon and Arche stand in the offices of the Purists after defeating their leader, Thibault Carroway. They realize the extent of the slaughter they had performed, with Arche feeling a twinge of disappointment through her link with Ruatis. Nevertheless, they begin searching the building for clues regarding the Purists' motivations and their involvement in the terrorist attack on the New Dawn the previous day.
+ In Thibault's office, they find his spellbook, journal, and a ledger detailing the finances of the Purists. The spellbook seems of no immediate use, so they stash it and focus on the journal and ledger. The ledger reveals that the Purists had been steadily losing funds and members since their formation, with a series of anonymous cash transfusions starting three months ago and lasting two months being the only notable entry. Thibault's journal mentions a person named Celeste, valuable to the organization, though no women were encountered during their raid.
+ Zel'eon finds a treasure trove of alchemical supplies in the artificer's workshop, including a recipe for synthesizing alchemical fire and tools for creating and maintaining golems. Meanwhile, Arche searches the meeting room on the second floor and finds a large locked cabinet and a potions case. After Senzorin picks the padlock on the cabinet, Arche finds that the cabinet still resists any attempt to open it. Realising there must be some sort of ward protecting it from being opened, she begins devising a spell to reverse the enchantment while the rest finish searching the building.
+ On the first floor, the group finds reconnaissance documents on multiple magitech companies within Ilrinia, Lyra Valen's estate, and even EchoTech's operations in Mosskach. These documents, however, detail incoherent plans to sabotage or assault these locations. Zel'eon, noticing at this point that Senzorin is barely standing on his feet, sends him off with Ellipses to get some rest. He heads upstairs with Saziver, noticing Arche putting the final touches on her spell.
+ The cabinet swings open to reveal a mannequin dressed in a black bodysuit with silvery metal armour plates sewn in. Arche, recognizing the metal as mithril, tries on the suit and finds it almost fits her perfectly. Wearing the mithril body armour under her regular clothes, Arche heads out of the building onto the now empty street. The group leaves in their rented car, taking the unconscious Thibault Carroway to Lyra's estate.
+ Arriving at Lyra's estate under the light of the new moon, they inform her of the situation. Lyra is shocked at the sight of Thibault and bids the party come in for an explanation. They skirt around the fact that they killed the rest of the Purists, and Lyra tells them to head back home while she deals with the situation. The party returns to their house in Arbalest, exhausted from the day, and get a good night's rest.
+ ## Arche's Crisis
+ Arche enlists Zel'eon, who makes a call to Dalen Blackwell to see if he can help them get to the rooftop of the Peak, a skyscraper owned by the Sylvan corporation. He tells them he doesn't have quite as much sway as they assumed, but he could get them a meeting with someone in Sylvan. Indeed, as they are on the way to the Peak, they receive a message from Dalen telling them they have a meeting with an Arthur Truges, an executive in Sylvan.
+ Heading into the Peak, Arche and Zel'eon speak to the receptionist and are directed to Arthur's office on the 80th floor. Speaking to the executive, they find that the only way they can convince him to get access to the rooftop is to help him out with something he needs; hunting a beast called the Storm Serpent, sacred to a tribe of wood elves in the jungle of Alwahd. Knowing that she was on a time limit to complete the ritual by midnight, Arche convinced Arthur to provide transport, as well as some equipment that would help them hunt the Storm Serpent.
+ Zel'eon and Arche head back down to the first floor of the Peak, finding an awaiting helicarrier with accompanying pilot. They pile in, finding a bag of holding, two insulating suits as well as a split bladed sword, requested by Arche. The transport takes them over the city's skyline, depositing them on the edge of the jungle. They slowly make their way through the vegetation, finding charred trees and electrified puddles, as the sky got darker around them and the ambient static electricity levels slowly increased.
+ Eventually, the pair comes upon a large, ancient tree hollow that is surrounded by the electrified puddles that have become common on their hunt. Arche suddenly spots two silver eyes staring at them from the underbrush and tells Zel'eon to freeze. The two get ready, Zel'eon unfurling his wings, as they prepare for battle.
+ Arche channels the power of the new moon as she and Zel'eon do battle with the Storm Serpent, a titanic snake with silvery, iridescent scales that did its utmost to strike the pair down with strikes of elemental lightning and thunderclaps. The pair does eventually prevail, striking the serpent down and decapitating it. Realising the elves that worship it are sure to investigate soon, they begin carving the serpent's corpse into as small pieces as will fit in their provided bag of holding.
+ As they finish stuffing the carved bits of the serpent into the bag, Arche hears sounds coming from the side of the clearing. She quickly tosses a potion of invisibility to Zel'eon, who drinks it and disappears from view, and disappears herself into the underbrush, watching as a small group of wood elves emerge into the clearing. She hears them call out for the storm serpent, but to no avail. Fleeing back to the helicarrier, she hears the keening of the elves, calling out for their missing god.
+ ### The Ritual
+ Zel'eon and Arche arrive back at the Peak, heading up to Arthur Truges' office and handing him the bag of holding. As promised, he tells them to head up to the 264th story for rooftop access. As the pair ride the elevator up to the roof, they emerge to a stunning sight; even higher than they were on the helicarrier, they see the new moon shining above them. Arche begins setting up the ritual, drawing the ritual circle out of chalk and moon dust. She kneels at the centre of the circle, and asks Zel'eon to begin.
+ Zel'eon takes his surgical tools out and heats them with his implants, sterilising them. He steps towards Arche and begins cutting into her left eyeball, extracting it and severing her left optic nerve. He does the same with her right eyeball, as Arche stays kneeling, not even flinching at the pain. As soon as her eyes are removed, she looks up at the moon, seeing it even without vision. She begins beseeching Ruatis, and Zel'eon watches as moonlight begins pooling in her eye sockets, shining out into the night sky.
+ As the light fades, he watches as the moonlight coalesces into orbs of silver light inscribed with a symbol - the elvish rune for moon. Arche looks at him and places a hand on his shoulder. Zel'eon looks out at the city skyline and realises he can see in the darkness. Arche turns and looks back towards the centre of the rooftop, where they came from. Zel'eon, turning to see what she is looking at, sees a figure in all white walking towards them.
+ As this figure gets closer, it becomes obvious that it is Ruatis. Appearing as a vaguely elvish looking woman dressed in a silvery white gown, she approaches Arche and speaks with her briefly, calling Arche her prophet and telling her to continue her mission and spread word of Ruatis. Ruatis also tells Arche to conduct herself as a prophet would, and to not diminish Ruatis' name among the people of Aenyrathia.
+ As the goddess disappears, Arche and Zel'eon are left by themselves on the rooftop, alone. Without much further discussion, Zel'eon picks up Arche and unfurls his wings. Stepping off the edge of the rooftop, he glides down, over the city of Ilrinia, landing back at home.
+ # Experience Points and Reputation
+ For their success in hunting the storm serpent in the jungles of Alwahd, the group earns 500xp, bringing them to a new total of 3200xp.
+ Their actions have increased their standing with the New Dawn, as well as the Sylvan Corporation.
+ # Loot
+ ## Magic Items
+ ### Mithril Plate Armour
+ *Armor (plate armour), very rare*
+ This black bodysuit is interwoven with plates of mithril at the shoulders, chest, and libs. The plates are lightweight but durable, providing an exceptional level of protection without sacrificing mobility. The suit fits snugly under regular clothing, making it ideal for staying inconspicuous.
+ While wearing this armour, you gain the following benefits:
+ - You have an armour class of 18.
+ - You do not have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks as a result of wearing this armour.
+ ### Wand of Secrets
+ *Wand, uncommon*
+ The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, and if a secret door or trap is within 30 feet of you, the wand pulses and points at the one nearest to you. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
+ ## Miscellaneous
+ - Tools for creating and maintaining arcane golems
+ - Alchemical supplies
+ - 1x Golem control core
+ - 2x light crossbows
+ - 20x crossbow bolts
+ - 2x potion of healing
+ - 3x potion of fire breath
+ - 1x potion of invisibility (used)
+ - 1x vial of alchemical fire
+ - 2x insulating rubber suits
+ - 1x split bladed sword (rapier stats)
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+ # Players
+ - Rafiq: Game Master
+ - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 4
+ - Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue 4
+ # Recap
+ ## The Press Conference
+ The soft light of the Zalaris morning filtered through the curtains of Zel’eon and Senzorin’s living room as they lounged on their couch. It's the 25th of Mistfall 1892, the day after Zel'eon and Arche had finished their ritual to Ruatis on the rooftop of the Peak. They watched as a televised press conference delivered by the Council of Arcaneum's Archmage of Divination, Emeline Valeria, announced the findings of the Council regarding the culprits of the golem attack on the Horizon Community Centre on the 22nd of Mistfall. Her voice, crisp and commanding, filled the room as she condemned Thibault Carroway, the leader of the Purists, for his supposed role in the recent golem attack on the Horizon Community Centre. Behind her, Lyra Valen, the leader of the New Dawn, wore a satisfied expression, her pleasure evident as the narrative unfolded.
+ The two young men exchanged glances. They, along with Saziver, Arche, and Ellipses, had discovered the Purists' incompetence in their machinations, and had surmised they probably weren't the ones behind the golem attack. They had then delivered Carroway to Lyra along with the evidence of this fact. However, a sudden knock at the door interrupted their thoughts.
+ Zel'eon opened it to find a gift hamper from the Council, brimming with treasures: jars of rare honey, a wheel of dwarven cheese, glimmer berries, and dire boar ham. Accompanying the hamper were two letters—one from Dalen Blackwell, representing the Council, and another from Lyra Valen herself. Dalen's letter expressed congratulations for their brave actions during the golem attack and detailed a reward of 3,000 Ilrinian dollars to be credited to each member of the party. Lyra's letter echoed similar sentiments, thanking them profusely for their assistance in identifying the true culprit behind the chaos at the community centre, along with a reward of 2,000 Ilrinian dollars each.
+ As they discussed the implications of the Council's intrigue and the New Dawn’s involvement with the Purists, Zel’eon and Senzorin decided to remain detached from the unfolding drama. They agreed that if their help was truly needed, either Dalen and Lyra would reach out to them. With their breakfast finished, they prepared to head to Arbalest Academy, eager for the excitement of combat class. Zel’eon, energized by the prospect of sparring, managed to persuade Senzorin to engage in a one-on-one match for the first time.
+ ## Combat Class
+ The clash of steel against armour echoed across the training field behind Arbalest Academy as the weekly combat class commenced. Students squared off in intense sparring matches, their teachers trading formal attire for combat-ready gear. Zel’eon, clad in shining white armour that gleamed in the sunlight, stood confidently with his wings unfurled, while Senzorin faced him, feeling unprepared in comparison. He gripped his cutlass in one hand, the other empty, as he fended off a relentless barrage of attacks.
+ After a few moments, their instructor, Mr. Thorne, called for a pause. He pulled Senzorin aside and urged him to adopt his usual combat stance, suggesting that fighting without his revolver wasn’t natural. Senzorin fired back that he wasn't allowed to carry ammunition into the school, but the manticore told him to try it anyway. As Senzorin settled into his familiar stance, shouldering his cutlass and staying light on his feet, Zel’eon seized the opportunity to strike, lunging forward with fierce determination, relishing the thrill of combat.
+ Senzorin evaded for a time, but growing weary and in a moment of desperation, instinctively pointed his unloaded revolver at Zel’eon and pulled the trigger. To their astonishment, a bolt of elemental fire shot forth, catching Zel’eon in the chest and sending him stumbling back. Mr. Thorne roared with delight, urging Zel’eon to fight back. Zel’eon regrouped, defending against the barrage of fire that Senzorin unleashed, but soon found himself overwhelmed.
+ Disoriented and scrambling to regain his focus, Zel’eon slammed his palms onto the ground, unleashing a wave of ice that enveloped Senzorin and sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious. After the match, and with Mr. Thorne’s congratulations still ringing in his ears, Zel’eon carried his friend to the infirmary. As Senzorin regained consciousness, he initially berated Zel’eon for not revealing his magical ability, but then recalled his own feat. Their faces broke into grins as they contemplated the potential of their newfound powers and how to develop them further.
+ ## Senzorin and Jonathan's First Date
+ Returning home on the afternoon of the 25th of Mistfall, Zel'eon and Senzorin decide to pursue further their plans of getting parts for their broken down vintage sedan, a Talos Sovereign. Senzorin prepared for a date with Jonathan Ralston, a student from Miskatonic University who they had saved during the golem attack, and who Senzorin had been texting over the last few days. Not particularly being interested in the spoiled rich kid, Senzorin's main objective was to glean information about Jonathan’s father, Victor Ralston, who owned a Talos Sovereign similar to the one they wanted to repair. Zel’eon decided to shadow them from the rooftops, eavesdropping on their conversation through an audio channel broadcast from Senzorin’s phone.
+ The evening air was crisp as Senzorin arrived at the designated meeting spot. Jonathan greeted him warmly, a flirty smile playing on his lips. As their conversation continued through the late afternoon, Zel’eon crouched atop the rooftops, ears tuned into the unfolding date. Through the audio feed, he learned vital information about the exclusive Chrome Lounge, accessible only through a private elevator in one of the Platinum Tower’s sub-basements. Jonathan revealed that his father planned to showcase his Talos Sovereign in just a few days, and the car would be sent to the garage at 3 PM. This new knowledge intrigued the pair, even as Senzorin found himself oddly enjoying the date more than he would have thought he would.
+ ## The Albino Man
+ After the date concluded, Senzorin and Zel’eon understood they required more details to execute their plan effectively. As the afternoon sun sank below the horizon, casting long shadows over the bustling streets of Ilrinia, the pair made their way to the Iron Horse Tavern, a well-known bar in the Greenwich district that Senzorin knew had ties to the Thieves' Guild.
+ Upon arriving, Senzorin hesitated outside the tavern, his gaze drifting across the street to a small bubble tea shop. There, he spotted the half-elf woman he had previously tried to charm, only to be rebuffed. Summoning his courage, he decided to give it another shot. This time, fortune smiled upon him; he received a smile and a name - Emily. Bolstered by this small victory, he rejoined Zel’eon at the tavern. They sat at the bar and awaited their chance to speak with someone who could provide the crucial information they needed.
+ Soon, a portly man emerged from the backroom, his expression sour as he shot Senzorin a pointed glare. Recognizing him as a fence from their previous dealings, Senzorin approached him, inquiring about information regarding the Platinum Tower. The man’s response was curt, his demeanor as unwelcoming as ever, but he directed them to the backroom.
+ With a nod from Sam, the duo descended a narrow staircase, entering a hidden bar that mirrored the Iron Horse Tavern above. This secretive space was dimly lit and sparsely populated, an unseen force cleaning glasses behind the bar, while a middle-aged albino man sat alone in the middle of the room, observing them with a piercing intensity.
+ The albino man's gaze seemed to weigh heavily on them as he spoke, requesting a favour in exchange for the information they sought. He revealed that an EchoTech prototype was being held by a gang known as the Avjarn, located in the derelict district of Ham Row. The man provided little else in the way of details, only mentioning that the Avjarn could be identified by their distinctive heavy armour.
+ Senzorin and Zel’eon stepped out of the tavern, prepared to face whoever - or whatever - this Avjarn was.
+ ## The Avjarn
+ Senzorin and Zel’eon made their way through the dimly lit streets of Ham Row, where the shadows of abandoned buildings loomed over them. The air carried a chill, thick with the scent of decay and neglect. As they progressed, Senzorin sent his owl familiar into the night, the small creature gliding effortlessly through the darkness to scout ahead. It didn’t take long for the owl to spot a glint of metal in a nearby alley, drawing the pair closer.
+ Peering into the alley, they saw a group of heavily armoured figures huddled around a table, their faces concealed behind menacing visors. The sight sent a flicker of caution down Zel’eon’s spine. Stepping forward from the cover of shadows, he moved cautiously, wary of the figures’ reaction.
+ As he approached, the tension in the air thickened, the armoured figures shifting uneasily. One of them rose, flipping up his visor to reveal a middle-aged orc with a weathered face, his skin a rich brown hue decorated with scars that told stories of battles fought. Senzorin and Zel’eon exchanged surprised glances; orcs like him were rarely seen in Ilrinia, especially ones that had not succumbed to the city’s gentrification.
+ With an air of tentative diplomacy, they introduced themselves, carefully conveying their intentions to speak with the Avjarn’s leader. The brown-skinned orc, introducing himself as Urag, studied them for a moment before nodding, beckoning them to follow. He led them into an abandoned clothing store that concealed a hidden passage leading down to the Avjarn's hideout.
+ Descending into the basement, they entered a sprawling communal living space where the walls of the former apartment complex had been torn down. The sight stirred a deep empathy within Senzorin and Zel’eon as they listened to Urag recount the Avjarn’s harrowing past—how they had escaped the tyranny of an orc warlord funded by EchoTech, who had unified the tribes of Ibuth to monopolize the orichalcum supply in the region.
+ Eventually, they were brought before Xugha, the leader of the Avjarn. He was a formidable figure with pitch-black skin, his presence commanding yet cautious. The room he occupied was filled with masterfully crafted weapons and armour, each piece a testament to the Avjarn’s skills, alongside a nondescript padlocked safe tucked away in the corner.
+ Xugha regarded them with a mix of suspicion and intrigue. The weight of the moment hung in the air as he listened to their story. Slowly, the tension began to dissipate, and his demeanor shifted from guarded to slightly more open, though the underlying caution remained. After a thoughtful pause, he allowed Senzorin and Zel’eon to stay for the night, instructing them to keep the location of the Avjarn’s hideout a secret to protect them from potential reprisal by EchoTech.
+ As night deepened, the atmosphere inside the Avjarn's hideout transformed into one of warmth and camaraderie. Senzorin and Zel’eon shared hearty drinks with their new companions, the rich flavours of the Orcish brew warming their spirits and easing the strain of the day.
+ As they conversed, Zel’eon began to notice a stark difference in the Avjarn’s culture compared to the orcs he grew up with in Mosskach. Unlike his kin, who revelled in combat and sparring, these orcs seemed content to build and create, channelling their energies into craftsmanship rather than conflict.
+ Once the festivities settled and the orcs succumbed to sleep, Senzorin slipped on his cloak of invisibility. He moved quietly through the hideout, the padlocked safe in Xugha’s quarters looming larger in his mind. Yet, as he scouted the space, the thought of stealing from the Avjarn felt increasingly wrong. Each corner he turned revealed scenes of resilience and community, deepening his empathy for their plight and the life they had carved out amidst adversity.
+ Eventually, Senzorin and Zel’eon returned home, fatigue pulling at their limbs. Sharing a silence, their night with the Avjarn still fresh in their minds, they found themselves questioning their mission. They resolved to seek a different path—one wouldn't jeopardise the Avjarn.
+ ## Hacking into the Platinum Tower
+ On the 26th of Mistfall, the sun rose brightly over the city as Senzorin and Zel’eon made their way back to the Avjarn hideout. They descended below the hideout to where the Avjarn had carved out a large cavern, setting up their forges. Zel’eon focused intently on his project, making a ceremonial rapier adorned with the elvish symbol of the moon, a birthday gift for Arche. Meanwhile, Senzorin worked on a striking steel full moon, the size of a disco ball. As they hammered away, the conversation inevitably shifted back to their plans. The idea of hacking into the Platinum Tower’s security systems took root in their minds, presenting an opportunity to achieve their goals without harming the Avjarn.
+ As dusk approached and they left the Avjarn hideout, Senzorin called Jonathan. Jonathan picked up almost instantly, Jonathan’s voice brightening at the sound of Senzorin's name. With his family out of town, Jonathan extended an invitation to his penthouse in the Platinum Tower, providing a chance for Senzorin to gather information. Before parting ways, Senzorin opened a secure audio channel to Zel’eon’s phone, and they split up—Zel’eon heading home while Senzorin made his way to Jonathan’s.
+ Upon arriving at the penthouse, Senzorin was welcomed into Jonathan’s room, where they shared a passionate encounter that left Senzorin pleasantly surprised by the depth of his enjoyment, despite knowing he had an ulterior motive involving Jonathan’s father. Meanwhile, Zel’eon sat mortified, his face flushed with embarrassment as he listened through the audio channel. The sounds of their intimacy filled the silence, amplifying his discomfort as he tried to focus on the heist they had planned.
+ After their passionate moments, Jonathan lay peacefully satisfied in bed, and Senzorin seized the opportunity to excuse himself. Quietly, he slipped away to the kitchen where he had previously seen a computer terminal. He hacked into the security systems, gathering vital information about the private parking garage, and sent the details to Zel’eon. With a sigh of relief, he ended the audio communication, returning to Jonathan’s side. They spent the night together, while Zel’eon, mercifully left to his own thoughts, planned the heist for the following day.
+ ## The Heist
+ The morning of the 27th of Mistfall dawned bright and clear, sunlight streaming through the windows as Senzorin and Zel’eon shared a simple breakfast. The faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the scent of fried dire boar ham filled the air, but their thoughts were focused on the task ahead. With determination etched on his face, Zel’eon leaned across the table, demonstrating the intricate steps required to remove the engine block from their own Talos Sovereign. They had meticulously planned for Senzorin to handle the heist alone, knowing that his agility and stealth far surpassed Zel’eon’s own.
+ As the afternoon approached, the clock ticked closer to 3:30 PM. Senzorin and Zel’eon arrived at the towering Platinum Tower, its sleek glass façade glinting in the sunlight. Senzorin donned the cloak of invisibility, rendering him nearly undetectable as he slipped through the unarmed fire exit door.
+ Senzorin descended several flights, pausing at the bottom at the door to the garage. Pushing the door open slowly, it creaked loudly, sending a jolt of panic through him. He froze, holding his breath as guards on the other side stirred, their keen senses alert to the disturbance. After a tense moment, the guards moved on, and Senzorin seized the opportunity to try the door again. But fortune was not on his side; the door creaked once more, and the guards immediately snapped into a combat stance, their eyes scanning the area.
+ Senzorin, realising he had to act quickly, whipped out his revolver and fired at one of the guards, but the close proximity threw off his aim, and the shot went wide, ricocheting off the wall with a sharp crack. Cursing under his breath, Senzorin lunged forward, swiftly knocking out the guard in the stairwell. He burst into the garage just in time to see another guard rushing toward the security console. He took careful aim again, pulling the trigger and knocking the guard out cold before taking stock of the situation.
+ In the centre of the garage, a large tarp covered a vehicle sitting in the middle of a glowing teleportation circle. Senzorin strode over and yanked the tarp aside, revealing the sleek lines of the Talos Sovereign beneath. Following Zel’eon’s instructions, he swiftly disconnected the engine block, the mechanics of the task almost instinctual as he shoved the precious cargo into his bag of holding. With the engine block secured, Senzorin darted back toward the fire exit, bounding up the steps with a sense of urgency. As he burst into the alleyway, he threw on the cloak of invisibility just in time to evade a surveillance crystal mounted near the door.
+ Zel’eon was waiting on Senzorin’s motorcycle, engine rumbling softly, a beacon of escape. He felt the rush of air as Senzorin landed on the back, and without hesitation, he revved the engine and sped off. The afternoon sun hung high above Ilrinia, casting a warm glow on the exhilarated duo as they raced home, laughter spilling from their lips, giddy with the thrill of their successful heist.
+ # XP
+ For their success in the heist, along with discovering their abilities during the combat class and making allies instead of enemies out of the Avjarn, the party gains 500 experience points, bringing them from 3200xp to 3700xp.
+ # Loot
+ ## Magic Items
+ ### Einrow's Revolver
+ Weapon (revolver), uncommon
+ - Weapon Properties: This magic weapon has the following properties:
+ - Range: 30/120 feet
+ - Damage: 1d6 piercing damage
+ - Bonus: You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
+ - Elemental Bolt: The user may choose to fire an elemental bolt instead of its normal ammunition. When used in this way, the user chooses either fire, cold, or lightning damage. The damage dealt by this weapon for that attack then changes to match the chosen damage type.
+ ## Miscellaneous
+ - $5000 each to the bank accounts of Zel'eon, Senzorin, Arche, Saziver, and Ellipses
+ - A gift hamper containing:
+ - Dire Boar Ham: A cured meat delicacy made from dire boar, known for its rich flavor and hearty qualities.
+ - Jars of Rare Honey: These jars contain honey harvested from enchanted bees, known for their sweet taste and magical properties.
+ - Wheel of Dwarven Cheese: A wheel of cheese aged in the mountains, prized for its robust flavor.
+ - Glimmer Berries: These small, shimmering fruits are a favorite snack among adventurers and are infused with a hint of magical energy.
+ - Ceremonial Rapier: A beautifully crafted rapier made for Arche's 18th birthday by Zel'eon, adorned with the elvish rune of the moon
+ - Steel Full Moon Orb: A piece of polished steel made for Arche's 18th birthday by Senzorin in the shape of the full moon
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+ - Zel'eon stands outside his clinic with Dregdul the morning after the robbery, looking at the skid marks on the road and discussing how they will handle being under attack from the Peakers
+ - Saziver wakes up in a cold sweat and immediately checks if EchoTech is tracking the chip - they are not, but they are tracking an assault rifle that Arche took from one of the guards, and a helmet that they have lost signal of
+ - Zel'eon cooks breakfast for Arche, Senzorin, Dregdul, and Saziver, who arrives at Zel's clinic after he is called over
+ - As Saziver expounds the importance of getting rid of the assault rifle as soon as possible, there is a knock at the front doors of the clinic. Zel'eon goes to see an EchoTech employee, a bulky dark skinned middle aged woman with completely white hair in a finely made black suit, standing outside his clinic.
+ - The woman tells Zel'eon that EchoTech knows the assault rifle is with them, and enquires if Zel'eon happened to take anything else from the scene. After Zel'eon denies it, the woman gets extremely suspicious and threatens him, but after gaining no ground, she tells him that she will be back.
+ - Zel'eon, thinking they know he has the chip, goes upstairs to his workshop and destroys all evidence of the chip as best he can. Saziver and Senzorin prepare to leave to avoid any trouble with EchoTech.
+ - Zel'eon and Arche wait at the clinic's entrance for EchoTech to arrive, intending to avoid a fight and give them what they want. However, as they are surprised by the glass front door breaking as armed EchoTech guards storm in, Arche accidentally sends the medical gauze wrapped assault rifle in her arms towards one of the guards, shattering his HUD goggles.
+ - Arche and Zel'eon try and surrender immediately, kneeling at gunpoint while the EchoTech employee sends one of the guards up to search the rest of the clinic. She gets a message from him and gets a delighted look on her face, and asks Arche and Zel where the chip is. Zel'eon manages to convince her he has no idea what she is talking about, but Arche suddenly switches her way of talking to a haughty voice and refuses to answer any of EchoTech's questions, leading to the woman growing impatient as they prepare to leave, taking Arche with them.
+ - Zel'eon suddenly spies Senzorin's motorcycle passing by the front of the clinic and shouts out for help. Senzorin, with Saziver as his pillion, swerves left and blasts through the front of the clinic, knocking down the EchoTech employees. As this was happening, the guard who was holding them at gunpoint smacks Arche across the face with the stock of his rifle to knock her out for transport, but instead, something unexpected happens.
+ - Arche's vision goes black, and in the blackness she suddenly sees the moon before hearing a soft voice in her head that simply states "Shoot yourself, Luvia." She grabs the barrel of the guards assault rifle and puts it to her head, and as the trigger depresses by itself, Arche's head is blown back and white glowing crystals shoot out of the wound. Arche opens her eyes, revealing them to be a pure white, before shouting an incantation in some ancient language at the guard who doubles over and begins vomiting blood and black sludge.
+ - Saziver hops off the back of the motorcycle and quickly hacks the remaining guard's phone, making it seem as if his wife just texted him saying that she is cheating on him and that he is the ugliest man she has ever met. The guard pulls out his phone and clutches his hair, yelling in anguish before fainting. However, that is what only Saziver sees; the others in the room watch as what actually happens is Saziver stares at the man, eyes bulging, and the man is suddenly frozen in place as he opens his mouth to scream. The guard's eyes roll back in his skull and he drops to the floor head first with a sickening crunch, dead before he even hit the floor.
+ - The EchoTech lady tries to clamber over the front counter of a clinic to read an incantation from her phone and cast a spell to get her out of there, but Zel'eon slices her Achilles tendon and she goes stumbling to the floor. She crawls over to a wall and begs for mercy, but Zel informs her this is the price she pays for breaking his door. With a thrust through the middle of her skull, Zel'eon's blade severs her brain stem and ends her begging.
+ - The four of them realise that EchoTech is going to be after them now that they know the chip is with Zel and that they killed three of their employees. They decide to flee to the neighbouring city of Ilrinia.
+ - Saziver and Arche go visit Saziver's mentor, an orc called Both Steeljaw. As Saziver tells him what happened, he grows grave and unexpectedly calls Saziver's mind back to the power the rest saw him use in the clinic. He tells Saziver that EchoTech has hired him as Both has recently discovered that he has psionic abilities because an individual with psionic abilities has a chance to pass them on to someone else after prolonged close contact. Both suspects Saziver has developed psionic abilities, and tells him as much. Saziver is shocked, but puts it out of his mind for now, telling Both that he needs him to talk to Saziver's parents for him to explain why he is moving to Ilrinia. Both agrees, and hugs Saziver, wishing him luck.
+ - Zel'eon goes to Dregdul's auto body shop, where he tells his friend what happened and that he has to leave. Dregdul understands but tells Zel'eon to follow him as he has a gift for him. Dregdul gives him an expanding metal shield implant to go on his arm. It is unfinished, as Dregdul intended to work on it with Zel'eon.
+ - Saziver devises a cover for the four of them as exchange students to Arbalest Academy in a suburban neighbourhood of Ilrinia.
+ - Senzorin gathers what possessions he wishes to take, including a bunch of cash, and the four of them get into a car stolen from the apartment's parking garage, before leaving.
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+ # 2300hrs, 31st of Eternae 1892, Uroim
+ - After stealing the car from Senzorin's apartment complex garage, the four of them head off towards the causeway between Mosskach and Ilrinia
+ - Arche suddenly passes out, seeing a full moon in a dark night sky all around her. An androgynous figure appears out of the moon and comes towards her, greeting Arche by her birth name Luvia. The figure reveals herself as the moon goddess Ruatis, and tells Arche that she is the first worshipper of Ruatis in many years. Ruatis tasks Arche with spreading word of Ruatis.
+ - Arche snaps awake and tells the rest she met God.
+ - Saziver realises EchoTech can probably track them by their enchanted orichalcum chips in their phones and electronic devices. Everyone upon hearing this, immediately throws their phones away. Saziver however, doesn't want to lose his cyberdeck, his only means of surveillance and his primary mode of communication.
+ - Saziver disassembles it and keeps the non orichalcum components, passing the EchoTech manufactured parts to Senzorin.
+ - Senzorin speeds off and tosses the orichalcum parts into a nearby car, whose window is open because the fat dwarf driver within is smoking out the window. The dwarf, in rage, pulls a gun and fires on Senzorin.
+ - Arche acts quickly and pulls out one of her collapsible spears of elven make and throws it at the dwarf's car's back left wheel. It punctures the tyre and the car skids off the road. The party speeds off and continues towards the causeway. (50xp)
+ # 0100hrs, 1st of Mistfall 1892, Ruatis
+ - The party encounters some trouble at the customs after an EchoTech operative notices Zel'eon's prosthetic arm matching the description of the EchoTech fugitives, but they evade detection and speed off towards Ilrinia. (50xp)
+ - After arriving in Ilrinia, they refuel their vehicles at a gas station, though noticing that Ilrinia gas stations are a little bit odd. The fuel pumps are manned by automatons, constructs of steel that are animated by magic.
+ - They take a break, realising how tired they are from being up all night and fighting just a few hours ago, and decide to find a place to stay. Senzorin decides to bring them to his childhoof home, a skyscraper in the city centre.
+ - They drive to the central district of Ilrinia, a place filled with skyscrapers and corporations named the Core. However, upon arriving at the skyscraper where the Talos family penthouse is meant to be, the doorman turns them away and tells them nobody by the name of Talos is in te building, and couldn't let anyone random in even if there was.
+ # 0300hrs, 1st of Mistfall 1892, Ruatis
+ - The group, in absence of any other plans, decide to head to Arbalest Academy to try and find some place to stay. Senzorin drives them one by one on his motorcycle as the car they took broke down right outside the Talos address. As they arrive outside the school, they all pass out on the grass right outside the front gates.
+ - Arche, having to sleep less than the rest, notices a lanky figure sneak into the school and mess with their metal detector, before slinking off into the night.
+ - The four of them wake up to the principal of the school, John de Bolbec, greeting them. He tells them to head inside with him, and that they can settle accomodations for them.
+ # XP Gained
+ 100xp (total 450xp so far)
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+ # 1000hrs, 1st of Mistfall, Ruatis
+ Principal John de Bolbec, a tall, lithe middle aged man with blood red eyes, is the first thing Zel'eon, Saziver, Senzorin, and Arche see as they wake up on the front lawn of Arbalest Academy. Still bleary eyed and sleep deprived, they gather the meagre possessions they brought to Ilrinia and follow the principal into the school.
+ Senzorin runs into his first Ilrinian obstacle when he is told weapons are not allowed to be on school property and he has to submit his cutlass and revolvers to the security guard before he is allowed in. The rest of the group first try to convince him to give them up, but when they are unsuccessful in the face of Senzorin's paranoia, manage to convince the principal to let him bring in his weapons just for today.
+ In the principal's office, the four are immediately confronted by Principal John who has seen through their ruse, stating that there is no way exchange students would be permitted to join the Academy so late in their final year. However, he realises they are still exhausted from their escape from Mosskach, and let them go to their housing to rest for the day. The four are suitably chastened and promise to return the next day with a full retelling of their stories.
+ Later, at their student housing (a two story house just behind Arbalest Park), the group has a discussion about what they should tell the principal. They realise the consequences could be dire, namely EchoTech finding out they are in Ilrinia and hunting them down, and so decide to tell the principal everything. They are about to turn in for the night when they hear a commotion in the direction of the school.
+ Despite their aching bodies, they run towards the noise, through Arbalest Park. The noise they heard, seemingly of a fight, has quietened down, though they still hear raised voices coming from the pond. They stop short under the cover of the treeline just before the pond as they realise the source of the voices - a squadron of Ilrinian policemen that seem to have just arrived at the scene. The pond in the middle of the park is filled with green and red blood floating up from the depths, and its source is revealed when
+ # 1000hrs 2nd of Mistfall, Yros
+ full retelling to principal john including luvia full name
+ go about their classes
+ # 2300hrs, 2nd of Mistfall, Yros
+ ellipses has just been told a full retelling of the events of the previous days
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+ # 2nd Mistfall 1892 - 5th Mistfall 1892
+ Senzorin takes inventory of his possessions brought from Mosskach; He is left with a comfortable amount of money, 5 pistols, and barely any spare ammo left. He decides to roam Ilrinia, looking for anything to do other than school. He manages to find a decent amount of symbols and signs in Thieves' Cant - a secret system of disseminating information for those who still adhere to the archaic concept of honour among thieves - denoting safehouses, potential targets, and dangerous places. He is unable to worm his way into any of the marked safehouses, but does notice that many of the manholes in Dunwich are marked with the danger symbol.
+ Saziver dives into school headfirst, even joining an extracurricular club in the form of the Computer Club. He spots one of the friends he makes there, a wiry half-orc sophomore named Zammar, using orichalcum traces in his circuit boards, piquing his interest as he had heard of the difficulty of obtaining orichalcum in Ilrinia due to EchoTech not wanting other magitech companies to crop up. He manages to convince Zammar to tell him where he got the orichalcum, but the half-orc tells him to wait until Udis and to expect him at Saziver's house for the information.
+ Zel'eon uses his time in his design and technology classes to further refine and rework his implants. He manages to come up with a new design for his leg implants that could boost his agility. In the rest of his time, he studies the orcs of Ilrinia, in particular their differences from the larger population of orcs in Mosskach. He finds out that the Ilrinian orcs have mostly gotten here through wealth and assimilation into Ilrinian society, and therefore behave very differently from what he is used to. He also borrows some money from Senzorin to pick up some healing potions for the party.
+ Zammar shows up at the group's doorstep, telling them that his father is the one who got the orichalcum, having connections to the orcs in Mosskach. He intended to use it to manufacture magitech in Ilrinia on par with EchoTech's products, but it was stolen a few days ago by an unknown party. He directs the party to his house, which is where his father works out of, and reminds them not to let it lead back to him.
+ The party heads to the orc's house to check it out, and finds some tracks leading to a sewer grate behind the house. They deduce that the sewers beneath Arbalest must contain some sort of hideout for the thieves and they decide to find a way into it to retrieve the orichalcum for themselves.
+ Arche heads to the library and finds that the only way to get access to a map of the sewers beneath the city was to enter the library archives. Senzorin scouts the library and finds a limited number of options into the archives. Arche finds out that she can gain access to the library if she passes a free course held by the National Library, but that the waiting list for the course would mean that she would have to wait some weeks for a slot.
+ The group decides to try and scout out one of the sewer entrances nearby their house. They pry open a manhole and head down the ladder, landing in ankle deep sewer water. As they begin searching for any entrances or exits, they are suddenly attacked by two armed ratfolk.
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+ # Session Recap
+ ## The Sewer Tunnels
+ It's the middle of the afternoon on Udis, the 6th of Mistfall 1892. Zel'eon, Arche, [Senzorin](, and [Saziver]( are navigating the sewers beneath [Arbalest](, following the trail of a stolen chunk of orichalcum. After defeating a group of ratfolk guards, the party takes a moment to recover. Frustrated by his inability to see in the dark like the rest of the party, Zel'eon dismantles his flashlight, exposing its electronics, and implants it under his collarbone, allowing him to control the light at will. They notice a sewer tunnel on the far wall with sawed-off iron bars and a rusted alarm bell beside it.
+ Arche and Saziver search the ratfolk corpses and find a rough map, a small vial of murky liquid, and a string necklace adorned with rat bones and teeth. They determine the map shows the layout of the ratfolk hideout, the vial is a weak healing potion, and the necklace is a protective talisman. Zel'eon attempts to harvest body parts for implants but fails due to his inexperience with ratfolk anatomy.
+ ## Into The Barracks
+ Upon examining the tunnel, they find it trapped with a tripwire connected to the alarm bell. Senzorin disarms the trap and removes the bell, while Zel'eon stores the rusted screws and some sewer sludge in a vial, loading it into his arm cannon. The party then crawls through the tunnel, moving as quietly as possible. Their caution pays off as they emerge into the ratfolk barracks, taking the occupants by surprise. They quickly dispatch three unarmed ratfolk and a trained giant rat.
+ The room is filled with straw mats and threadbare blankets, with a small cooking fire burning weakly in the corner. Senzorin notices an unconscious man tied to a post in the middle of the room and approaches him. Arche revives the man with a healing potion, who introduces himself as [Dalen Blackwell](, an executor for the [Council of Arcaneum]( He explains that he was ambushed and brought down here to provide information about the surface to the ratfolk leader. He assumes the Council had received his distress [Message]( and had sent the party to rescue him, telling them about the leader, Verminlord Skratch, who wields a powerful magical amulet. The party corrects him and tells him they were not sent by the council, but withhold their intentions of claiming the orichalcum and promise to return and free Dalen later.
+ ## Potions and Traps
+ They proceed up a narrow stairway to an alchemical laboratory. The room is filled with wooden shelves crammed with ingredients and a workbench covered in scrolls and equipment. A ratfolk alchemist, upon seeing the party, chitters and flees through a north door. The party decides to investigate the lab first before pursuing.
+ Arche finds a locked glass cabinet containing potions. Senzorin tries to pick the lock but fails due to its crude ratfolk engineered mechanism being something wholly unfamiliar to him. Arche and Saziver search for a key, finding it on the workbench, but Zel'eon smashes the lock with his blade. Inside, they find two [healing potions](, a [potion of fire breath](, and a [potion of poison resistance]( They also discover a scroll of [Ray of Sickness]( and a hidden vial labelled [Essence of Nightshade](
+ Not wanting to carry the alchemical ingredients into their fight with the Verminlord, the party follows the alchemist’s trail. They spot and disarm a tripwire, and Saziver notices a trap in the floor. He determines that lighter individuals like himself can safely cross it and volunteers to go first and open the door for the others to jump through.
+ ## Against the Verminlord
+ The party prepares for battle: Senzorin coats his cutlass in Essence of Nightshade, Zel'eon drinks the potion of poison resistance, and everyone drinks their remaining healing potions. Saziver opens the door, narrowly avoiding an alchemical fire trap, and they see Verminlord Skratch on a throne of debris, taunting them. The ratfolk alchemist stands beside him, ready with more bombs.
+ The battle begins with Saziver mentally restraining Skratch as Senzorin strikes him. Zel'eon as his blade impacts the Verminlord, blasting Skratch behind his throne. Their preparations pay off as they deal a decisive first blow to Skratch, who scrambles to his feet and takes cover behind his throne, realising he may have met his match. The alchemist takes pot shots at the members of the party as they dart around, trying to evade his alchemical bombs.
+ Panicking, Skratch summons rats from the earth to distract the party, but as they burrow up, Zel'eon slays each of them in quick order. Advancing on the Verminlord, they wear him down as he unsuccessfully tries to hide behind his minions. Eventually, Saziver breaks through his mental armour and grasps hold of his mind, crushing it in a psionic blow that finally defeats the Verminlord.
+ The party's battle was not over, however; the ratfolk alchemist, seeing his master fall, wails in fear and grabs the amulet from his neck, running past the party and attempting to flee the throne room. The party, however, do not let the alchemist escape, and executes him as he attempts to pass by them. Finally having cleared the ratfolk hideout, they take a moment to heal their injuries, as well as to search for the orichalcum chunk they came here to find.
+ ## To The Kriminals Go The Loot
+ Rummaging through the trash heap behind the throne, they find a small chest containing not only said orichalcum, but also several jewels and gemstones that appeared to have been ripped out from discarded jewellery. Gathering up their spoils, they begin making their way back to the barracks where Dalen still sits, picking up all the valuables from the laboratory that they can carry.
+ Upon reaching the barracks, they decide not to free Dalen just yet. Instead, Zel'eon fashions a contraption out of some scrap metal that will cut through the ropes tying him to the post in an hour. Senzorin warns Dalen not to contact them, but the man simply regards the party with amusement. He congratulates them on their victory, and tells them it was no small feat to defeat the Verminlord, especially for relative novices.
+ The party takes this as a sign of disrespect and insult Dalen for being captured in the first place, before leaving him to be freed by Zel'eon's contraption. Making their way back up the sewer entrance, the party finally emerges into the evening light of Ilrinia, having successfully accomplished their goal of acquiring some orichalcum. They make their way back to their student housing, exhausted from the day.
+ # XP
+ The party earned 350 experience points for their tactical approach to combat, overcoming traps and obstacles, and rescuing Dalen Blackwell.
+ # Loot
+ ## Magic Items
+ **Dagger of Verminlord Skratch**
+ *Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)*
+ - This finely crafted dagger has a wickedly sharp edge and a hilt wrapped in tattered leather strips. The blade is etched with runes that glow faintly in the dark.
+ - **Returning**: When you throw this dagger, it immediately flies back to your hand after it hits or misses its target. You can make a ranged attack with this dagger with a range of 20/60 feet. After the attack, whether it hits or misses, the dagger returns to your hand.
+ - Curse: While attuned to this dagger, you are plagued by minor infestations. Small vermin (such as rats, insects, or spiders) are inexplicably attracted to you. At the start of each day, you must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer from disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks for the next 24 hours due to the constant distraction and annoyance of these pests.
+ **Ratfolk Talisman**
+ *Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)*
+ - A string necklace adorned with tiny bones and rat teeth, believed to bring good luck in battle. Animals avoid the wearer due to them giving off an unsettling aura.
+ - While attuned, gain a +1 bonus to AC and disadvantage on Animal Handling checks.
+ **Potion of Healing x 2**
+ *Potion, common*
+ - A corked glass bottle containing a swirling red liquid. Regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when consumed.
+ **Spell Scroll (Ray of Sickness)**
+ *Scroll, common*
+ - A gilded parchment scroll with arcane runes. Casting the spell requires the normal casting time. Once cast, the scroll crumbles to dust. Save DC 13, attack bonus +5.
+ **Ray of Sickness**
+ *1st-level necromancy*
+ - Casting Time: 1 action
+ - Range: 60 feet
+ - Components: V, S
+ - Duration: Instantaneous
+ A ray of sickening green energy lashes out at a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
+ ## Miscellaneous
+ - Alchemist's Tools (equipment and notes)
+ - 10kg of alchemical ingredients and reagents
+ - Various trinkets, including a tarnished silver locket, a scrap metal compass, and an intricately carved bone statuette of a rat.
+ - Orichalcum chunk weighing 250g
+ - 20 crudely made daggers
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+ # Session Recap
+ ## Aftermath
+ It's evening on Udis, the 6th of Mistfall 1892. Following their battle against Verminlord Skratch, the party heads out of the sewers into an Arbalest street. Suddenly, they notice a group of Council guards marching purposefully. These guards were sent to rescue Dalen, but the party decides to keep a low profile and avoid any confrontation.
+ As they continue, Senzorin makes a quick stop at Greenwich to use some of the money from his stash to get some pearls to add to the ones they got from the ratfolk hideout. Getting back to the house, Arche uses these pearls to identify the magic items they got from their adventure. Although they are weary from the day, the party can't sleep. Saziver is in the living room watching Blood Bowl on the TV when he notices a familiar voice commentating the match; Both Steeljaw. Noticing Saziver's pain at being separated from his father figure, Senzorin uncharacteristically gives him a pat on the back.
+ ## Weakness of My Flesh
+ Zel'eon, on the other hand, is in his room that he is in the process of converting into a workshop. Still frustrated by his all too human capabilities, and by the limitations of his implants being worn over his actual limbs, he decides to take a leap of faith. A scream of pain echoes through the neighbourhood, as the rest of the party rushes to Zel'eon's room, watching as he clamps a new prosthetic arm in place of his left arm.
+ Senzorin, having been interrupted in one of his rare moments of prayer, stares in shock at Zel'eon's unexpected act, when he hears a knock on the front door downstairs. Leaving the rest of the party in Zel'eon's room, he sees Ellipses, their neighbour, at the front door. With most of the neighbourhood in their front yard, Senzorin successfully convinces Ellipses nothing is wrong, and Ellipses turns to tell the rest of the neighbours to go back to their houses.
+ ## Plot Thickening
+ The next day, Saziver and Zel'eon are out running some errands. While enjoying some Red Dragon Bites they receive a letter delivered by a pale-skinned blonde courier from the Council. The letter, from Dalen Blackwell, instructs them to meet outside the central power grid hub at 4 pm and to bring the amulet. The letter uses their school record names: Zel'eon Talis, Senzorin, Saziver Copper-Fern, and Arche Kagekiyo.
+ Meanwhile, Senzorin and Arche go to the Iron Horse Tavern, where Senzorin saw a Thieves' Cant symbol denoting a fence. They manage to sell their gemstones for $500 to a pot-bellied, bald, middle-aged fence who constantly chews gum. They also meet a Miskatonic University student named Jack, a brunette young man with a sad demeanor, at the bar they meet the fence at. Afterwards, they receive word from Saziver and Zel'eon about Dalen Blackwell’s message.
+ The party regroups at their house to discuss the letter. They decide to meet with the executor, planning to hand over the amulet since they weren't planning on using it anyway. Before meeting him though, the party decides to check if the car they used to drive to Ilrinia from Mosskach was still parked outside the skyscraper and, finding it there, they drive back to the house to plan their next steps.
+ ## Mind Over Matter
+ At 4 pm, they meet Dalen across the street from the central power grid hub. Dalen tells them they proved their worth in clearing the ratfolk hideout, and wants to offer them an opportunity to prove themselves further. One of the wardstones that prevent extraplanar travel in and out of Ilrinia and the surrounding regions has gone missing. This is not a huge blow to Ilrinia's wards, as the Council has had centuries to build in failsafes and contingencies. However, the wardstone is still a powerful magical artifact and could be deadly in the wrong hands.
+ Dalen tells the party to find the wardstone and report who stole it and why to him. He directs them to the central power grid hub across the street, telling them that it was where the wardstone was kept and to start investigating there. The party is still mistrustful of him, but he mostly pays no mind, with the exception of Senzorin, who he approaches, much to the latter's chagrin.
+ Senzorin realises that Dalen is somehow speaking to him without using his mouth, and is taken aback. As the party looks on in confusion, Dalen directs Senzorin through a mental exercise where he becomes aware of a small nubbin in the back of his mind. After piercing it, he feels a rush of magical energy flow through him, and is suddenly able to perform a small act of telekinesis, shocking his friends, and himself. Dalen smiles and tells Senzorin that this should help during the investigation, and leaves the party there on the Uroim afternoon, looking towards the central power grid hub.
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+ # Session Recap
+ The party enters the central power grid hub and encounters a security checkpoint. Here, they are forced to give up their weapons before entering the hub proper. After being frisked and scanned for magical items, they proceed upstairs to meet with the head of security, Caeda Caiwenys. Caeda, a stern yet competent elf, lets them scrub through her security footage on a crystal orb. They discover that a minor explosion occurred in a maintenance zone adjacent to the control room. Zooming in, they see a tiny clockwork automaton causing the explosion. The theft itself happened invisibly, with the wardstone chamber's surveillance crystal showing the wardstone being lifted off its pedestal, placed into what appeared to be a bag of holding, and replaced with a replica. Caeda berates herself for not investigating it further and directs the party to speak to Gilbert Gearboot, the chief engineer, for more information.
+ The party heads down to the control room, where they encounter the head magister, Luw Xei. His haughty demeanor and refusal to look at the party is off-putting at first. However, Senzorin realizes it's a front, as Luw Xei feels outraged that a group of teenagers is investigating the theft he failed to prevent. Senzorin charms Luw Xei into believing he will be credited as critical to the investigation, thereby saving face with the Council. Luw Xei reveals that whoever made the replica of the wardstone must be a powerful magician or artificer, as it was so convincing that they did not realize the theft had occurred for days.
+ The party proceeds to the maintenance zone and meets the chief engineer, Gilbert Gearboot, a gnome tinkerer. Combing the maintenance zone, they find parts of the clockwork automaton. Gilbert recognizes the work as belonging to Azura Glimmerwrench, a talented artificer with the Department of Arcane Innovation. Azura has been missing for some weeks after presenting an invention to her peers and being mocked cruelly for it.
+ Deciding to find Azura, the party heads to the Department of Arcane Innovation. They face a labyrinth of workshops and offices, but Saziver successfully spots the pattern and leads the party toward Azura's workshop. They move through the twisting hallways, coming upon a display area called the Hall of Theoretical Magitech, showcasing inventions like Aetheric Communicators, Self-Heating Culinary Utensils, and Luminary Orbs.
+ Eventually, they find Azura's workshop, identified by a plaque reading "Azura Glimmerwrench, Experimental Magitech." They break in, but a clockwork sentinel in the corner fires a whirring blade at them. The party disables the sentinel and investigates the room, finding books on extraplanar energies, blueprints for various magitech, and a hidden journal detailing Azura's plans to activate her invention, the Extraplanar Resonator, at an abandoned celestial observatory in the city. With the full moon approaching in a few hours, they realize Azura plans to use the wardstone's energies to open a rift between planes. Zel'eon identifies flaws in her design and insists they must stop her.
+ The party rushes to the observatory in the northeast of the city, arriving a few hours before midnight. Using a cloak of invisibility found in the workshop, they scout the observatory and find Azura guarded by several clockwork automata, having finished building the Extraplanar Resonator. Reporting to Dalen, he congratulates them and tells them to await a strike team. Doubting the team's timely arrival, the party decides to take down Azura themselves.
+ They lure Azura downstairs with a promise of connecting to a deity, and spring a trap, paralyzing her with a spell and attempting to knock her unconscious. As Senzorin and Arche try to gouge out her mechanical eye, Zel'eon stops them, enraged by their brutality. They knock her unconscious and put her in their car, deciding to keep her alive to mentor them in magitech.
+ Returning to the central power grid hub, they ask Gilbert for help but are rebuffed. Calling Dalen Blackwell, he surprises them by appearing from the shadows. He commends their bravery and admits the Council never planned severe punishment for Azura. He promises to see if it can be arranged for them to study under her and sends them home to rest after a job well done. The party, satisfied with their success and newfound loot, heads back to their home in Arbalest, ready to rest and prepare for their next adventure.
+ # XP
+ For their tactical approach to combat, overcoming traps and obstacles, and successful investigation, the party earns 500 experience points.
+ # Loot
+ ## Magic Items
+ **Bag of Holding**
+ *Wondrous item, uncommon*
+ - A bag that can hold up to 500 pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet.
+ **Azzy's Tools**
+ *Tool, uncommon*
+ - A small leather-bound toolkit that is embossed with the emblem of the Department of Arcane Innovation, a stylised gear in the shape of an eye. It contains a set of precision tools, each with a handle crafted from an exotic material such as bone, mithril, and ebony. Rach of the tools is inlaid with runes that glow faintly green while in use. On the leather of the case is scratched runes that read "Property of Azzy!" in Gnomish.
+ - Enhanced tinker’s tools that grant a +1 bonus to checks made using them.
+ **Lesser Cloak of Invisibility**
+ *Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)*
+ - A patchwork mess of fabrics and wire that when activated, distort and refract the light around it to provide total and complete cover.
+ - Grants invisibility when hood is pulled up for up to 10 minutes. One charge, recharging after a long rest.
+ **Spell Scrolls**
+ - **Scroll of Identify**: A scroll with intricate runes that allows the caster to identify magical properties of items.
+ - **Scroll of Magic Missile**: A scroll enabling the casting of Magic Missile spell, unleashing darts of magical force.
+ - **Scroll of Arcane Lock**: A scroll that can cast Arcane Lock, magically sealing a door, window, gate, or container.
+ - **Scroll of Invisibility**: A scroll that allows the caster to become invisible for up to one hour.
+ ### Miscellaneous
+ - **Blueprints**
+ - **Extraplanar Resonator**: Detailed schematics for building a device capable of opening rifts between planes.
+ - **Clockwork Construct Combat Vehicle**: Blueprints for a two-wheeled vehicle designed for combat, powered by clockwork mechanisms.
+ - 5x clockwork sentinel power gems
+ - books on magitech, detailing theory and application
+ - metal wings extracted from clockwork automaton
+ - extremely detailed astronomical charts annotated with Azura's scribbles, some of which make reference to Ruatis and other archaic deities representing celestial bodies
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+ # Players
+ - Rafiq: Game Master
+ - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 3
+ - Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue 3
+ - Toph: Arche Kagekiyo, High Elf Twilight Cleric 3
+ - Eva: Ellipses Seventhtime, Aasimar Ironmonger Sorcerer 2
+ # Session Recap
+ ## Downtime (8th of Mistfall 1892 - 21st of Mistfall 1892)
+ After defeating Azura Glimmerwrench on the 7th of Mistfall 1892, Zel'eon, Arche, Saziver, and Senzorin enjoy a much-needed break, getting to properly enjoy life in Ilrinia. The four are slowly getting used to not having their guard up all the time, as they had to in Mosskach, and are also dealing with some inter-party tension due to how some of the party handled things with Azura.
+ ### Saziver Copper-Fern
+ Saziver Copper-Fern, still having his sights set on going to a good university, put his nose to the grindstone and studied hard at the Arbalest Academy. He also used the orichalcum liberated from the ratfolk hideout to create communication devices for the party that could connect to the internet and serve as a peer-to-peer encrypted communication network between themselves. He spent most of his time away from the rest of the party, holed up in his room other than at mealtimes, working on finding ways to exploit the surveillance network of Ilrinia and honing his subconscious psionic abilities to always be aware and alert of any threats around him.
+ ### Arche Kagekiyo
+ Arche Kagekiyo began practicing with the spear that is all she has left from her Ilrinian childhood. Every night, she goes through her Bellona clan-taught combat forms, both as exercise and as a way to reconnect with her elvish heritage. Senzorin takes note of this and correctly guesses that she is, after being back in Ilrinia after so long, thinking about her childhood as a high-born sun elf, the same as Senzorin. The two of them bond over their shared heritage, and Senzorin begins to think about reconnecting with his own heritage. Arche also spends time at the library after school, gravitating toward the self-help section to practice social skills.
+ ### Senzorin Talos
+ Senzorin Talos, not having to worry about earning his own money for the first time in a while, spends a lot of his time high and watching television at home. Despite disliking school, he enjoys his marksmanship lessons, practicing using his cutlass in tandem with his revolver. He also practices his telekinesis more, gradually being able to manifest an entire external body that works subconsciously, though it can only perform simple tasks. He uses it to automate menial tasks, like taking the load off of Arche always having to wash the dishes. Senzorin also gets a patchwork tattoo sleeve of various animals, gaining the ability to summon them as familiars.
+ ### Ellipses Seventhtime
+ Ellipses Seventhtime, who lived in the house next to Zel'eon, Saziver, Senzorin, and Arche, decided to visit them more frequently over the period. Senzorin had previously contacted Ellipses to help him grow the marijuana seeds he had brought over from Mosskach. Ellipses wanted to do more with botany, so he approached Zel'eon asking if he could help set up a plant laboratory to grow alchemical ingredients and psychedelic drugs in his bedroom. He had cleared most of Fenrir's old stuff out of the room and preferred wearing some of the Seventhtimes' old hand-me-downs. Ellipses also discovered a penchant for ingesting metal scraps, finding them delicious.
+ ### Zel'eon Talos
+ Zel'eon Talos takes a few days to manufacture a quick 3D printer in their house for Saziver to use to manufacture their new communication devices. He also spends some time experimenting with the alchemical reagents gathered from the ratfolk hideout, planning to make more with Ellipses' help to build a place in Ellipses' bedroom to grow more ingredients. Over the two weeks, he also works on a way to implement the wings he scavenged from the clockwork automaton in Azura's workshop into his own body, coming to the realization that he will need to replace part of his own spine with the control box to do so. Zel'eon and Arche work on the surgery and eventually manage to implement the wings as a new implant, granting Zel'eon limited flight capabilities.
+ ### Zel'eon and Senzorin's Car Repair Efforts
+ Zel'eon and Senzorin also work on trying to repair the car the group drove from Mosskach, but find that since the car, a Talos Sovereign 1843, is a luxury vintage model that was discontinued years ago, parts are out of stock and rare. Discovering that the only car of the same model they could find was owned by a wealthy collector named Victor Ralston, they research the man and find out he frequents a bar for vintage car collectors. They head to the Iron Horse Tavern to speak to Sam, the bartender and a friend of theirs, to ask about the bar. They find out the bar is called the Chrome Lounge and is located at the Platinum Tower, a skyscraper in the Core. However, the bar is invite-only and they give up on their search for now. Saziver helps them find out that Victor has a son studying at Miskatonic University named Jonathan, but they don't find any leads, even after hacking into his private social media.
+ ### Ellipses and Arche at the Library
+ Ellipses finds out that Arche has been going to the library daily and asks if she can bring him to help research more cases like his. When they get there, they get stopped by a young blonde man outside the library handing out flyers for a free Introduction to Technomancy course conducted by a group called the New Dawn every Ruatis at the Horizon Community Centre. Also, Arche sees Jack, the Miskatonic University student she met at the bar with Senzorin a few weeks prior, and strikes up an awkward conversation. At the end of it, Jack asks her out on a date for the following Uroim, and Arche accepts.
+ Meanwhile, Ellipses discovers that his case is not the first of its kind, and that this phenomenon is dubbed "Spontaneous Amnesiac Resurrection". Some scholars posit that this may be due to some unknown magical interference, leading to a transference of a soul into the recently deceased body, which tracks with what Ellipses heard from Ekra's mentor. Ellipses also reads about a case of a man who underwent spontaneous amnesiac resurrection and finds that the man was from Elenwyth, a town that is a day's train ride from Ilrinia. The stories about the man seem to end around the year 1200, but Ellipses intends to travel to the town and see what he can find.
+ ## Ruatis, 22nd of Mistfall 1892
+ ### Lunch with Ellipses' Parents
+ Ellipses' parents, noticing that their son has been spending a lot of time at his neighbors', invite them over for lunch after school. They have a meal of lembas, traditional elvish fare that is rare to find among the mostly modernized elves of Ilrinia, like Arche and Senzorin's families, along with some conversation about the Seventhtimes and the elvish heritage of some in the group. They learn that the Seventhtimes are a candle-making clan. Saziver does not join the lunch, staying at school for extracurriculars.
+ ### New Dawn's Introduction to Technomancy Course
+ After lunch, the group consisting of Ellipses, Zel'eon, Senzorin, and Arche head to the New Dawn's Introduction to Technomancy course. They drive to the Old City district, where the Horizon Community Centre is located. They spy Luw Xei outside the community center, flanked by a large arcane golem. Telling the magister they are here for the course, he is shocked and tells them the New Dawn are miscreants who want to dismantle the Council, seeking less regulation for mages. The golem scans their faces, confirming their registration for the course, and the group heads inside.
+ Inside the community center, they see Professor Lyra Valen, a mousy brunette middle-aged woman, at the front of a small lecture theater talking to two Miskatonic University students. The rest of the lecture's attendants include an elderly couple and a few other university students, including Jonathan Ralston, who Senzorin and Zel'eon immediately recognize. Professor Valen launches into a lecture about Technomancy, a discipline that involves encoding magic into circuits, similar to electricity, explaining how although most technomancers outside of EchoTech, who control all the orichalcum, are unable to find conductors that can reliably conduct both electricity and magic, they make do by finding ingenious ways to work around that shortcoming.
+ ### Golem Attack
+ As she is about to go into detail about these methods, the floor starts rumbling. The doors of the lecture theater suddenly burst open and the golem storms in, moving erratically and sending splinters of wood everywhere as it breaks the floorboards and pews. The students scramble towards Lyra for cover as she casts a forcefield, and the party leaps into action.
+ Zel'eon and Arche are stuck in the force field Lyra puts up and cannot make any attacks through it while the golem begins pounding at the force field, trying to get to Lyra. Ellipses and Senzorin focus on taking out the core rune of the golem in an attempt to disable it as soon as possible. Ellipses goes down during the battle from an energy blast from the rune but gets back up after Arche manages to channel the power of the New Moon to imbue everyone in the room with holy restorative energy. The combined efforts of Arche and Ellipses manage to shatter the runestone powering and controlling the golem, and it crumbles to bits.
+ Arche approaches the heavily injured elderly woman whose husband was vaporized in one of the golem's magical force blasts and beseeches Ruatis to shine her light on the woman and heal her. The elderly woman listens to Arche speak about Ruatis and says a heartfelt prayer to Ruatis, the first in centuries other than from Arche.
+ ### Confrontation with Luw Xei
+ Zel'eon and Senzorin rush outside to confront Luw Xei, who they suspect of deploying the golem on the lecture, though he denies any involvement in the matter. They drag him into the community center, and Zel'eon throws him in front of an angry Lyra, who begins screaming and kicking him, accusing him of sending the golem to attack and kill her. Zel'eon calms her as Arche begins casting a spell that will ensure anyone within speaks only the truth.
+ They begin to question Luw Xei, but he again denies that he had anything to do with the golem going mad and attacking Lyra. Arche confirms that he is telling the truth, but Lyra insists there is no way a Council golem can possibly be controlled by anyone else other than a Council member and that they were trying to assassinate her and get rid of the New Dawn. The party calls Dalen Blackwell for Council assistance in managing the situation, and upon hearing so, Lyra requests the party to meet her at her estate in Greenwich on the morrow. Additionally, Senzorin cozies up to Jonathan Ralston, who he recognized earlier, and realizes Jonathan is flirting with him. He leverages this to get Jonathan's phone number in an attempt to later use it to find a way to access Victor Ralston's Talos Sovereign 1843.
+ ### Arrival of Council Security Forces
+ The Council's security forces arrive at the community center and begin cordoning it off. Dalen walks in, and icy greetings are shared between him and Lyra, prompting the party to make comments about a possible scorned lover situation between the two. Dalen and Lyra immediately react in disgust, telling the party they are related, which promptly makes the party profusely apologize in shame.
+ Dalen pulls the party outside and requests a full debrief. He shakes his head and tells the party he suspects the New Dawn had something to do with this, in an attempt to garner sympathy for their underdog cause against the Council. He asks the party to speak with him after their visit to Lyra's estate. He also tells the party their actions have gained them some renown, pointing at the attendants of the New Dawn lecture who are arrayed around the safety cordon, telling their family and friends about the party's actions.
+ The party begins to leave the area and head home, but Senzorin cannot resist one last jab at Dalen. He reaches out a telekinetic hand to poke Dalen on the shoulder, but the moment he brushes against him, he feels a ringing telekinetic slap on his face. The party heads home to find Saziver and discuss the situation.
+ # Experience Points and Reputation
+ For defeating the Council golem that attacked the New Dawn lecture and saving multiple innocents from dying, Ellipses, Senzorin, Arche, and Zel'eon gain 450xp each, levelling up Ellipses to character level 3. Additionally, 5 reputation was gained with the New Dawn and the Council of Arcaneum factions, and 10 with the city of Ilrinia to represent word being spread of the party's deeds.
+ # Loot
+ ## Magic Items
+ ### Saziver's Smartphones
+ Wondrous item, uncommon
+ - **Encrypted Communication**: The primary feature of this device is its ability to establish an encrypted communication network between all Orichalcum Communication Devices within a 10-mile radius. This network allows for secure voice calls and text messages that cannot be intercepted or deciphered by external sources.
+ - **Durability**: The device is built to withstand rough handling and minor magical interference. It is resistant to water, minor impacts, and can function in extreme temperatures.
+ - The device is uniquely linked to its creator, Saziver Copper-Fern. The encryption key for the network is tied to his psionic abilities, making it virtually impossible for anyone outside the party to replicate or access the network without his direct input.
+ ## Miscellaneous
+ - Various metal scraps collected from the debris of the defeated golem
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+ Zymis, 29th of Eternae 1892 (day before the weekend!)
+ - In the early AM every night, Fenrir sneaks into the school to disable the metal detector so he can sneak his dagger in
+ - Ekra correctly deduces that Fenrir does this based on him revealing his dagger a few times in school, and manages to sneak his daggers in
+ - All 4 get in detention because:
+ - Phyrrah and Ekra get in a fight
+ - Rook brings weed in
+ - Fenrir is permanently in detention because he hacked the school website to display a beheading
+ - Detention is overseen by a Mr Thorne, a maths teacher who is an overweight cowardly manticore who often hums to himself rather annoyingly
+ - As they are chilling in detention, a loud commotion happens across the street and a magical bolt of energy breaks one of the windows of the classroom
+ - Mr Thorne shrieks and jumps behind the desk, humming nervously to himself
+ - They watch as the pawn shop across the street, operated by one Mr Patrick who often lets the misfits in despite their bad reputation, gets robbed by some gangsters wearing black bandanas around their face
+ - Fenrir and Rook clock them as Arbys, a small gang operating in the neighbourhood of Arbalest
+ - There is a brief skirmish as Rook decides to jump out the broken window and wade into comabt, where Mr Patrick fires off spells from scrolls
+ - He seems to not want to cast his last scroll and runs into the shop
+ - Fenrir takes one of the Arbys' guns and realises he is an insanely talented sharpshooter
+ - He kills one of the Arbys but they leave the rest just unconscious
+ - They hear police sirens in the distance and get out of there ASAP
+ - Rook heads to his nook while Ekra manages to follow through pure athletics n acrobatic swag
+ - Rook brings him to his underground nook and shows him some of the undercity relics
+ - Ekra begins to find out Rook's persona is an affectation and that he may not be as much of a gangster as he pretends to be
+ - Rook decides to invite all of the detention club to L'Artique, a FL affiliated nightclub located at the bottom of a skyscraper in the central district
+ - Fenrir heads to a nearby fast food restaurant called Jollyorc to lie low, Phyrrah follows after failing to follow Rook and Ekra
+ - They sit in silence for a while while Fenrir eats some food left on the table by previous patrons
+ - When they decide to leave to go shopping, they see two police officers heading right for the entrance where they are standing
+ - They panic and look for a back exit and try to head out; they are almost stopped by a manager but they just leave without trouble
+ - They get a text from Rook saying to meet at a club later, but meet now for a late lunch
+ - The four meet at a shopping mall and talk about the skirmish
+ - Rook tells them about the Arbys and realise he probably is a target now that one of them was killed
+ - They go shopping for more club appropriate clothes since they were still in the clothes they wore to school
+ - Ekra helps drive them to the club by renting a car, but halfway through realise the sports car next to them are Arbys preparing to do a drive by on them
+ - The Arbys send 4 men to kill Rook but the party fends them off
+ - They arrive at the club and Rook daps up all his gang members
+ - A man with a skull tattoo covering his entire face called Skull greets them and tells them friends of Rook are always welcome
+ - Rook immediately goes to the bar to drink a Red Raven (a healing potion cocktail)
+ - Phyrrah tries one too and loves it, so the bartender offers them a special cocktail called the Green Raven
+ - Rook and Phyrrah drink the Green Ravens and immediately fall under the drug effects
+ - Phyrrah goes over to Ekra and as she breathes on him, he immediately remembers what his mentor told him about the monk death cult sect that she was a part of and eventually eradicated, but she also told him about the Tisson Root that was an anti spellcaster drug
+ - Fenrir goes on Pandemonium on his hacker's kit
+ - Hacker's kit is a banana phone that has an expanding panoramic screen and link cables to every kind of electronic device
+ - Ekra is highly enticed by the chaos of Pandemonium being a being of order ever since he was a kid and watched Fenrir shitpost for hours
+ - Ekra notices Rook being openly ridiculed by the rest of his purported gang while Rook is drugged out of his mind and realises that Rook is not a true part of the gang
+ - He wonders why until a large built human man with skin almost covered in tattoos from head to toe except his face walks in the club and shouts Rook's name
+ - Unc walks in and the music stops and everyone grows silent
+ - He walks up to Rook and lifts him with one hand, slamming him against a pillar in the middle of the dance floor
+ - He glares at the rest to leave, but they don't take the hint until Skull walks over to them and tells them to leave now or there will be trouble
+ - Phyrrah, Ekra, and Fenrir leave the club and Rook, still drugged and smiling, looks into Unc's angry face as his vision fades to black
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+ - Rook wakes up in his room in the apartment he shares with Unc to the smells of eggs and bacon. He stretches and is pretty happy with the events of last night, until he walks out and sees Unc standing in silence, not bothering to look at him.
+ - Unc admonishes him for getting into trouble with the Arbys, but Rook lays into Unc, saying that he was just protecting Mr Patrick and this is how Unc raised him and how can he be mad at him, not stopping even when Unc picks him up by the collar and slaps him like he did when Rook was a kid
+ - Unc calls Rook by his birth name Wayne and Rook growls at him, telling Unc to call him Rook.
+ - Unc eventually lays down an ultimatum: make amends with the Arbys or get kicked out
+ - Ekra wakes up in his boyfriend's apartment, wanting to not go home for the weekend. He spends the weekend just thinking about the events of last week, mulling over why he decided to help them.
+ - Fenrir wakes up in his room, still buzzed and not caring a lick about what happened the previous day. He spends the weekend raiding in Realm of Rampage and shitposting on Pandemonium.
+ - He sees on Pandemonium that a robbery happened of an armored EchoTech transport in the neighbouring city of Mosskach, and it is suspected a gang called the Peakers were behind it.
+ - Phyrrah wakes up feeling horrid from the effects of the Green Raven she drank last night, and decides to cheer herself up by scaring a lady who is jogging through the alleyway under her room window. She hops over the windowsill and shape shifts into her ape form in mid air
+ - She catches hold of a fire escape mid fall, intending to swing in front of the lady and scare her, but it sends a jolt of pain up her arm (which she realises now, is still very much a wood elf's arm). The lady fusses over her as she falls, but Phyrrah growls at her. Though the effect is diminished somewhat as Phyrrah is still in the form of a young elf woman, her desired outcome is achieved and the woman scurries off.
+ - Phyrrah walks embarrassedly into her apartment building, her doorman chuckling at her, and gets to her apartment to see Sergen, her roommate and older tribesman, sitting at the table reading a newspaper. He raises an eyebrow and Phyrrah deposits herself at the table, asking him if he has ever had trouble shapeshifting. He shows off, showing fine control of his shapeshifting, and Phyrrah, exasperated, storms off to her room.
+ - She texts Ekra about her sudden inability to shapeshift and he reassures her it should wear off by noon.
+ - The four of them go about their weekend, and reconvene on Ruatis, in Elvish Language Basic class.
+ - Fenrir's gun is confiscated, as Mr Thorne realises that he evaded the metal detectors somehow last week. Ekra's weapons are also taken, but he gets them back after class as per normal.
+ - All four are told that the principal wishes to see them right after school.
+ - At lunch, Ekra, Rook, Fenrir, and Phyrrah decide to go over to Mr Patrick's pawn shop to check on him and discuss the events of last Zymis in private. Mr Patrick thanks them profusely for helping him last week and gives them a reward: a cloak that allows the wearer to breathe underwater.
+ - Ekra tells them about the Tisson Root and they all sit in shock, rumainting on what could possibly be the reason the bartender has access to this herb that is used by the [[World Info/Organisations/Council of Arcaneum]] to drug spellcasters, and why he chose to give it to ROok and Phyrrah.
+ - Rook tells them the ARbys are likely looking for them and that they need to watch their backs. In the meantime, he intends to talk to the Arbys to see if he can apologise or make amends, as Unc told him to do.
+ - He asks Ekra about [[World Info/People/Xerxes Fairchild]] and Ekra sighs and just says Xerxes isnt a great person but tells rook that Xerxes shares the next class with him and they could probably talk there
+ - Rook waits at the door to the chemistry lab for Xerxes, who shows up with two of his henchmen and scoffs at Rook's brazennes at approaching him.
+ - Rook and Xerxes almost get into an altercation, but only the thought of losing his scholarship stoops rook from swinging. Xerxes tells him if he wants to talk to the Arbys to meet him at Arbalest Park, behind the school, at sundown, and to not bring any friends.
+ - Phyrrah shapeshifts into a gorilla and barrels down the hallway, prompting a snicker from Xerxes.
+ - Xerxes walks into class and Ekra glares at him, but Xerxes steadfastly ignores Ekra, seeming like he is still scared of him
+ - Rook, Ekra, Fenrir, and Phyrrah go to the principal's office, where they see Principal [[World Info/People/John de Bolbec]], who sits them down and asks them for a retelling of last Zymis' events. He then tells them briefly about the history of the academy as a training ground for heroes, and tells them to keep their efforts up and that they will not be punished for cutting detention. He also tells Fenrir that his mind has been tainted somehow and to engage in meditation with Ekra to try and mitigate it.
+ - Principal John also calls Rook Gawain, which confuses him as he did not know that was his legal name. Rook asks for the principal to tell him his full legal name and finds out it is "Gawain Brightsteel".
+ - Fenrir is also told that the principal has left a present in his mind, and to learn how to master his mind if he wishes to find out what it is.
+ - The four head to Arbalest Park to try and formulate a plan of attack. Fenrir and Ekra work on trying to find out what the principal meant, and when Ekra dives into Fenrir's conciousness he sees demonic energy tainting every thought.
+ - The four of them find some info on [[World Info/Phenomena/Unveil]] about what [[World Info/Phenomena/Pandemonium]] might be, the birthplace of all demons.
+ - Fen realises that he has no memories of his childhood friend [[World Info/People/Squireseth Gaith]] other than him showing Fenrir Pandemonium
+ - He manages to wrest control of Fenrir's self from the demonic energy and Fenrir suddenly is able to recall a memory, though not of his own, of witnessing Mr Thorne hide his confiscated gun in a cardboard box underneath the coffee machine in the teacher's lounge.
+ - Fenrir immediately gets up and dashes back to the school to get his gun, Rook helping distract Mr Thorne who is still in the teachers' lounge.
+ - At sundown, Rook is waiting for Xerxes to show, with Fenrir, Ekra, and Phyrrah hiding at various locations around the park in case something goes wrong. Xerxes finally shows up half an hour late, and openly laughs at Rook for actually believing him and coming alone. As Rook gets angry and swings his fist towards Xerxes, Xerxes summons a giant octopus from the large pond in Arbalest Park, where Fenrir is hiding using the water-breathing cloak.
+ - Phyrrah manages to down Xerxes two henchmen, but Xerxes gets away. Fenrir, Ekra, and Rook engage the giant octopus, but it knocks out Rook and prepares to drag him down to its underwater lair. Ekra, trying to save Rook's life, reaches into Fenrir's mind and submerges his consciousness in the demonic energy. Fenrir's eyes turn blood red and a feral grin breaks out across his face as he begins savaging the octopus, killing it with extreme ease.
+ - Ekra grabs hold of Rook's unconscious body and begins to swim towards shore, when he feels a dagger stab into his back and sees Fenrir, still wearing a feral grin on his face, raising his arm to stab Ekra again.
+ - Phyrrah catches Fenrir's arm, holding him back, and as Fenrir looks at her, he snaps out of it. Phyrrah brings Fenrir to shore where Ekra is waiting with a still unconscious Rook.
+ - As Rook wakes up on shore, he sees Ekra, Fenrir, and Phyrrah sitting in shock, trying to think about what just happened. They agree to all go home and discuss it the next day, and Ekra volunteers to send them all home in a GetGo.
+ This is a modern fantasy world where magic and technology coexist, with tinges of cyberpunk. Unc is a large, buff human man in his late forties who is bald and covered in tattoos everywhere except for his face. Unc founded the Front Libere, a gang in the city of Ilrinia, and took in Rook, who was Unc's brother's son, after Rook's parents died. Unc lives in a poorer neigbourhood called Sporwick, and Rook stays in Unc's apartment. Rook is one of the player characters, a 17 year old human male who is a wannabe gangster. Rook took the name "Rook" as a pseudonym upon joining the Front Libere, as it is tradition for the gang to give up their old names and take on new ones to represent their new identities in the Front Libere. Rook's birth name, though he did not find it out until this session, is Gawain Brightsteel, which is why Unc called him Wayne/Wain as a child. Fenrir is Rook's friend from school and another one of the player characters. He is a 17 year old human male who is tall and lanky with greasy hair and dresses with a punk/metal aesthetic. Fenrir is very active on a forum called Pandemonium, which unbeknownst to him, is a secret website meant to only be used by demons, which is why Fenrir (and other humans over the years) is slowly growing more mad and demonic. Phyrrah is another schoolmate of Rook and Fenrir, and is a 17 year old female wood elf and another one of the player characters. In this setting, wood elves are more tribal in nature, and Phyrrah's tribe are servants of a Monkey God named Flingar, which makes her and the rest of the tribe look like typical fantasy wood elves except much bulkier, hairier, and with completely white hair. Ekra, another one of the player characters, is a 17 year old human male and was trained as a monk for most of his childhood, which has led to the ability to reach beyond the limits of his body with his conciousness, enabling telepathy and limited mental manipulation. Xerxes Fairchild is a 17 year old human male in the same school, Arbalest Academy, as Rook, Phyrrah, Fenrir, and Ekra, and also happened to be training as a monk at the same temple as Ekra in his childhood, though he failed out. Xerxes is also a member of the Arbys, a gang in the suburban neighbourhood (called Arbalest) that the school is located in. The Arbys are a small gang that has recently showed up in the neighbourhood of Arbalest, where the player characters' school is located in. They wear black bandanas around their faces as a calling card, and perform robberies on shops in the area as well as sell drugs that they buy from other gangs in the city to the private school kids in Arbalest. Xerxes Fairchild is a member of the Arbys, as the player characters discovered after they foiled one of the Arbys' robberies last session. The Arbys are after the player characters as during that clash, they killed one of the Arbys. In the last session, Rook brought Ekra, Phyrrah, and Fenrir to a nightclub affiliated with the Front Libere, and the bartender gave Rook and Phyrrah a cocktail called the Green Raven, saying it was of his own invention. The cocktail was laced with a few drugs, but most importantly a drug that was made from the Tisson Root, a herb that when imbibed, dulls the ability to cast magic and slows the movements of the user. The Council of Arcaneum, which is an organisation that controls and registers spellcasters in the region, uses this drug to dull the spellcasting ability of any spellcasters who refuse to register themselves under the Council or one of its affiliated guilds. Phyrrah has a limited magical ability to shapeshift into monkeys, apes, and other simian species because of an inherent ability that her tribe shares, but many in the tribe are druids and train themselves to shapeshift for longer periods of time and into other animal forms. Phyrrah is working on developing this ability. Once a person has trained to be aware of their consciousness as separate from their body, they are able to train their mind to reach beyond the limits of their physical body and into the consciousnesses of other people. Ekra is able to do this, as a result of his training as a monk, and is able to reach into the minds of others to communicate with them telepathically, as well as a limited ability to manipulate their consciousness, as he did to Fenrir to pull his mind out of the influence of the demonic energy in his mind. Arbalest Park is a suburban park behind Arbalest Academy, where a lot of the residents of the neighbourhood go to relax. There is a large reservoir in the middle of the park, where a giant octopus has made its lair years ago. Fenrir's time spent on Pandemonium has tainted his mind with the thought patterns and influence of the demons that use the forum, leading to a very chaotic and violent personality. When Ekra pushed Fenrir's consciousness deeper into the maelstrom of demonic energy in his mind, Fenrir lost his sense of self and the demonic energy took over his body with the only goal being to cause chaos and violence.
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+ # 2300hrs, 1st of Mistfall 1892, Ruatis
+ - Ekra sends each of his friends home in his rented car
+ - Rook decides to be dropped off near his nook. He sits down and a wave of pain and exhaustion washes over him as the injuries from the battle finally overcome his adrenaline. His mind fills with thoughts of getting back at the Arbys, but despite himself, it settles only on a memory from the cradle; his mother singing him a bedtime story in a voice and language he does not remember. He decides to get up and place his hand upon the dirt walls of the undercity to draw up another relic, something he does to calm down. However, as he does so, he finds himself holding a scrap of paper containing indecipherable runes in an ancient dialect of Common. He devotes the next few hours to trying to understand it, but after he does so all he sees is a lullaby from an ancient time. However, something about the structure piques his interest; he tries singing it in the same tune as his mother singing bedtime stories, and realises that this whole time, the memory he has of his mother singing was in a different dialect of Common; one used by the ancient people of Ilrinia. He feels shocked by this, but not too much; he's always known he was meant for greater things. Knowing he can't do anything about this right now, he feels a wave of exhaustion drift over him and begins to fall asleep in his hideout.
+ - Phyrrah goes home to her shared apartment and feels the effects of the Green Raven finally and completely wear off. She tries shapeshifting into her gorilla form and feels a renewed strength and power coursing through her body. She tries to scare her roommate Sergen but he is unaffected as usual.
+ - Fenrir is sent home, and sees his father who is still up worried sick about him, but quickly disappears inside the house, not wanting to see Ekra anymore.
+ - Ekra, feeling guilty about forcing Fenrir deeper into his psychosis, drives outside the city to a big lake in the forest. He stays there throughout the night, meditating.
+ # 0800hrs, 2nd of Mistfall 1892, Yros
+ - The next day, Rook and Fenrir wake up and decide to skip school.
+ - Rook sends a text to the groupchat telling the rest to meet him at his hideout after school to discuss what they should do about the Arbys.
+ - Fenrir goes on Pandemonium and sees a post about the gory suicide of Squireseth Gaith, his childhood friend. He is shocked when he sees the post seems to be written to address someone, but quickly dismisses his thoughts as paranoia.
+ - Ekra, upon seeing that Rook and Fenrir decided to skip, contacts their principal. He asks if they can be given a day off from school after the events of yesterday. The principal responds in the affirmative, so Ekra goes to pick up Phyrrah from her apartment.
+ - Phyrrah is shocked to see Ekra still with the dirt and grime from last night on him. They head to Fenrir's house to pick him up.
+ - Fenrir decides he's done with affecting his grimy, greasy appearance. He takes a proper shower for the first time in a long time and puts on some clean clothes. He steps out his front door, ready to face the world as a new man, where he is surprised to see Ekra and Phyrrah already waiting for him, eating breakfast with Fenrir's foster parents.
+ - Ekra is offered a shower at Fenrir's house by his parents, and takes the offer gladly. He cleans up and puts on some of Fenrir's clothes.
+ - Ekra, Phyrrah, and Fenrir decide to head to Rook's hideout, an underground nook hidden in a tunnel in a mostly abandoned neighbourhood in the south of Ilrinia. However, while walking through an abandoned building next to where Rook's hideout is, Phyrrah spies a flash of movement in the ruins right of her.
+ - The three of them quickly try and run into the cover of the tunnel concealing Rook's hideout, but are peppered with fireballs from some goblin thugs. Rook comes out and a brief skirmish happens between the goblins and the party.
+ - Things go sideways and Ekra falls unconscious after a fireball directly to the back. Fenrir, seeing this, reluctantly gives in to his demonic energy and goes feral, goring one of the goblins. Unable to control himself, he goes after Phyrrah next.
+ - The two remaining goblins take advantage of the infighting and lob a fireball directly into Fenrir's back. The explosion takes out the rest of the party, and all of them succumb to their wounds, falling unconscious. (50xp)
+ # 2100hrs, 2nd of Mistfall 1892, Yros
+ - ... wakes up. He looks around at the three unconscious bodies around him, and wonders how he got here. He crawls over to a nearby railing overlooking a canal, wincing in pain from the burns that cover his back, and looks down into the water, wondering who that is staring back at him.
+ - Ekra, Phyrrah, and Rook wake shortly after, cursing their bad luck and realising the goblins had taken everything of value on them - their money, their phones, even Ekra's piercings. Phyrrah tries to call out to Fenrir, but the man sitting by the canal doesn't respond.
+ - As Phyrrah walks over to the man and taps him on the shoulder, ... turns and looks at her blankly. After some questioning, Phyrrah, Ekra, and Rook realise Fenrir must have lost his memory somehow.
+ - The four of them go inside Rook's hideout. Ekra reaches into ...'s mind and realises its completely blank, reminding him of how it felt to touch the mind of a newborn baby during his monk training. At a loss of what to do, he calls his mentor and tells her what happened. He leaves out the information about Fenrir's demonic possession to save ... the knowledge of what happened, but Ekra's mentor tells him to tell her everything.
+ - Rook, knowing that Ekra doesn't want to say it in front of ..., distracts ... with a gameboy he scrounged up and fixed. ... happily goes on to play Tetris while Ekra goes into Rook's study to talk to his mentor.
+ - Ekra's mentor decides to get the truth of the matter and astral projects into Rook's study, appearing as a ghostly glowing blue figure of an androgynous elf. She (with his consent) delves into Ekra's mind and sifts through his memories of Fenrir, causing Ekra great pain in the process.
+ - After a few gruelling minutes, Ekra's mentor sits back on her haunches and sighs in disbelief, telling Ekra there is no hope for Fenrir and that he has well and truly died. Ekra notices she is hiding something and demands an answer. His mentor snaps at him and tells him it is his fault and that he should not have done what he did. She admits Fenrir's soul still exists, but it is on another plane. The gods have, for an unknown reason, elected to place a fresh soul into Fenrir's body. After admonishing Ekra for his actions and carelessness, his mentor disappears, leaving him alone.
+ - Ekra explains to the rest of the group that ... is not Fenrir and that Fenrir is completely lost to them. ... accepts this placidly and declares his name to be Ellipses. The group decides to rest from their near death experience in Rook's hideout, while deciding what to do about Ellipses.
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+ The Council governs mages in Ilrinia and the Deshen Empire, requiring each spellcaster to register under them or be forced to take a magic numbing drug. Their ranks contain magisters, who oversee infrastructural enchantments and wards, executors, who investigate magical phenomena and artifacts, and artificers, who construct automatons to automate menial labour and enchant everyday objects with helpful enchantments.
+ The members of the Council usually wear dark blue robes with gold accents, with the exception of their executors, who usually dress more eclectically.
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+ # Overview
+ EchoTech is a megacorporation headquarted in Mosskach that primarily manufactures magitech made with orichalcum.
+ One
+ Orichalcum, once commonly known as pig iron, is a metal found all over the plains of Ibuth. It was once used only to make weapons and armor for the orc tribes residing in said plains, until it was discovered to have perfect conductivity for both arcane and electrical energy. EchoTech quickly took control of all orichalcum mines, funding an orc warlord who conquered the region, and now controls all mining and manufacture of orichalcum in Aenyrathia.
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+ The New Dawn is a small group of technomancers who appear to want less regulation for spellcasters in Ilrinia. They are led by Professor Lyra Valen, an accomplished technomancer who used to head the faculty of magitech in Miskatonic University.
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+ # Overview
+ The Peakers are one of the most notorious gangs in the poorer areas of Mosskach, characterised by their refusal to stick to the common code of honour among thieves. They make their living by preying by the poor and downtrodden of Mosskach, holding many protection rackets. They are led by Ray Shelby, a portly gangster coming from old money.
+ # Appearance
+ Every Peaker
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+ Ruatis is the moon personified as a deity. The people of Aenyrathia do not worship the celestials anymore, but Ruatis was once feared and worshipped across the land as a wise and powerful goddess. These days, Ruatis is only worshipped by one: Arche Kagekiyo, a young sun elf.
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+ The sprawling jungle to the east of Ilrinia is named Alwahd, consisting of disparate wood elf tribes. The elves of Alwahd have warred against Ilrinia for centuries, but have recently settled down and allowed Ilrinian anthropologists to live in their villages and study them.
+ The wood elf tribes are each bestial in nature, and usually worship a patron animal, whose features each tribe embody in appearance.
+ # Known Tribes
+ ## Whiteapes
+ A tribe of wood elves that worship the simian species with white fur that are rarely spotted around Alwahd, but especially dense in population among their land.
+ ### Appearance and Abilities
+ The Whiteapes are covered almost entirely by a thick white fur, and tend to have larger builds. The warriors of the tribe have the ability to shapeshift into apes themselves.
+ ### Notable Figures
+ - Phyrrah Whiteape, a student at Arbalest Academy who was involved in fights against the Arbys
+ ## Unnamed Serpent Tribe
+ A tribe of serpentine wood elves that worship the now-dead Storm Serpent whom they call Lintarath Ten'ar.
+ ### Appearance and Abilities
+ The wood elves of this tribe appear to be covered in silvery scales and have slitted eyes.
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+ # Overview
+ Ilrinia, an independent city-state located on the western tip of Desh, the eastern continent, lies across a narrow strait from Mosskach. Founded by the Council of Arcaneum, Ilrinia is governed entirely by the Council, resulting in a system where mage guild leaders wield significant political and economic power. The Forest of Alwahd lies to the east of Ilrinia, adding a lush natural border to the city.
+ The city is primarily populated by humans, who dominate the traditional spellcasting profession in Aenyrathia. Ilrinia is also home to a significant number of wood elves from Alwahd, though these elves are often looked down upon by their tribal counterparts for becoming too assimilated. Half-elves are more common in Ilrinia than in other cities due to the high esteem sun elves hold for powerful human mages.
+ Dwarves are less common in Ilrinia, as automatons have largely replaced manual labour, a shift that has not been favourable to dwarf workers. On the other hand, gnomes have found great opportunity in the city's booming automaton export industry, thriving as engineers and technicians. The last decade has also seen a small but noticeable increase in the orc population, spilling over from the larger wave of orc migration into Mosskach.
+ # Districts
+ ## Arbalest
+ Arbalest is a suburban neighbourhood in the southeast of Ilrinia. It is known for its peaceful residential areas, family-friendly parks, and reputable schools, including the prestigious Arbalest Academy where many aspiring mages receive their education. The district also hosts several quiet cafes and small shops, catering to the local community's daily needs.
+ ## The Old City
+ The Old City, a seaside district, is the historical heart of Ilrinia. It features cobblestone streets, ancient buildings, and remnants of the city's original fortifications. The district is a popular tourist destination, with markets selling traditional crafts and coastal eateries offering fresh seafood. The Old City is also home to several museums and cultural institutions that preserve and celebrate Ilrinia's rich history.
+ ## Greenwich
+ Greenwich, located in the south, is Ilrinia's merchant district. It is a bustling area filled with markets, shops, and warehouses. However, beneath its commercial exterior, Greenwich is known for its seedy dealings and underground activities. Many businesses here operate under the radar, and bribery and corruption are common as corporations and traders vie for influence over the mage guild leaders.
+ ## Ham Row
+ Ham Row, in the north, is a mostly abandoned district that serves as Ilrinia's closest equivalent to a slum. Once a thriving industrial area, it has fallen into disrepair as the rise of automatons led to the closure of many factories and workshops. The district now features crumbling buildings and deserted streets, though it still houses some of the city's poorest residents who have no place else to go.
+ ## The Core
+ The Core is the central district of Ilrinia, home to the headquarters of the Council of Arcaneum and most of the city's major corporations. This area is the political and economic hub of Ilrinia, featuring towering skyscrapers, grandiose council buildings, and luxurious corporate offices. The Core is characterized by its bustling activity, with constant meetings, negotiations, and power plays occurring behind closed doors.
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+ Miskatonic University is located in Ilrinia, and primarily serves to educate students in the various arts of magic to help the Council of Arcaneum boost its ranks.
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+ # Overview
+ Mosskach is an independent city-state located on the eastern tip of Ibuth, the western continent, and is separated from Ilrinia by a narrow strait. While it operates under a nominal democracy, the city is effectively controlled by the powerful megacorporation EchoTech, which has established itself as the central force in the production and distribution of orichalcum-based magitech. This corporation’s influence permeates every aspect of life in Mosskach, from industry to politics, reshaping the city into a hub of technological advancement often in conflict with its social fabric.
+ The majority of the city's population comprises humans and dwarves, who dominate its middle and upper classes. It's also known for the significant orc population, drawn from the tribal communities of Ibuth to serve as EchoTech's labour force. Unfortunately, many orcs find themselves marginalized, forced into the dilapidated areas of the city where discrimination is rampant. Despite this, they play an essential role in the city's ongoing modernization and have contributed greatly to its cultural tapestry.
+ # Districts
+ ## Rukh Zidul
+ Rukh Zidul is Mosskach's notorious slum area, where the city's socioeconomic inequalities manifest most starkly. Here, the orc population predominantly resides, facing systemic discrimination and poverty. Makeshift homes and crumbling tenements crowd the streets, which are often marred by crime. Though life is tough, the community exhibits resilience and camaraderie, organizing mutual aid groups and underground businesses that offer support to those in need. Daily life here is marked by struggle, but the spirit of the residents shines through in their vibrant street art and the annual Festivals of the Hollow, a celebration of culture and resistance amid adversity.
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