Commit 90884c

2025-01-30 14:01:28 Mohammad Rafiq: Updated stuff.
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Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin Talos .. Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin Talos (Alternate).md
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- # Senzorin Talos SWASHBUCKLER
# In-Game Statistics
- STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
- DEX: 20 = 18 + 2 from ASI ..
@@ 1,9 1,8 @@
# Introduction
- Aenyrathia is a contemporary fantasy setting that me and my friends play tabletop roleplaying games in. The whole premise behind Aenyrathia is: how would a traditional high fantasy setting look like in the modern era?
+ Aenyrathia is a contemporary fantasy setting that me and my friends play table top roleplaying games in. We define the setting as high magic and high fantasy with modern technology. That means that the typical species you would expect in a fantasy setting are present, like dwarves, elves, and gnomes, and all of these people see magic on an everyday basis, working and living in it.
- To put this in more defined terms, the setting is high magic, high fantasy, and modern technology. That means that the typical species you would expect in a fantasy setting are present, like dwarves, elves, and gnomes, and all of these people see magic on an everyday basis, working and living in it.
- 1. [[Story So Far]] - A retelling of the campaign's events so far.
- 2. [[Characters]] - A list of notable people in the setting.
- 3. [[Lore]] - Contains detailed information about the setting's world, people, phenomena, and locations.
- 4. [[Player Resources]] - Explains what we use to play the game.
- <iframe src="" width=100% height=750px style="border: none;"></iframe>
+ 1. [[Story So Far]] is a retelling of the campaign's events so far, organised into campaign session recaps and (soon) one-shots.
+ 2. [[Characters]] are the notable people in the setting.
+ 3. [[Lore]] contains detailed information about the setting's world, people, phenomena, and locations.
+ 4. [[Player Resources]] explains what we use to play the game.
+ <iframe src="" width=100% height=750px style="border: none;"></iframe>
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/ ..
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# Overview
Mosskach is an independent city-state located on the eastern tip of Ibuth, the western continent, and is separated from Ilrinia by a narrow strait. While it operates under a nominal democracy, the city is effectively controlled by the powerful megacorporation EchoTech, which has established itself as the central force in the production and distribution of orichalcum-based magitech. This corporation’s influence permeates every aspect of life in Mosskach, from industry to politics, reshaping the city into a hub of technological advancement often in conflict with its social fabric.
- The majority of the city's population comprises humans and dwarves, who dominate its middle and upper classes. It's also known for the significant orc population, drawn from the tribal communities of Ibuth to serve as EchoTech's labour force. Unfortunately, many orcs find themselves marginalized, forced into the dilapidated areas of the city where discrimination is rampant. Despite this, they play an essential role in the city's ongoing modernization and have contributed greatly to its cultural tapestry.
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+ The majority of the city's population comprises humans and dwarves, who dominate its middle and upper classes. It's also known for the significant orc population, drawn from the tribal communities of Ibuth to serve as EchoTech's labour force. Unfortunately, many orcs find themselves marginalized, forced into the dilapidated areas of the city where discrimination is rampant. Despite this, they play an essential role in the city's ongoing modernization and have contributed greatly to its cultural tapestry.
+ # Districts
+ ## Lumina
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