2024-08-30 07:30:36Mohammad Rafiq:
Session 11 Scene 6 Draft
Session Summaries/Kriminals/Session 11 (10 August 2024).md ..
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Arche also joined the rest in training her combat skills, practising every night under the moon on using her spear in tandem with her sword and her magic. She began to think on how she could develop her worship of Ruatis even more with her combat, coming up with plans to manufacture a tip for her collapsible elven spear out of moon rock.
Zel'eon also set to work understanding the recipes he had taken from the Purists' offices, eventually finding out how to manufacture alchemists' fire in his lab. He created a few vials of this, loading it into his arm launcher to prepare for any fights ahead. Additionally, he began research on trying to create a sonic bomb that could fit into his arm launcher.
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Zel'eon also set to work understanding the recipes he had taken from the Purists' offices, eventually finding out how to manufacture alchemists' fire in his lab. He created a few vials of this, loading it into his arm launcher to prepare for any fights ahead. Additionally, he began research on trying to create a sonic bomb that could fit into his arm launcher.
## Arche's Birthday Celebration
- On Ruatis, the 12th of Lunaris 1892, Arche wakes up in her room, realising its her birthday. She thinks back on her childhood, remembering how her parents used to value her birthday, and grows a little sad, thinking about how she has not celebrated her birthday properly in about a decade.
- Arche gets up from bed, stretching out the sleep wearing her all blue moon pyjamas. She looks around her small bedroom, seeing her sword leaning against one wall, her armored bodysuit draped over one of the chairs, and her plastic gun made for her by Zel'eon on her desk. She blinks the sleep from her eyes and begins to head downstairs.
- As she descends the staircase among the rays of morning sunlight, she is caught off guard when she hears the voices of her friends singing happy birthday. Saziver stands in the middle holding a cake in the shape of the moon that they had baked for Arche.
- As the song wraps up, the four head to the kitchen island, where Arche takes a better look at the cake, that has patterns and craters on it just like the moon.
- As the group hears a door open upstairs, they watch as a box floats down the staircase as Senzorin uses his telekinesis to retrieve his present for Arche from his room.
- Arche opens Senzorin's gift to find that it is a roughly disco ball sized full moon made fully out of steel that Senzorin had learnt to forge with the Avjarn a few weeks back. Arche, tearing up a little bit, pats Senzorin on his head and says "Thank you.". She immediately runs up to her room and hangs up the moon on her ceiling.
- She decides to open her next present, from Zel'eon, which is in a large rectangular box. Revealed is an ornamental rapier, made by Zel'eon in the Avjarn's forges, inscribed with the elvish symbol of the moon. Zel'eon warns that it isn't for combat, just for display purposes, but Arche thanks him nonetheless, stating that it is beautiful.
- Lastly, Saziver pulls out his tablet and asks Arche, "Do you have your tablet with you?" Arche nods, and as Saziver types a few things into his device, Arche's device vibrates slightly. As she begins to examine it, she notices that Saziver has coded a whole new theme for her device that is just like the moon, with widgets that show the current phase of the moon and moon icons for the apps among other things.
- The group begins to tease Arche, asking her to pick a favourite gift, but she says she can't choose between such wonderful gifts given by her friends, and begins to get emotional.
- After they finish the cake, Arche begins talking seriously, telling her friends she might need their help with something later. She tells them about Anderson Ortlinde's rally later in the day, and that she wants to go and reconnect with him, despite running away a few years ago.
- Her friends obviously agree, and plan to meet at the rally after school.
- They finish up their breakfast, and head to school at the Arbalest Academy, Arche still buzzing from her first birthday celebration in years.