Commit c56ba7

2024-08-30 09:00:17 Mohammad Rafiq: Session 11 Scene 7 Done
Session Summaries/Kriminals/Session 11 (10 August 2024).md ..
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Obviously, her friends agreed to help her, accompanying her to the rally, which was to be held after school. After a quick breakfast, the group headed to school, planning to meet straight afterwards at the rally.
## Arriving at the Rally
- - As the afternoon sun rises over the district of the Core, the team arrives at the Ortlinde Youth Home where Anderson Ortlinde, the governor of Ilrinia and Arche's father, is set to hold his rally for his gubernatorial re-election. The team has bought more formal clothing for themselves, to prevent them having to show up to the rally in their normal combat attire or their school attire.
- - Zel'eon is wearing a white jacket, and has installed white plating over his prosthetics, and is wearing simple black trousers with combat boots. Senzorin has picked up a proper tailored suit, with a black tie, but still keeps his cowboy hat and trench coat over it. Arche is also wearing a nice tailored suit, but wears sunglasses and a mask out of worry that her dad will recognise her. Saziver is also in a three piece navy suit, and stands anxiously waiting to go in.
- - The Ortlinde Youth Home was set up by Anderson Ortlinde a few years ago, during when Arche ran away from home. Outside are a bunch of street vendors already hawking their wares and street food due to the large turnout of Ilrinians attending the rally, showing Governor Ortlinde's popularity.
- - On the front facade of the building are two large banners saying "Vote Ortlinde!" with a large stylised depiction of Governor Ortlinde above them, showing a pale elf with black hair and vaguely Caucasian features.
- - The team heads into the rally, where they see a large multipurpose hall, already filled with throngs of people. At the far end of the hall, they see a stage set up with a speaking lectern, with the governor nowhere to be seen yet. Large glass windows are installed on each of the long walls on either side of the hall. At the front of the crowd are reporters and journalists ready to document the rally.
- - Arche starts getting nervous, telling the rest of the group, "Guys, I'm kind of getting second thoughts." The group briefly discusses with her if perhaps they could transmit a message to Governor Ortlinde to get him to meet her privately, or have Arche stay in the car, but since they don't want to disrupt the rally, they decide to just stay there and wait it out.
- - Saziver decides to try and hack into the building's security to see what he can find out. He uses his AR glasses that he has previously made as his screens, and begins typing in midair, engrossed in his own world. The rest of the group move to surround him, trying to not let anyone see the gnome furiously typing into nothing.
- - Saziver hacks into the surveillance crystals that are monitoring the hall and its backstage. As he flips through the crystal camera feeds to get to the backstage, he notices something peculiar; there is an above average number of wood elves at this rally. Normally, there would be around 1% of wood elves in any given setting, matching the population percentage of the city, but nearly 10% of the rally's attendance are wood elves. He also notices that the wood elves seem to be wearing ill-fitting suits.
- - For now, Saziver flips to the crystal camera feed of the backstage, seeing Governor Ortlinde with his wife, Aurora Ortlinde, Arche's mother. She is a sun elf woman with bright blonde hair and golden skin and golden eyes, but is sitting on a wheelchair, motionless and completely non-responsive to her husband patting her back.
- - Anderson Ortlinde, on the other hand, while nominally a sun elf, does not look like a sun elf. He has jet black hair, with pale, silvery skin, and grey eyes, wearing a bright blue three piece suit, matching the colours of the Council of Aenyrathia.
- - Saziver tries to use his psionic abilities to find out the emotional state of Aurora, but fails as she is too far away. However, through the crystal camera feed, he feels a slight connection. He attempts to reach through his device, and succeeds, casting his psionic ability through his network into Aurora's mind, and finds a deep dark mind full of pure depression; not sadness, but a complete apathy to everything and a lack of emotion, surrounding a ball of emotion deep in her mind that has been locked away.
- - The rest watch as Saziver unwittingly begins to shed a tear before he pulls away from Aurora's mind. Communicating what he found to the rest of the group, Arche confirms that his mother has been in that non-responsive state since her little brother was kidnapped a decade prior. "She completely withdrew from everything, stopping talking to me or my dad, even not eating or drinking anything for a while.". The rest try to reassure Arche, telling her her mother would be happy to see her, but Arche doubts it.
- - Saziver watches as a sun elf woman walks up to Governor Ortlinde backstage, and says something to him that Saziver can't see as her back is turned. However, the governor nods, standing up and straightening his tie before walking out from view of the crystal camera feed.
- - The group watches as Governor Ortlinde steps out onto the stage. Cameras begin flashing and reporters start standing up and asking him questions, but he silences them with a raised hand, flashing a smile and stepping up to the podium as the room falls quiet.
- - "Citizens of Ilrinia. It is a pleasure to see you once again and I welcome you to the start of this race for re-election that I am participating in once again. I am here as a proven governor for Ilrinia, and I hope you have enjoyed my first term. I have reduced homelessness, improved education, provided free lunches to every child in Ilrinia, and opened this beautiful place of family," gesturing around at the Youth Home, Governor Ortlinde begins his speech as the people in the room cheer and applaud.
- - Saziver notices, still watching the crystal camera feed, that the only people not applauding are the wood elves he noticed before in the ill-fitting suits.
- - The governor continues his speech, discussing his contributions to Ilrinian society, as Saziver notices one of the wood elves, who is standing very close to them directly in front, a lion maned wood elf, begin to reach into his pocket. The other wood elves around the hall also reach into their pockets, and all of them take out these small glass spherical globes fileld with a swirling mist.
- - Panicking, Saziver quickly tells the group something big is about to go down and to get ready, and watches as the wood elves crush their orbs in their fists, releasing a green gas that begins to slowly spread around the hall.
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+ The afternoon sun shone over the Ortlinde Youth Home, where Anderson Ortlinde, the governor of Ilrinia and Arche's estranged father, was set to address the public in a rally for his re-election. As the team approached the venue, dressed far more formally than their typical combat gear, Zel’eon led the pack, clad in a crisp white jacket, with white plating fitted snugly over his prosthetic,s and simple black trousers over combat boots. Beside him, Senzorin wore a tailored suit, complete with a sharp black tie, yet still keeping his signature cowboy hat and trench coat.
+ Arche’s heart raced as she adjusted her own suit, a pair of sunglasses and a mask concealing her face—a precaution against being recognised by her father. Meanwhile, Saziver, wearing a three-piece navy suit almost too large for his small frame, stood with an anxious energy, glancing back at the throng of supporters already gathering outside. Street vendors already filled the area, hawking wares and street food.
+ The youth home’s front was adorned with two large banners emblazoned with "Vote Ortlinde!" above a stylized depiction of the governor—a pale elf with jet-black hair and vaguely Caucasian features, staring out with a warm smile. As they stepped into the building, they were met with a expansive multipurpose hall, packed with attendees. Bright sunlight streamed through the wide glass windows, illuminating the faces of eager citizens, many of whom cheerfully waved signs in support of the governor. A stage stood at the far end, a lectern waiting for its occupant.
+ A tremor of anxiety crept into Arche’s heart. She turned to her friends, her voice a whisper in the crowded hall. "Guys, I'm kind of getting second thoughts." The group shared concerned glances, briefly discussing various strategies to facilitate a private meeting with the governor, including the possibility of sending a message or keeping Arche hidden in the car. Yet, the consensus was to withstand the overwhelming tide of the gathering, deciding they would not disrupt the event.
+ Taking a more proactive stance, Saziver activated his AR glasses and began typing fervently, immersed in the virtual interface of his own design. The others form a circle around Saziver, trying to shield him from prying eyes as he types away, thoroughly absorbed in his task.
+ Saziver quickly succeeded in breaching the building’s security systems and accessed the surveillance crystals, flicking through the various camera feeds. As he scrutinized the crowd, an observation came to mind—an unusually high proportion of wood elves filled the hall. Where he would expect a mere 1%, nearly 10% of the rally attendees appeared to be wood elves, clad in ill-fitting suits.
+ He flipped his screens to the backstage feed. There, he saw Governor Ortlinde standing beside his wife, Aurora Ortlinde—Arche's mother. Sitting in a wheelchair, Aurora was beautiful even in her stillness, her bright blonde hair and golden skin dreamlike even in the darkness backstage. Yet, she sat utterly motionless, unresponsive to her husband gently patting her back.
+ Governor Ortlinde, nominally a sun elf, looked odd with his black hair, pale skin, and grey eyes, thought the group was used to such features from Arche. He was clad in a bright blue three-piece suit - the colors affiliated with the Council of Aenyrathia. Saziver tried to reach out psionically to sense Aurora’s emotional state; however, the distance hindered his abilities. Yet, he manages to make a faint connection through the video feed, and managed to make a tenuous connection.
+ Suddenly, despair flooded his senses. Aurora’s psyche radiated a suffocating darkness, an impenetrable void of depression that enveloped a core of tightly locked emotions. Overcome by this powerful rush, Saziver felt a tear escape his eye as he withdrew from her mind, revealing his findings to the group with a shaky voice.
+ Arche’s expression darkened as she nodded slowly, tears brimming in her eyes, explaining how her mother had been in this state since her brother was kidnapped a decade ago, "She completely withdrew from everything, stopped talking to me or my dad—even not eating or drinking anything for a while.” The group offered assurances that all would be well when Arche talked to her, but Arche remained doubtful that her mother would even react to her.
+ As they continued to monitor the feed, Saziver saw a sun elf woman who approached Governor Ortlinde backstage, her words inaudible. The governor responded with a nod, adjusted his tie, and soon stepped out of sight.
+ The team shifted their attention back to the stage as Governor Ortlinde emerged to a round of applause. The hall lit up with camera flashes as the clamor of reporters begin to rise. Raising his hand, he called for silence, flashing his signature smile.
+ “Citizens of Ilrinia. It is a pleasure to see you once again. I welcome you to the start of this race for re-election that I am participating in once again. I hope you have enjoyed my first term. I have reduced homelessness, improved education, provided free lunches to every child in Ilrinia, and opened this beautiful place,” he gestured expansively toward the Youth Home, eliciting a wave of cheers and applause from the audience.
+ Saziver noticed something alarming: among the applause, only the wood elves stood motionless, remaining still in their ill-fitting suits, a stark contrast to the jubilation around them.
+ As Governor Ortlinde continued his address, informing the citizens of his dedication to their well-being, Saziver observed one of the lion-maned wood elves standing close to them reach into his pocket. The elf’s action was mirrored by the others, who began to produce small glass spheres filled with a swirling, ominous mist, putting on face masks with their free hands.
+ Panic gripped Saziver as he quietly tells the group what is happening and to get ready.
+ All at once, the wood elves shattered their orbs with a sharp, resonant crack, releasing a noxious green gas that began to coil around their feet, slowly spreading throughout the hall; and the team leapt into action.
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