Commit c8889b

2024-08-30 18:49:57 Mohammad Rafiq: changed files M Session Summaries/Kriminals/Session 12 (17 August 2024).md
Session Summaries/Kriminals/Session 12 (17 August 2024).md ..
@@ 11,6 11,4 @@
- The team stay overnight in Arbalest Academy, visited by Principal John de Bolbec who sympathizes and allows them to stay the night, and an exhausted Dalen, who informs them that the panther has disappeared and to get out of Ilrinia for their safety and those around them.
- On Yros, 13th of Lunaris 1892, they take a bus north to Brunswick. Upon arrival, they stop at a seafood restaurant owned by a middle-aged sea elf who promises them ferry transport to Mosskach after taking money from them. The session ends as they head to the ferry terminal.
# Experience Points
- For their battle against the panther where they survived against all odds and their skirmish with the wood elves behind their house, the party gains 1000 experience points. The team is now at 6200xp up from 5200xp.
- # Loot
- ## Miscellaneous
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+ For their battle against the panther where they survived against all odds and their skirmish with the wood elves behind their house, the party gains 1000 experience points. The team is now at 6200xp up from 5200xp.
\ No newline at end of file
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