Commit cadfdd

2025-01-16 16:00:38 Haikal: Updated
Characters/Player Characters/Zel'eon ..
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Zel'eon has recently fled to Ilrinia after getting on the wrong side of EchoTech with Arche and two others, named Saziver and Senzorin. He is currently attending Arbalest Academy with them, slowly letting his guard down in the relative safety of Ilrinia.
# Physical Appearance
Character's appearance as seen by others
- # In-Game Statistics
+ # Ingame Statistics
- STR: 4
- - DEX: 13
+ - DEX: 14 = 13 +1 from Feat
- CON: 18 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat + 2 from ASI
- INT: 18
- WIS: 13
- CHA: 16 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat
+ # Proficincies
+ - Armor Proficiencies: All Armor, Shields,
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, (firearms)
+ - Tools: Leather (Enhanced), Healer Kit, Tinkers, Smith (Enhanced), Vehicles (Land)
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: CON, INT
+ - Skills: Investigation (Class), Nature (Class), Medicine (Race), Intimidation(Skill Expert), Survival (Background), Perception (Background)
## Level 1
### Race: Variant Human
*Note: Zel'eon is a half-elf in lore, born to a human mother*
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- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 ft
- Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
- ### Background:
- - Skills: Persuasion (Background)
+ ### Background (Custom):
+ - Skills: Perception, Survival
- Languages: Orcish
- - Tools: Leather, Vehicles (Land), Chefs Utensils
+ - Tools: Leather, Vehicles (Land),
### Feat:
- Skill Expert; CHA +1
Proficiency: Intimidation
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- Hit Dice: 1d8
- Max HP: 11
- Armor Proficiencies: All Armor, Shields,
- - Weapon Proficiencies:
- - Tools: Leather, Healer, Tinkers, Smith, Utensils, Vehicles (Land)
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, (firearms)
+ - Tools: Leather (Enhanced), Healer Kit, Tinkers, Smith (Enhanced), Vehicles (Land)
- Saving Throw Proficiencies: CON, INT
- - Skills: Tinkering (Class), Nature (Class), Medicine (Race), Intimidation(Skill Expert), Survival (Background), Perception (Background)
- #### Example feature
- *1st level Enhanced feature*
+ - Skills: Investigation (Class), Nature (Class)
+ #### Feature
+ *1st level Artificer feature*
- Feature description:
- Blade Enhancement; Hidden arm Blade that does 1d8 Slashing Damage on hit, Uses INT for ATK and DMG rolls.
- Infusions:
- Arm Launcher
- Enhanced Weapon
- Enhanced Defense
+ - Magical Tinker
+ Your insights into magical and mechanical objects can appear as magic to the untrained eye. Starting from 1st level, you can use tinker's tools to cast the mending Cantrip and both detect magic and identify as rituals. Your tools are the spellcasting focus and replace the material components of the spells.
+ Moreover, the time it would take you to craft a magic item is halved if you are proficient with appropriate artisan's tools.
+ - Replicate Magic Item
+ You can also use your Infusions to replicate magic items you have studied. During a long rest, you can spend 1 hour using tinker's tools to examine a magic item you touch. At the end of that long rest, you can replace one Infusion you know with the knowledge of this magic item. After which, you can infuse an object with the properties of that magic item, following all the rules for your other Infusions.
+ You cannot use this feature to replicate magic items that are consumed after one use, such as scrolls and potions.
+ You can use this feature to replicate any item of Common rarity. As you gain Artificer levels you can use this feature to replicate items of increasing rarity: Uncommon at 5th level, Rare at 11th level, and finally Very Rare items at 17th level.
+ - Infusions
+ You have learned to imbue objects with your signature brand of magic in order to produce wondrous items. At 1st level, you learn two Infusions of your choice from the list at the end of this class. The Infusions Known column of the Artificer table shows when you learn additional Infusions. You cannot learn an Infusion more than once unless specified. During each long rest, you can spend 1 hour using tinker's tools to replace one Infusion you know with another Infusion of your choice, so long as you meet all of its prerequisites.
## Level 2
### Class: Artificer
- Hit Dice: 2d8
- Max HP: 19
- #### Example Feature
- *2nd level Enhanced feature*
+ #### Feature
+ *2nd level feature*
- Feature description:
Spell Casting
Save DC: 8 + PB + INT
Spell ATK: PB + INT
Spells Slots: 3 1st Level, 3 Spells Known, 2 Cantrips Known
- Tinker's Insight
+ - Tinker's Insight
Also at 2nd level, your expert understanding of the magic of artifice allows you to bypass normal magic item restrictions. You can attune to and use any magic item regardless of any alignment, class, player race, or spell requirements, and you can choose touse your ArtificerSpell save DCin place ofthe magicitem's DC.
# Level 3
### Class: Artificer
- Hit Dice: 3d8
- Max HP: 27
- #### Example Feature
- *3rd level Enhanced feature*
+ #### Feature
+ *3rd level Artificer feature*
- Feature description:
- Enhancements;
- Power Enhancements, Add INT to STR Checks
- Arcane Recharge
+ - Arcane Recharge:
Starting at 3rd level, during the course of a short rest, you can recover expended spell slots of a combined level equal to your Intelligence modifier. After you do, you must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.
At 11th level, you can use this feature to cause one Infused item or magic item you touch to regain any Charges it would normally regain at dawn, in place of regaining spell slots.
+ *3rd level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature Description
+ - Tools of the Trade
+ 3rd-level Enhanced Specialization feature
+ You gain proficiency with leatherworker's and smith's tools.
+ If you are already proficient with these tools, you instead gain proficiency with a set of artisan's tools of your choice.
+ - Modular Physique
+ You can improved your physical form with mechanical
+ and arcane enhancements. Your body itself counts as individual items for the purposes of Infusions: your
+ head (helmet), torso (armor), arms (gauntlets), and legs (boots). Each of these body parts can bear one Infusion.
+ These modifications have also hardened your exterior.
+ If you are not wearing armor, your Armor Class is equal to
+ 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
+ You can use a shield and still gain this benefit, and any Infusions incorporated into your torso benefit this AC.
+ - Hidden Blade
+ You have modified one of your arms with a Hidden Blade that can be extended or retracted as a bonus action. This Hidden Blade is a simple weapon with the finesse property, and on hit, it deals 1d10 piercing or slashing damage.
+ Your Hidden Blade is considered a magical weapon, but it can still bear one of your Infusions. It can also be used as the spellcasting focus for your Artificer spells when extended.
# Level 4
### Class: Artificer
- Hit Dice: 4d8
- Max HP: 41
- *4rd level feature*
+ *4th level Artificer feature*
- Feature description:
ASI Improvement:
Con +2
- Feat: Spellsword
+ - Feat: Spellsword Adept
+ You have trained to combine your minor magics with weapon attacks. You gain the benefits listed below:
+ Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
+ You learn two Cantrips of your choice from the Magus spell list, choosing Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for these Magus Cantrips. At least one of these Cantrips must deal damage.
+ Once on your turn when you make a melee weapon attack, you can imbue the magic of a Cantrip you know into your attack. On hit, you do not deal the damage of the Cantrip along with the damage of your weapon attack. Instead, the weapon attack deals the damage type dealt by the Cantrip, and it applies the additional effects of the Cantrip on hit.
# Level 5
### Class: Artificer
- Hit Dice: 5d8
- Max HP: 52
- -
- *5th level feature*
+ *5th level Enhanced feature*
- Feature description:
- - You have improved your modifications to further augment your combat abilities. You gain the following benefits:
- You can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
- Each of your Enhancements can bear a single Infusion usually meant for the following objects: Mobility (boots), Nimble (gauntlets), Power (armor), Visual (helm, goggles).
- Your Blade counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks.
+ - Bonus Enhancements
+ You find it easier to innovate and invent when working with your own body. Your number of Infusions Known increases by 1, but this bonus Infusion must be applied to part of your body with your Modular Physique feature.
+ Your total number of Infusions Known increases by 1 again at 10th and 15th level, but both of these additional Infusions must also be applied to part of your body with your Modular Physique feature as well.
+ - Extra Attack
+ You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action. Also, when you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one Hidden Blade attack as a bonus action
- - Visual Enhancement. You modify one of your eyes. You can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to any checks you make that rely on your sense of sight.
- - Infusion: Radiant Weapon
- As a bonus action, the wielder can cause this weapon to emit bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light 30 feet beyond that. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.
- This magical weapon has 4 charges. When its wielder hits a creature with this weapon, it can expend 1 charge and force its target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is blinded until the beginning of your next turn. This weapon regains all expended charges at dawn.
- At 11th level, this weapon grants a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 17th leve
# Level 6
### Class: Artificer
- Hit Dice: 6d8
- Max HP: 64
- -
- *6th level feature*
+ *6th level Artificer feature*
- Feature description:
- - Flash of Genius
+ Flash of Genius
- You can offer potent insight at a moment's notice. Starting at 6th level, when you or a creature who can hear you within 30 feet, makes an ability check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to that roll.You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you complete a long rest.
# Spell List
+ - Cantrips: Frostbite, Green-Flame Blade, Shocking Grasp, True Strike (SA), Ray of Frost(SA), FireBolt(IN), Mending
+ - Spells:
+ Absorb Element(E), Thunderous Smite(E), Alter Self(E), Spider Climb(E), Searing Smite, Cure Wounds, Witch Bolt, Heat Metal, Burning Hands(IN), Scorching Ray(IN), Fireball(IN)
+ # Infusion List
+ - Arm Launcher:
+ As an action, this magical launcher can be loaded with up to five Tiny objects, such as individual bags of ball bearings or caltrops, or vials of acid, alchemist's fire, oil, or holy water. As a bonus action, the wearer can activate the launcher to fire one of the objects loaded in it, making a ranged weapon attack against a target or space it can see within 20 feet.
+ - Enhanced Arcane Focus:
+ This magic item grants its wielder +1 bonus to spell attack rolls, and it ignores half cover when making spell attacks. This bonus increases at 11th level (+2) and 17th level (+3).
+ - Wildfire Cannon
+ As an action, the wielder of this magical object can expend Charges and use your Artificer Spellcasting modifier to cast these spells: firebolt (0 Charges), burning hands (1 Charge), scorching ray (2 Charges), or fireball (3 Charges).This magical item has a number of Charges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 Charge), and it regains all of its expended Charges each day at dawn.
+ - Goggles of Clearsight
+ While wearing these magical goggles the wearer can see normally through light or heavy obscurement from mundane and magical phenomena, including darkness, within 120 feet. The wearer also no longer suffers negative effects from the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, and it has advantage on any saving throws it makes to resist the blinded condition.
+ -Enhanced Defense
+ This magical item grants its wearer or wielder a +1 bonus to its Armor Class while wearing or wielding this infused item.This bonus increases at 11th level (+2) and 17th level (+3).
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