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Born as Luvia Bellona Ortlinde on the 12th of Lunaris 1875, Arche Kagekiyo was raised in the prestigious Ortlinde clan, known for their unparalleled craftsmanship in weaponry and their obsession with heroism and power. Her early years were filled with warmth and familial love, but after her younger brother, Taira, was kidnapped, leading to her mother falling into depression and her father obsessively pursuing power. Arche found solace in embracing the worship of the moon, a practise considered heretical, and when her father found her out, she ran away to Mosskach, adopting the name Arche Kagekiyo.
She stayed with her childhood friend Senzorin for a number of years, working with Zel'eon Talos at his clinic in the slums of Mosskach. After they got on the wrong side of EchoTech, they fled back to Ilrinia, forcing Arche back into the city where she was born. Arche is currently attending the Arbalest Academy as a final year high school student, and longs to reunite with her brother.
Physical Appearance
Arche is a female sun elf in her late teens, standing at a height of 5'8". She keeps herself fit, but does not keep any muscle. She has shoulder-length black hair styled in a wolf cut, and often wears a face mask. Arche carries a ceramic gun made by Zel'eon which she uses in her rituals to Ruatis.
In-Game Statistics
- STR: 13
- DEX: 17 = 14 + 2 from race + 1 from level 4 asi
- CON: 14
- INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
- WIS: 20 = 18 + 1 from feat + 1 from level 4 asi
- CHA: 4
Level 1
Race: Sun Elf
- Ability Score Increase: DEX +2, INT +1
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 ft.
- Languages Known: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
- Skills: Perception
- Tools: longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow
- Darkvision 60ft.
- Fey Ancestry. Adv. on saves vs charm, and can't be put to sleep by magic
- Know the cantrip shape water
Background: Custom
- Skills: Medicine, Religion
- Languages: none
- Tools: none (should pick two)
Feat: Fey Touched
- Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
- Learn Misty Step, Identify
Class: Cleric
- Hit Dice: 1d8
- Max HP: 10 = 8 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
- Armor Proficiencies: all
- Weapon Proficiencies: all
- Tools: none
- Saving Throw Proficiencies: WIS, CHA
- Skills: History, Insight
Eyes of Night
1st level twilight cleric feature
- Darkvision 300ft.
- As an action, can share Darkvision with number of creatures up to WIS mod for one hour, once per long rest (can expend spell slot to use more than once per long rest)
Vigilant Blessing
1st level twilight cleric feature
- As an action, give one creature advantage on initiative
1st level cleric feature
- Can prepare spells equal to WIS mod + cleric level every long rest
- Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
- Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Domain Spells
1st level twilight cleric feature
- Following spells are always prepared and don't count against preparation limit: faerie fire, sleep, moonbeam, see invisibility, aura of vitality, Leomund's tiny hut, aura of life, greater invisibility, circle of power, mislead
Level 2
Class: Cleric
- Hit Dice: 2d8
- Max HP: 20 = 10 + 8 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
- +1 1st level spell slot
- +1 prepared spell (6 total)
Channel Divinity
2nd level cleric feature
- Can use once per short or long rest from the following options:
- Turn Undead: As an action, make all undead within 30ft run away from you upon failing WIS save
- Harness Divine Power: Bonus action to regain one expended spell slot up to level equals to half your proficiency bonus
- Twilight Sanctuary: Action to cast 30ft radius sphere, lasts for 1 minute, if creature ends turn in sphere, you can end one charmed/frightened effect, all allies in sphere get prof bonus + WIS mod damage reduction once per round
Level 3
Class: Cleric
- Hit Dice: 3d8
- Max HP: 27 = 20 + 5 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
- +1 1st level spell slot, +2 2nd level spell slots
- +1 prepared spell (7 total)
Level 4
Class: Cleric
- Hit Dice: 4d8
- Max Hp 37 = 20 + 5 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod) + 8 (1d8) + 2 (CON mod)
- +2 prepared spells (19 > 20 WIS + level up)
- +1 2nd level spell slot
- ASI +1 to WIS = 20 / +1 to DEX = 17
- New Feat: Eldritch initiate, eldritch sight