
Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Mosskach to a loving gnome couple, Saziver lived a sheltered and peaceful childhood. Saziver took after his mechanic mother and took apart anything he could get his hands on, to the chagrin of whoever the owner of the item was. Saziver was also raised by Both Steeljaw, a former professional Blood Bowl athlete turned sportscaster, whose publicist was Saziver's (other) mother.

Saziver has recently developed psionic abilities, possibly as a result of exposure to Both, who has revealed himself to also have psionic abilities. He has just fled the city of Mosskach to the neighbouring Ilrinia, after him and Zel'eon Talos, Senzorin Talos, and Arche Kagekiyo got into trouble with the EchoTech corporation. Saziver hacked the database of a private school named Arbalest Academy, inserting the four of them as exchange students from Mosskach.

Physical Appearance

Saziver is a male gnome in his late teens, with a wiry frame. He has an ash-brown complexion and copper hair, each inherited from a different parent. He has a distinct nervous energy about him and is constantly fidgeting with his hands or whatever is in them at that moment.

In-Game Statistics

  • STR: 4
  • DEX: 15 = 14 + 1 from feat
  • CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
  • INT: 20 = 18 + 2 from race
  • WIS: 17 = 14 + 1 from feat + 2 (ASI)
  • CHA: 13

Level 1

Race: Gnome (Rock)

  • Ability Score Increase: INT +2, CON +1
  • Size: Small
  • Speed: 25 ft.
  • Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Gnome Cunning. Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saves against magic
  • Artificer's Lore. Add double proficiency bonus for History checks related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices
  • Tinker. Proficiency with tinker's tools, can spend 1hr and 10gp to construct Tiny clockwork device, up to 3 devices active at a time, effects as follows:
    • Clockwork Toy. Can move 5ft each turn in random direction and make noise
    • Fire Starter. Produces miniature flame that can be used to light candle, torch, or campfire
    • Music Box. Plays a single song at a moderate volume until closed

Background: Custom

  • Skills: Cybersecurity, Tinkering
  • Languages: Orcish
  • Tools: Playing cards

Feat: Observant

  • Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
  • Can read lips in a language you understand
  • +5 to passive Perception and Investigation

Class: Psion

  • Hit Dice: 1d6
  • Max HP: 8 = 6 + 2 (CON modifier)
  • Armor Proficiencies: light armour
  • Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons
  • Tools: none
  • Saving Throw Proficiencies: INT, WIS
  • Skills: Perception, Investigation


1st level Psion feature

  • Learn 2 cantrips at 1st level:
    • Mind Thrust, Message
  • Pool of Psi Points equal to Psion level + 1, refresh on short or long rest
  • Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell
  • Can only cast spells of level up to Mental Limit
  • Learn 2 1st level spells:
    • Alarm, Id Insinuation
  • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
  • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier

Aura Sight

1st level Psion (Empath) feature

  • Proficiency in Insight
  • Add INT modifier to all Insight rolls
  • Can spend 1 Psi Point as an action to learn the most powerful surface-level emotion of a creature within 60ft.
  • Can add INT modifier to CHA check on a creature that you have read the aura of

Empath Spell

1st level Psion (Empath) feature

  • Learn Charm Person

Level 2

Class: Psion

  • Hit Dice: 2d6
  • Max HP: 14 = 8 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
  • Spells Learnt: Shield

Harmonious Recovery

2nd level Psion feature

  • Bonus action to regenerate Psi Points equal to INT mod once per long rest

Mystic Talents

2nd level Psion feature

  • Learn 2 Mystic Talents:
    • Precognition I. Cannot be surprised unless unconscious, asleep, or incapacitated, and gain a bonus to initiative equal to INT modifier
    • Metamorphosis I. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, manifest psionic strike, or make a Strength check, you can use your Intelligence in place of Strength.

Level 3

Class: Psion

  • Hit Dice: 3d6
  • Max HP: 20 = 14 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)


3rd level class features

  • Learn 1 Spell at 3rd level:
    • Mirror Image.

Emotional Flood

3rd level Psion feature

  • You can psionically manipulate the emotional auras of other creatures. At 3rd level, you gain the following abilities:

    • Depress

      • When you manifest a psion spell that charms or frightens a creature, you can expend additional psi points to impose disadvantage on their initial saving throw. For each additional psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit) a target of your choice has disadvantage on their initial roll.
    • Elate

      • As an action, you can touch a creature and expend psi points to inspire them. It gains 1d4 temporary hit points for each psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit).
    • Enrage

      • The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or immediately use its reaction to make a single melee attack against one target of its choice within range. If there are no targets within range it takes 1d6 psychic damage.

Mystic Talents

3rd level Psion feature

  • Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
    • Iron Durability I. So long as you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is equal to 13 + your Intelligence modifier.

Empath Spell

3rd level Psion (Empath) feature

  • Learn Calm Person

Level 4

Class: Psion

  • Hit Dice: 4d6
  • Max HP: 26 = 20 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)

Ability Score Improvement

  • +2 WIS

Feat: Fade Away

  • Your people are clever, with a knack for illusion magic. You have learned a magical trick for fading away when you suffer harm. You gain the following benefits: Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20. Immediately after you take damage, you can use a reaction to magically become invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


4th level class features

  • Learn 1 cantrip and 1 spell
    • Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip

Level 5

Class: Psion

  • Hit Dice: 5d6
  • Max HP: 33 = 26 + 5 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
  • Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell


1st level Psion feature

  • Learn 1 spell 3rd Mental Limit
    • Slow

Empath Spell

5th level Psion (Empath) feature

  • Learn Fear

Mystic Talents

5th level Psion feature

  • Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
    • Precognition II (Prerequisite: 5th-level Psion, Precognition I): When you are hit by an attack that you can see, you can use your reaction to add 1d4 to your Armor Class against that attack.