

Brakzuk is a young, settled orc with dark grey skin. He is often seen with his dragon Cilme, who he has a preternatural bond with. Brakzuk was born of two raiders, and was given birth to during one of these raids, after which his mother left him to continue her pillaging. The snarling babe was later found in the smoldering ruins of the village by Sarta and Sadron, a elf and dragon pair belonging to the elf clan of Angor, famed worldwide for being the only ones worthy enough to ride dragons. Brakzuk grew up here, learning temperance as only elves can teach, and retained only his name from his family, written on a war axe Brakzuk was clutching when Sarta found him.

Cilme, who recently hatched for him on Brakzuk's 16th birthday, now adventures alongside Brakzuk in the ancient traditions of Angor to forge a bond between the two and solidify their power as dragon and rider, along with helping any folks they find along the way.

Story So Far



Level 1

Race: {Name}

Background: {Name}

Feat: {Name}

Class: {Name}

Hit Dice: 1d? Hit Points: ? (? + CON mod) Armor: {armor proficiencies} Weapons: {weapon proficiencies} Tools: {tool proficiencies} Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence Skills: Choose 2 from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Investigation, Nature, and Performance.

Feature: {Name}

1st level {class name} feature

Level 2

Class: {Name}


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