Edit Session 11 (10 August 2024).md

Date Author Comment
2025-01-27 23:10:47  fec822 Mohammad Rafiq rarrr
2025-01-20 10:49:35  7567cd Mohammad Rafiq Bin Mohd Rashid Revert "changed files: M .gitignore Characters.md Characters/Major NPCs.md Characters/Major NPCs/Dregdul.md Characters/Player Characters.md Characters/Player Characters/Arche Kagekiyo.md Characters/Player Characters/Saziver Copper-Fern.md Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin Talos.md Characters/Player Characters/Zel'eon Talos.md Home.md Home/Aenyrathia_World_Map_v1.png Home/favicon-32x32.png Home/logo.png Home/map-heightmap.png Home/map.png Home/sitemap.xml Lore.md Lore/Gods/Ruatis.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh/Alwahd.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh/Ilrinia.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh/Miskatonic University.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Enoch.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/Bear Mountains.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/Mosskach.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Kharoq.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Miramor.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Siddia.md Lore/Magic and Technology/Orichalcum.md Lore/Organisations/Council of Arcaneum.md Lore/Organisations/EchoTech.md Lore/Organisations/The New Dawn.md Lore/Organisations/The Peakers.md Lore/Species/Aasimar.md Lore/Species/Cyrrans.md Lore/Species/Dwarf.md Lore/Species/Gh'borin.md Lore/Species/Gnomes.md Lore/Species/Humans.md Lore/Species/Orcs.md Lore/Species/Rah'Zuhari.md Lore/Species/Sun Elves.md Lore/Species/Tiefling.md Lore/Species/Vyrkani.md Player Resources.md Player Resources/House Rules.md Story So Far.md Story So Far/Session 01 (30 March 2024).md Story So Far/Session 02 (06 April 2024).md Story So Far/Session 03 (20 April 2024).md Story So Far/Session 04 (11 May 2024).md Story So Far/Session 05 (19 May 2024).md Story So Far/Session 06 (26 May 2024).md Story So Far/Session 07 (30 May 2024).md Story So Far/Session 08 (1 June 2024).md Story So Far/Session 09 (6 July 2024).md Story So Far/Session 10 (13 July 2024).md Story So Far/Session 10.1 (20 July 2024).md Story So Far/Session 10.2 (27 July 2024).md Story So Far/Session 11 (10 August 2024).md Story So Far/Session 12 (17 August 2024).md Story So Far/Session 13 (31 August 2024).md, A .obsidian/app.json .obsidian/appearance.json .obsidian/community-plugins.json .obsidian/core-plugins-migration.json .obsidian/core-plugins.json .obsidian/graph.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/main.js .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/manifest.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/obsidian_askpass.sh .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/styles.css .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/data.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/main.js .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/manifest.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/styles.css .obsidian/themes/AnuPpuccin/manifest.json .obsidian/themes/AnuPpuccin/theme.css .obsidian/workspace-mobile.json .obsidian/workspace.json Characters/Major NPCs/Dalen Blackwell.md, D Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin Talos SWASHBUCKLER.md Story So Far/Session 14 (21 September 2024).md Story So Far/Session 15 (27 October 2024).md Story So Far/Session 16 (31 December 2024).md Story So Far/Session 17 (10 January 2025).md" This reverts commit 954d72e9f2c4f2d1733b7d67f9fe589fc6e71948, reversing changes made to cbaca10602cc22b8721aee23f67bf2b9ea65a8d1.
2025-01-20 09:19:12  d58049 Mohammad Rafiq changed files: M .gitignore Characters/Major NPCs/Dregdul.md Characters/Major NPCs.md Characters/Player Characters/Arche Kagekiyo.md Characters/Player Characters/Saziver Copper-Fern.md Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin Talos.md Characters/Player Characters/Zel'eon Talos.md Characters/Player Characters.md Characters.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Enoch.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/Bear Mountains.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/Mosskach.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Kharoq.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Miramor.md Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Siddia.md Lore/Magic and Technology/Orichalcum.md Lore/Organisations/EchoTech.md Lore/Organisations/The New Dawn.md Lore/Species/Orcs.md Story So Far/Session 13 (31 August 2024).md Story So Far.md, A .obsidian/app.json .obsidian/appearance.json .obsidian/community-plugins.json .obsidian/core-plugins-migration.json .obsidian/core-plugins.json .obsidian/graph.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/main.js .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/manifest.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/styles.css .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/data.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/main.js .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/manifest.json .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-style-settings/styles.css .obsidian/themes/AnuPpuccin/manifest.json .obsidian/themes/AnuPpuccin/theme.css .obsidian/workspace-mobile.json .obsidian/workspace.json Characters/Major NPCs/Dalen Blackwell.md, D Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin Talos SWASHBUCKLER.md Story So Far/Session 14 (21 September 2024).md Story So Far/Session 15 (27 October 2024).md Story So Far/Session 16 (31 December 2024).md Story So Far/Session 17 (10 January 2025).md Story So Far/Session 18 (18 January 2025).md
2025-01-06 15:35:08  aafb63 root Idk bruh please work
2024-08-30 19:13:20  62277e Mohammad Rafiq 2024-08-30 19:13:19: ...
2024-08-30 13:10:47  9f874d Mohammad Rafiq Added loot to Session 11
2024-08-30 13:07:07  3ed51f Mohammad Rafiq Added XP
2024-08-30 12:59:15  6cd3f2 Mohammad Rafiq Added TL;DR
2024-08-30 12:41:40  69fe9d Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Recap DONE
2024-08-30 11:18:37  1f72f0 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 8 Done
2024-08-30 10:32:13  0ad26d Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 8 Draft
2024-08-30 09:00:17  c56ba7 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 7 Done
2024-08-30 08:38:48  64fe75 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 7 Draft
2024-08-30 07:41:45  a3a711 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 6 Done
2024-08-30 07:30:36  913fa9 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 6 Draft
2024-08-30 07:01:40  ea496a Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 5 Done
2024-08-30 06:07:33  fe2545 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 5 Draft
2024-08-30 05:59:12  e8144a Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 4 Done
2024-08-30 05:50:53  2c901f Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 4 Draft
2024-08-30 05:36:18  ede874 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 3 Dont
2024-08-30 05:26:28  282759 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 3 Draft
2024-08-30 04:34:53  61004b Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 2 Done
2024-08-30 04:21:44  014f79 Mohammad Rafiq Session 11 Scene 2 draft
2024-08-30 03:12:57  79e125 Mohammad Rafiq Finished scene 1 of session 11
2024-08-30 02:50:59  23765c Mohammad Rafiq Scene 1 of Session 11 RAW
2024-08-30 01:39:59  4f5a12 Mohammad Rafiq Initialised Session 11 recap
2024-08-26 22:49:07  7ee492 Mohammad Rafiq Added files back in.
2024-08-26 22:47:46  4ddc06 Mohammad Rafiq Removed files to test page name case setting
2024-08-26 22:45:40  017e5e Mohammad Rafiq Initialised wiki from old repository
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