Commit 102526

2025-01-06 15:28:53 Mohammad Rafiq: I dont even know what i changed ..
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- # Overview
- Aenyrathia is home to a whole host of heroes, villains, and regular people. This category collects them.
- # Sub-Categories
- 1. [[Player Characters|Characters/Player Characters]]
+ # Overview
+ Aenyrathia is home to a whole host of heroes, villains, and regular people. This category collects them.
+ # Sub-Categories
+ 1. [[Player Characters|Characters/Player Characters]]
2. [[Characters/Major NPCs|Characters/Major NPCs]]
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- # Overview
- This category collects characters in the campaign who have had a major impact on the world or the story.
- # List of Major NPCs
+ # Overview
+ This category collects characters in the campaign who have had a major impact on the world or the story.
+ # List of Major NPCs
1. [[Dregdul|Characters/Major NPCs/Dregdul]]
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Characters/Major NPCs/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
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Characters/Player Characters/Saziver ..
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- # Overview
- Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Mosskach to a loving gnome couple, Saziver lived a sheltered and peaceful childhood. Saziver took after his mechanic mother and took apart anything he could get his hands on, to the chagrin of whoever the owner of the item was. Saziver was also raised by Both Steeljaw, a former professional Blood Bowl athlete turned sportscaster, whose publicist was Saziver's (other) mother.
- Saziver has recently developed psionic abilities, possibly as a result of exposure to Both, who has revealed himself to also have psionic abilities. He has just fled the city of Mosskach to the neighbouring Ilrinia, after him and Zel'eon Talos, Senzorin Talos, and Arche Kagekiyo got into trouble with the EchoTech corporation. Saziver hacked the database of a private school named Arbalest Academy, inserting the four of them as exchange students from Mosskach.
- # Physical Appearance
- Saziver is a male gnome in his late teens, with a wiry frame. He has an ash-brown complexion and copper hair, each inherited from a different parent. He has a distinct nervous energy about him and is constantly fidgeting with his hands or whatever is in them at that moment.
- # In-Game Statistics
- - STR: 4
- - DEX: 15 = 14 + 1 from feat
- - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
- - INT: 20 = 18 + 2 from race
- - WIS: 17 = 14 + 1 from feat + 2 (ASI)
- - CHA: 13
- ## Level 1
- ### Race: [Gnome (Rock)](
- - Ability Score Increase: INT +2, CON +1
- - Size: Small
- - Speed: 25 ft.
- - Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
- - Darkvision 60 ft.
- - Gnome Cunning. Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saves against magic
- - Artificer's Lore. Add double proficiency bonus for History checks related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices
- - Tinker. Proficiency with tinker's tools, can spend 1hr and 10gp to construct Tiny clockwork device, up to 3 devices active at a time, effects as follows:
- - Clockwork Toy. Can move 5ft each turn in random direction and make noise
- - Fire Starter. Produces miniature flame that can be used to light candle, torch, or campfire
- - Music Box. Plays a single song at a moderate volume until closed
- ### Background: Custom
- - Skills: Cybersecurity, Tinkering
- - Languages: Orcish
- - Tools: Playing cards
- ### Feat: [Observant](
- - Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
- - Can read lips in a language you understand
- - +5 to passive Perception and Investigation
- ### Class: [Psion](
- - Hit Dice: 1d6
- - Max HP: 8 = 6 + 2 (CON modifier)
- - Armor Proficiencies: light armour
- - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons
- - Tools: none
- - Saving Throw Proficiencies: INT, WIS
- - Skills: Perception, Investigation
- #### Psionics
- *1st level Psion feature*
- - Learn 2 cantrips at 1st level:
- - Mind Thrust, Message
- - Pool of Psi Points equal to Psion level + 1, refresh on short or long rest
- - Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell
- - Can only cast spells of level up to Mental Limit
- - Learn 2 1st level spells:
- - Alarm, Id Insinuation
- - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
- - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
- #### Aura Sight
- *1st level Psion (Empath) feature*
- - Proficiency in Insight
- - Add INT modifier to all Insight rolls
- - Can spend 1 Psi Point as an action to learn the most powerful surface-level emotion of a creature within 60ft.
- - Can add INT modifier to CHA check on a creature that you have read the aura of
- #### Empath Spell
- *1st level Psion (Empath) feature*
- - Learn Charm Person
- ## Level 2
- ### Class: [Psion](
- - Hit Dice: 2d6
- - Max HP: 14 = 8 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
- - Spells Learnt: Shield
- #### Harmonious Recovery
- *2nd level Psion feature*
- - Bonus action to regenerate Psi Points equal to INT mod once per long rest
- #### Mystic Talents
- *2nd level Psion feature*
- - Learn 2 Mystic Talents:
- - Precognition I. Cannot be surprised unless unconscious, asleep, or incapacitated, and gain a bonus to initiative equal to INT modifier
- - Metamorphosis I. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, manifest psionic strike, or make a Strength check, you can use your Intelligence in place of Strength.
- ## Level 3
- ### Class: [Psion](
- - Hit Dice: 3d6
- - Max HP: 20 = 14 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
- #### Psionics
- *3rd level class features*
- - Learn 1 Spell at 3rd level:
- - Mirror Image.
- #### Emotional Flood
- *3rd level Psion feature*
- - You can psionically manipulate the emotional auras of other creatures. At 3rd level, you gain the following abilities:
- - Depress
- - When you manifest a psion spell that charms or frightens a creature, you can expend additional psi points to impose disadvantage on their initial saving throw. For each additional psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit) a target of your choice has disadvantage on their initial roll.
- - Elate
- - As an action, you can touch a creature and expend psi points to inspire them. It gains 1d4 temporary hit points for each psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit).
- - Enrage
- - The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or immediately use its reaction to make a single melee attack against one target of its choice within range. If there are no targets within range it takes 1d6 psychic damage.
- #### Mystic Talents
- *3rd level Psion feature*
- - Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
- - Iron Durability I. So long as you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is equal to 13 + your Intelligence modifier.
- #### Empath Spell
- *3rd level Psion (Empath) feature*
- - Learn Calm Person
- ## Level 4
- ### Class: [Psion](
- - Hit Dice: 4d6
- - Max HP: 26 = 20 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
- ### Ability Score Improvement
- - +2 WIS
- ### Feat: [Fade Away](
- - Your people are clever, with a knack for illusion magic. You have learned a magical trick for fading away when you suffer harm. You gain the following benefits:
- Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Immediately after you take damage, you can use a reaction to magically become invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
- #### Psionics
- *4th level class features*
- - Learn 1 cantrip and 1 spell
- - Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip
- ## Level 5
- ### Class: [Psion](
- - Hit Dice: 5d6
- - Max HP: 33 = 26 + 5 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
- - Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell
- #### Psionics
- *1st level Psion feature*
- - Learn 1 spell 3rd Mental Limit
- - Slow
- #### Empath Spell
- *5th level Psion (Empath) feature*
- - Learn Fear
- #### Mystic Talents
- *5th level Psion feature*
- - Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
- - Precognition II (Prerequisite: 5th-level Psion, Precognition I): When you are hit by an attack that you can see, you can use your reaction to add 1d4 to your Armor Class against that attack.
+ # Overview
+ Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Mosskach to a loving gnome couple, Saziver lived a sheltered and peaceful childhood. Saziver took after his mechanic mother and took apart anything he could get his hands on, to the chagrin of whoever the owner of the item was. Saziver was also raised by Both Steeljaw, a former professional Blood Bowl athlete turned sportscaster, whose publicist was Saziver's (other) mother.
+ Saziver has recently developed psionic abilities, possibly as a result of exposure to Both, who has revealed himself to also have psionic abilities. He has just fled the city of Mosskach to the neighbouring Ilrinia, after him and Zel'eon Talos, Senzorin Talos, and Arche Kagekiyo got into trouble with the EchoTech corporation. Saziver hacked the database of a private school named Arbalest Academy, inserting the four of them as exchange students from Mosskach.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Saziver is a male gnome in his late teens, with a wiry frame. He has an ash-brown complexion and copper hair, each inherited from a different parent. He has a distinct nervous energy about him and is constantly fidgeting with his hands or whatever is in them at that moment.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 4
+ - DEX: 15 = 14 + 1 from feat
+ - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - INT: 20 = 18 + 2 from race
+ - WIS: 17 = 14 + 1 from feat + 2 (ASI)
+ - CHA: 13
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Gnome (Rock)](
+ - Ability Score Increase: INT +2, CON +1
+ - Size: Small
+ - Speed: 25 ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
+ - Darkvision 60 ft.
+ - Gnome Cunning. Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saves against magic
+ - Artificer's Lore. Add double proficiency bonus for History checks related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices
+ - Tinker. Proficiency with tinker's tools, can spend 1hr and 10gp to construct Tiny clockwork device, up to 3 devices active at a time, effects as follows:
+ - Clockwork Toy. Can move 5ft each turn in random direction and make noise
+ - Fire Starter. Produces miniature flame that can be used to light candle, torch, or campfire
+ - Music Box. Plays a single song at a moderate volume until closed
+ ### Background: Custom
+ - Skills: Cybersecurity, Tinkering
+ - Languages: Orcish
+ - Tools: Playing cards
+ ### Feat: [Observant](
+ - Ability Score Increase: WIS +1
+ - Can read lips in a language you understand
+ - +5 to passive Perception and Investigation
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d6
+ - Max HP: 8 = 6 + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: light armour
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons
+ - Tools: none
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: INT, WIS
+ - Skills: Perception, Investigation
+ #### Psionics
+ *1st level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 2 cantrips at 1st level:
+ - Mind Thrust, Message
+ - Pool of Psi Points equal to Psion level + 1, refresh on short or long rest
+ - Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell
+ - Can only cast spells of level up to Mental Limit
+ - Learn 2 1st level spells:
+ - Alarm, Id Insinuation
+ - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
+ - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your INT modifier
+ #### Aura Sight
+ *1st level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Proficiency in Insight
+ - Add INT modifier to all Insight rolls
+ - Can spend 1 Psi Point as an action to learn the most powerful surface-level emotion of a creature within 60ft.
+ - Can add INT modifier to CHA check on a creature that you have read the aura of
+ #### Empath Spell
+ *1st level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Learn Charm Person
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d6
+ - Max HP: 14 = 8 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Spells Learnt: Shield
+ #### Harmonious Recovery
+ *2nd level Psion feature*
+ - Bonus action to regenerate Psi Points equal to INT mod once per long rest
+ #### Mystic Talents
+ *2nd level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 2 Mystic Talents:
+ - Precognition I. Cannot be surprised unless unconscious, asleep, or incapacitated, and gain a bonus to initiative equal to INT modifier
+ - Metamorphosis I. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, manifest psionic strike, or make a Strength check, you can use your Intelligence in place of Strength.
+ ## Level 3
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 3d6
+ - Max HP: 20 = 14 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Psionics
+ *3rd level class features*
+ - Learn 1 Spell at 3rd level:
+ - Mirror Image.
+ #### Emotional Flood
+ *3rd level Psion feature*
+ - You can psionically manipulate the emotional auras of other creatures. At 3rd level, you gain the following abilities:
+ - Depress
+ - When you manifest a psion spell that charms or frightens a creature, you can expend additional psi points to impose disadvantage on their initial saving throw. For each additional psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit) a target of your choice has disadvantage on their initial roll.
+ - Elate
+ - As an action, you can touch a creature and expend psi points to inspire them. It gains 1d4 temporary hit points for each psi point you expend (up to your Mental Limit).
+ - Enrage
+ - The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or immediately use its reaction to make a single melee attack against one target of its choice within range. If there are no targets within range it takes 1d6 psychic damage.
+ #### Mystic Talents
+ *3rd level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
+ - Iron Durability I. So long as you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is equal to 13 + your Intelligence modifier.
+ #### Empath Spell
+ *3rd level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Learn Calm Person
+ ## Level 4
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 4d6
+ - Max HP: 26 = 20 + 4 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ ### Ability Score Improvement
+ - +2 WIS
+ ### Feat: [Fade Away](
+ - Your people are clever, with a knack for illusion magic. You have learned a magical trick for fading away when you suffer harm. You gain the following benefits:
+ Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
+ Immediately after you take damage, you can use a reaction to magically become invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
+ #### Psionics
+ *4th level class features*
+ - Learn 1 cantrip and 1 spell
+ - Mind Sliver, Tasha's Mind Whip
+ ## Level 5
+ ### Class: [Psion](
+ - Hit Dice: 5d6
+ - Max HP: 33 = 26 + 5 (1d6) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Expend Psi Points equal to spell level to cast spell
+ #### Psionics
+ *1st level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 1 spell 3rd Mental Limit
+ - Slow
+ #### Empath Spell
+ *5th level Psion (Empath) feature*
+ - Learn Fear
+ #### Mystic Talents
+ *5th level Psion feature*
+ - Learn 1 Mystic Talents:
+ - Precognition II (Prerequisite: 5th-level Psion, Precognition I): When you are hit by an attack that you can see, you can use your reaction to add 1d4 to your Armor Class against that attack.
Characters/Player Characters/Senzorin ..
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- # Overview
- Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Ilrinia, Senzorin is a product of two different worlds. His mother, a sun elf high society business woman, and his father, a human bartender, raised Senzorin under the yoke of the Talos clan doctrine. They expected Senzorin to live up to the standard set by the rest of the clan, but the pressure was too much for him. At the age of ten, he ran away to the neighbouring city of Mosskach, abandoning his family.
- The next few years were a whirlwind for Senzorin - first living as an urchin on the crime ridden streets of Mosskach, he was soon recruited into a gang and made to sell dwarven mined drugs. He soon picked himself up a mentor in the form of Einrow Whitebeard, a former pirate captain who has blood ties to the gang. Einrow had turned to a life of burglary after getting bored of the high seas, and took Senzorin under his wing, teaching him the trade.
- In 1891, on Senzorin's 16th birthday, Einrow passed while on a burglary gone awry. A fatally wounded Einrow stumbles into a bar to find Senzorin and gifts him a revolver, before passing on in Senzorin's arms. Senzorin continued his life as a burglar, though without much use for the riches he gathered, redistributed them among the poorer citizens of his neighbourhood in Mosskach. He spent most of his days whiling away time, not doing much else other than burglary, though he began to spend some time studying folklore in Mosskach's public libraries, intrigued by tales of the Goddess of Darkness.
- In 1892, Senzorin and his friends, Zel'eon, Arche, and Saziver, got into serious trouble with the EchoTech corporation after stealing one of their experimental chips. The four fled to Ilrinia, where they have enrolled into Arbalest Academy.
- # Physical Appearance
- Senzorin Talos is a sun elf male in his late teens of average height and physique. He bears a distinct knife scar on his right eye as a result of defying orders in his time as a gang member. His shoulder length hair is gold in colour, but he dyes it black to avoid people guessing at his sun elf heritage.
- # In-Game Statistics
- - STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
- - DEX: 20 = 18 + 2 from ASI
- - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
- - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
- - WIS: 14
- - CHA: 16 = 14 + 2 from race
- ## Level 1
- ### Race: [Half-Elf](
- *Note: Senzorin is a sun elf in lore*
- - Ability Score Increase: CHA +2, CON +1, INT +1
- - Size: Medium
- - Speed: 30 ft.
- - Languages Known: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
- ## Background: [Urchin](
- - Skills: Sleight of Hand, Stealth
- - Tools: Disguise kit, Thieves' tools
- ### Feat: [Athlete](
- - Ability Score Increase: STR +1
- - Standing up from prone only costs 5ft of movement
- - Climbing doesn't cost extra movement
- - Can make running long or high jump after only moving 5 ft on foot instead of 10 ft
- ### Class: [Rogue](
- - Hit Dice: 1d8
- - Max HP: 10 = 8 + 2 (CON modifier)
- - Armor Proficiencies: light armour
- - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
- - Tools: thieves' tools
- - Saving Throw Proficiencies: DEX, INT
- - Skills: Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, Perception
- #### Expertise
- *1st level rogue feature*
- - Can use double proficiency bonus for ability checks with thieves' tools or Stealth
- - Another skill or tool proficiency of your choice gains this benefit at 6th, 11th, 15th, and 20th level.
- #### Sneak Attack
- *1st level rogue feature*
- - Add 1d6 damage to attacks made with advantage once per turn
- - Do not need advantage if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
- #### Thieves' Cant
- *1st level rogue feature*
- - Can speak and understand thieves' cant
- - Can leave secret messages and symbols and understand them
- ## Level 2
- ### Class: [Rogue](
- - Hit Dice: 2d8
- - Max HP: 16 = 10 + 4 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
- #### Cunning Action
- *2nd level rogue feature*
- - Can take [Dash](, [Disengage](, [Hide](, or [use an object]( action as bonus action
- #### Devious Exploits
- *2nd level rogue feature*
- - Learn two Exploits of your choice at 2nd level:
- - Counter: You can use your reaction when a creature misses you with a melee attack to expend an Exploit Die and make a single melee weapon attack against it, adding one roll of your Exploit Die to your damage roll.
- - Roguish Charm: You can use an action to expend an Exploit Die to force a creature that can hear and understand you to make a Wisdom save (with advantage if you or your allies are fighting it). Upon failure, it is charmed by you for 1 hour and regards you as a friendly acquaintance for the duration, though it will not risk its life for you. The effect ends if you or your companions do anything harmful to the creature and the target will then realise it was deceived by you.
- - You can use only one Exploit per attack, ability check, or saving throw
- - Have 2 Exploit Dice at 2nd level, Exploit Dice is 1d4
- - Regain all Exploit Dice on short or long rest
- - **Exploit save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
- ## Level 3
- ### Class: [Rogue](
- - Hit Dice: 3d8
- - Max HP: 25 = 16 + 7 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
- #### Sneak Attack
- *3rd level rogue feature*
- - Add 2d6 damage to attacks made with advantage once per turn
- - Do not need advantage if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
- #### Spellcasting
- *3rd level arcane trickster feature*
- - Learn mage hand and two other cantrips at 3rd level, learn another at 10th level
- - Mage Hand, Message, Minor Illusion
- - Can cast spells using spell slots, regain spell slots on long rest
- - Learn three 1st-level spells at 3rd level, learn more as level up
- - Find Familiar, Unseen Servant, Distort Value
- - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- #### Mage Hand Adept
- *3rd level arcane trickster feature*
- - Can control mage hand as a bonus action within 30ft
- - Can make mage hand invisible
- - Can use mage hand to stow or retrieve an object from a container worn or carried by another creature within range
- - Mage hand can use any set of tools you are proficient with
- ## Level 4
- ### Class: [Rogue](
- - Hit Dice: 4d8
- - Max HP: 31 = 25 + 4 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
- #### Ability Score Improvement
- *4th level rogue feature*
- - DEX +2
- **New Ability Scores**
- - STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
- - DEX: 20 = 18 + 2 from ASI
- - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
- - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
- - WIS: 14
- - CHA: 16 = 14 + 2 from race
- ### Feat: Prodigy
- - Gain proficiency in Initimidation, hacker's kit, and Orcish
- - Gain expertise in Persuasion
- ## Level 5
- ### Class: [Rogue](
- - Hit Dice: 5d8
- - Max HP: 38 = 31 + 7 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
- - Proficiency Bonus: +3
- - Sneak Attack dice increased from 2d6 to 3d6
- #### Uncanny Dodge
- *5th level rogue feature*
- - When an attacker that Senzo can see hits him with an attack, Senzo can use his reaction to halve the attack's damage against him.
+ # Overview
+ Born on 3 Empyrea in the year 1875 in the city of Ilrinia, Senzorin is a product of two different worlds. His mother, a sun elf high society business woman, and his father, a human bartender, raised Senzorin under the yoke of the Talos clan doctrine. They expected Senzorin to live up to the standard set by the rest of the clan, but the pressure was too much for him. At the age of ten, he ran away to the neighbouring city of Mosskach, abandoning his family.
+ The next few years were a whirlwind for Senzorin - first living as an urchin on the crime ridden streets of Mosskach, he was soon recruited into a gang and made to sell dwarven mined drugs. He soon picked himself up a mentor in the form of Einrow Whitebeard, a former pirate captain who has blood ties to the gang. Einrow had turned to a life of burglary after getting bored of the high seas, and took Senzorin under his wing, teaching him the trade.
+ In 1891, on Senzorin's 16th birthday, Einrow passed while on a burglary gone awry. A fatally wounded Einrow stumbles into a bar to find Senzorin and gifts him a revolver, before passing on in Senzorin's arms. Senzorin continued his life as a burglar, though without much use for the riches he gathered, redistributed them among the poorer citizens of his neighbourhood in Mosskach. He spent most of his days whiling away time, not doing much else other than burglary, though he began to spend some time studying folklore in Mosskach's public libraries, intrigued by tales of the Goddess of Darkness.
+ In 1892, Senzorin and his friends, Zel'eon, Arche, and Saziver, got into serious trouble with the EchoTech corporation after stealing one of their experimental chips. The four fled to Ilrinia, where they have enrolled into Arbalest Academy.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Senzorin Talos is a sun elf male in his late teens of average height and physique. He bears a distinct knife scar on his right eye as a result of defying orders in his time as a gang member. His shoulder length hair is gold in colour, but he dyes it black to avoid people guessing at his sun elf heritage.
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
+ - DEX: 20 = 18 + 2 from ASI
+ - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - WIS: 14
+ - CHA: 16 = 14 + 2 from race
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: [Half-Elf](
+ *Note: Senzorin is a sun elf in lore*
+ - Ability Score Increase: CHA +2, CON +1, INT +1
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30 ft.
+ - Languages Known: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
+ ## Background: [Urchin](
+ - Skills: Sleight of Hand, Stealth
+ - Tools: Disguise kit, Thieves' tools
+ ### Feat: [Athlete](
+ - Ability Score Increase: STR +1
+ - Standing up from prone only costs 5ft of movement
+ - Climbing doesn't cost extra movement
+ - Can make running long or high jump after only moving 5 ft on foot instead of 10 ft
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 10 = 8 + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Armor Proficiencies: light armour
+ - Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
+ - Tools: thieves' tools
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: DEX, INT
+ - Skills: Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, Perception
+ #### Expertise
+ *1st level rogue feature*
+ - Can use double proficiency bonus for ability checks with thieves' tools or Stealth
+ - Another skill or tool proficiency of your choice gains this benefit at 6th, 11th, 15th, and 20th level.
+ #### Sneak Attack
+ *1st level rogue feature*
+ - Add 1d6 damage to attacks made with advantage once per turn
+ - Do not need advantage if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
+ #### Thieves' Cant
+ *1st level rogue feature*
+ - Can speak and understand thieves' cant
+ - Can leave secret messages and symbols and understand them
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 16 = 10 + 4 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Cunning Action
+ *2nd level rogue feature*
+ - Can take [Dash](, [Disengage](, [Hide](, or [use an object]( action as bonus action
+ #### Devious Exploits
+ *2nd level rogue feature*
+ - Learn two Exploits of your choice at 2nd level:
+ - Counter: You can use your reaction when a creature misses you with a melee attack to expend an Exploit Die and make a single melee weapon attack against it, adding one roll of your Exploit Die to your damage roll.
+ - Roguish Charm: You can use an action to expend an Exploit Die to force a creature that can hear and understand you to make a Wisdom save (with advantage if you or your allies are fighting it). Upon failure, it is charmed by you for 1 hour and regards you as a friendly acquaintance for the duration, though it will not risk its life for you. The effect ends if you or your companions do anything harmful to the creature and the target will then realise it was deceived by you.
+ - You can use only one Exploit per attack, ability check, or saving throw
+ - Have 2 Exploit Dice at 2nd level, Exploit Dice is 1d4
+ - Regain all Exploit Dice on short or long rest
+ - **Exploit save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
+ ## Level 3
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 3d8
+ - Max HP: 25 = 16 + 7 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Sneak Attack
+ *3rd level rogue feature*
+ - Add 2d6 damage to attacks made with advantage once per turn
+ - Do not need advantage if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
+ #### Spellcasting
+ *3rd level arcane trickster feature*
+ - Learn mage hand and two other cantrips at 3rd level, learn another at 10th level
+ - Mage Hand, Message, Minor Illusion
+ - Can cast spells using spell slots, regain spell slots on long rest
+ - Learn three 1st-level spells at 3rd level, learn more as level up
+ - Find Familiar, Unseen Servant, Distort Value
+ - Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
+ - Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
+ #### Mage Hand Adept
+ *3rd level arcane trickster feature*
+ - Can control mage hand as a bonus action within 30ft
+ - Can make mage hand invisible
+ - Can use mage hand to stow or retrieve an object from a container worn or carried by another creature within range
+ - Mage hand can use any set of tools you are proficient with
+ ## Level 4
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 4d8
+ - Max HP: 31 = 25 + 4 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ #### Ability Score Improvement
+ *4th level rogue feature*
+ - DEX +2
+ **New Ability Scores**
+ - STR: 5 = 4 + 1 from feat
+ - DEX: 20 = 18 + 2 from ASI
+ - CON: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - INT: 14 = 13 + 1 from race
+ - WIS: 14
+ - CHA: 16 = 14 + 2 from race
+ ### Feat: Prodigy
+ - Gain proficiency in Initimidation, hacker's kit, and Orcish
+ - Gain expertise in Persuasion
+ ## Level 5
+ ### Class: [Rogue](
+ - Hit Dice: 5d8
+ - Max HP: 38 = 31 + 7 (1d8) + 2 (CON modifier)
+ - Proficiency Bonus: +3
+ - Sneak Attack dice increased from 2d6 to 3d6
+ #### Uncanny Dodge
+ *5th level rogue feature*
+ - When an attacker that Senzo can see hits him with an attack, Senzo can use his reaction to halve the attack's damage against him.
Characters/Player Characters/Zel'eon ..
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- # Overview
- Born on the 22nd of Chronos to the Talos family, a sun elf clan specialising in car manufacturing, Zel'eon faced a severe condition: his arm was necrotising, threatening to take over the rest of his body. His mother cut off the necrotising arm, saving him, but the rest of the family kicked Zel'eon and his mother out for fear of how the crippled boy would affect their family name. Zel'eon's mother fled to Mosskach with the young Zel'eon, and started a small clinic in the slums.
- After his mother passed when he was a young teenager, Zel'eon took over the clinic, treating patients who had nowhere else to go, including gang members. He learned the basics of combat from his orc patients, finding a love for sparring from them. He also took on two trainees, an ex-gangster named Maria, and Arche Kagekiyo, a young woman of Zel's age who had barely any social skills.
- Zel'eon has recently fled to Ilrinia after getting on the wrong side of EchoTech with Arche and two others, named Saziver and Senzorin. He is currently attending Arbalest Academy with them, slowly letting his guard down in the relative safety of Ilrinia.
- # Physical Appearance
- Character's appearance as seen by others
- # In-Game Statistics
- - STR: 4
- - DEX: 13
- - CON: 18 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat + 2 from ASI
- - INT: 18
- - WIS: 13
- - CHA: 16 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat
- ## Level 1
- ### Race: Variant Human
- *Note: Zel'eon is a half-elf in lore, born to a human mother*
- - Ability Score Increase: +1 CHA, +1 CON
- - Size: Medium
- - Speed: 30 ft
- - Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
- ### Background:
- - Skills: Persuasion (Background)
- - Languages: Orcish
- - Tools: Leather, Vehicles (Land), Chefs Utensils
- ### Feat:
- - Skill Expert; CHA +1
- Proficiency: Intimidation
- Expertise: Tinkering
- - Signature Weapon; CON +1
- ### Class: Artificer
- - Hit Dice: 1d8
- - Max HP: 11
- - Armor Proficiencies: All Armor, Shields,
- - Weapon Proficiencies:
- - Tools: Leather, Healer, Tinkers, Smith, Utensils, Vehicles (Land)
- - Saving Throw Proficiencies: CON, INT
- - Skills: Tinkering (Class), Nature (Class), Medicine (Race), Intimidation(Skill Expert), Survival (Background), Perception (Background)
- #### Example feature
- *1st level Enhanced feature*
- - Feature description:
- Blade Enhancement; Hidden arm Blade that does 1d8 Slashing Damage on hit, Uses INT for ATK and DMG rolls.
- Infusions:
- Arm Launcher
- Enhanced Weapon
- Enhanced Defense
- ## Level 2
- ### Class: Artificer
- - Hit Dice: 2d8
- - Max HP: 19
- #### Example Feature
- *2nd level Enhanced feature*
- - Feature description:
- Spell Casting
- Save DC: 8 + PB + INT
- Spell ATK: PB + INT
- Spells Slots: 3 1st Level, 3 Spells Known, 2 Cantrips Known
- # Level 3
- ### Class: Artificer
- - Hit Dice: 3d8
- - Max HP: 27
- #### Example Feature
- *3rd level Enhanced feature*
- - Feature description:
- Enhancements;
- Power Enhancements, Add INT to STR Checks
- # Level 4
- ### Class: Artificer
- - Hit Dice: 4d8
- - Max HP: 41
- *4rd level feature*
- - Feature description:
- ASI Improvement:
- Con +2
- Feat: Spellsword
- # Level 5
- ### Class: Artificer
- - Hit Dice: 5d8
- - Max HP: 52
- -
- *5th level feature*
- - Feature description:
- - You have improved your modifications to further augment your combat abilities. You gain the following benefits:
- You can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
- Each of your Enhancements can bear a single Infusion usually meant for the following objects: Mobility (boots), Nimble (gauntlets), Power (armor), Visual (helm, goggles).
- Your Blade counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks.
- - Visual Enhancement. You modify one of your eyes. You can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to any checks you make that rely on your sense of sight.
- - Infusion: Radiant Weapon
- As a bonus action, the wielder can cause this weapon to emit bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light 30 feet beyond that. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.
- This magical weapon has 4 charges. When its wielder hits a creature with this weapon, it can expend 1 charge and force its target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is blinded until the beginning of your next turn. This weapon regains all expended charges at dawn.
- At 11th level, this weapon grants a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 17th leve
- # Spell List
+ # Overview
+ Born on the 22nd of Chronos to the Talos family, a sun elf clan specialising in car manufacturing, Zel'eon faced a severe condition: his arm was necrotising, threatening to take over the rest of his body. His mother cut off the necrotising arm, saving him, but the rest of the family kicked Zel'eon and his mother out for fear of how the crippled boy would affect their family name. Zel'eon's mother fled to Mosskach with the young Zel'eon, and started a small clinic in the slums.
+ After his mother passed when he was a young teenager, Zel'eon took over the clinic, treating patients who had nowhere else to go, including gang members. He learned the basics of combat from his orc patients, finding a love for sparring from them. He also took on two trainees, an ex-gangster named Maria, and Arche Kagekiyo, a young woman of Zel's age who had barely any social skills.
+ Zel'eon has recently fled to Ilrinia after getting on the wrong side of EchoTech with Arche and two others, named Saziver and Senzorin. He is currently attending Arbalest Academy with them, slowly letting his guard down in the relative safety of Ilrinia.
+ # Physical Appearance
+ Character's appearance as seen by others
+ # In-Game Statistics
+ - STR: 4
+ - DEX: 13
+ - CON: 18 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat + 2 from ASI
+ - INT: 18
+ - WIS: 13
+ - CHA: 16 = 14 +1 from Race + 1 from Feat
+ ## Level 1
+ ### Race: Variant Human
+ *Note: Zel'eon is a half-elf in lore, born to a human mother*
+ - Ability Score Increase: +1 CHA, +1 CON
+ - Size: Medium
+ - Speed: 30 ft
+ - Languages Known: Common, Gnomish
+ ### Background:
+ - Skills: Persuasion (Background)
+ - Languages: Orcish
+ - Tools: Leather, Vehicles (Land), Chefs Utensils
+ ### Feat:
+ - Skill Expert; CHA +1
+ Proficiency: Intimidation
+ Expertise: Tinkering
+ - Signature Weapon; CON +1
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 1d8
+ - Max HP: 11
+ - Armor Proficiencies: All Armor, Shields,
+ - Weapon Proficiencies:
+ - Tools: Leather, Healer, Tinkers, Smith, Utensils, Vehicles (Land)
+ - Saving Throw Proficiencies: CON, INT
+ - Skills: Tinkering (Class), Nature (Class), Medicine (Race), Intimidation(Skill Expert), Survival (Background), Perception (Background)
+ #### Example feature
+ *1st level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ Blade Enhancement; Hidden arm Blade that does 1d8 Slashing Damage on hit, Uses INT for ATK and DMG rolls.
+ Infusions:
+ Arm Launcher
+ Enhanced Weapon
+ Enhanced Defense
+ ## Level 2
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 2d8
+ - Max HP: 19
+ #### Example Feature
+ *2nd level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ Spell Casting
+ Save DC: 8 + PB + INT
+ Spell ATK: PB + INT
+ Spells Slots: 3 1st Level, 3 Spells Known, 2 Cantrips Known
+ # Level 3
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 3d8
+ - Max HP: 27
+ #### Example Feature
+ *3rd level Enhanced feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ Enhancements;
+ Power Enhancements, Add INT to STR Checks
+ # Level 4
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 4d8
+ - Max HP: 41
+ *4rd level feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ ASI Improvement:
+ Con +2
+ Feat: Spellsword
+ # Level 5
+ ### Class: Artificer
+ - Hit Dice: 5d8
+ - Max HP: 52
+ -
+ *5th level feature*
+ - Feature description:
+ - You have improved your modifications to further augment your combat abilities. You gain the following benefits:
+ You can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
+ Each of your Enhancements can bear a single Infusion usually meant for the following objects: Mobility (boots), Nimble (gauntlets), Power (armor), Visual (helm, goggles).
+ Your Blade counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks.
+ - Visual Enhancement. You modify one of your eyes. You can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to any checks you make that rely on your sense of sight.
+ - Infusion: Radiant Weapon
+ As a bonus action, the wielder can cause this weapon to emit bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light 30 feet beyond that. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.
+ This magical weapon has 4 charges. When its wielder hits a creature with this weapon, it can expend 1 charge and force its target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is blinded until the beginning of your next turn. This weapon regains all expended charges at dawn.
+ At 11th level, this weapon grants a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 17th leve
+ # Spell List
Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
Desh is a large western continent on Aenyrathia, almost fully populated by the Deshen Empire.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
Enoch is the sea elves' name for their domain, which the world has adopted for the name as the north sea. It is scattered with islands, though they grow sparse near to the North Pole.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
Ibuth is the central continent of Aenyrathia, laying in the middle of Ibuth, Kharoq, Enoch, Miramor, and Siddia.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/Bear ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
The Bear Mountains, so named for the Vyrkani that inhabit their towering peaks, are home to a large number of monasteries up top and sprawling, interconnected dwarf cities down below.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth/ ..
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- # Overview
- Mosskach is an independent city-state located on the eastern tip of Ibuth, the western continent, and is separated from Ilrinia by a narrow strait. While it operates under a nominal democracy, the city is effectively controlled by the powerful megacorporation EchoTech, which has established itself as the central force in the production and distribution of orichalcum-based magitech. This corporation’s influence permeates every aspect of life in Mosskach, from industry to politics, reshaping the city into a hub of technological advancement often in conflict with its social fabric.
+ # Overview
+ Mosskach is an independent city-state located on the eastern tip of Ibuth, the western continent, and is separated from Ilrinia by a narrow strait. While it operates under a nominal democracy, the city is effectively controlled by the powerful megacorporation EchoTech, which has established itself as the central force in the production and distribution of orichalcum-based magitech. This corporation’s influence permeates every aspect of life in Mosskach, from industry to politics, reshaping the city into a hub of technological advancement often in conflict with its social fabric.
The majority of the city's population comprises humans and dwarves, who dominate its middle and upper classes. It's also known for the significant orc population, drawn from the tribal communities of Ibuth to serve as EchoTech's labour force. Unfortunately, many orcs find themselves marginalized, forced into the dilapidated areas of the city where discrimination is rampant. Despite this, they play an essential role in the city's ongoing modernization and have contributed greatly to its cultural tapestry.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
Kharoq is the antarctic continent of Aenyrathia, closest only to Siddia by its southern tip.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
Miramor is the second largest continent on Aenyrathia, situated north west of Ibuth and connected to Siddia by land.
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Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/ ..
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- # Overview
+ # Overview
Siddia is the largest continent on Aenyrathia, southwest of Ibuth and connected to Miramor by land.
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Lore/Magic and Technology/ ..
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- # Overview
- Orichalcum is a metal that is the only known perfect conductor of both electricity and magic. It was previously only known as pig iron, mined by the [[Orcs|Lore/Species/Orcs]] tribes of [[Ibuth|Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth]] in small quantities and used in their forges for millennia.. In the year 1843, the properties of pig iron was discovered by [[EchoTech|Lore/Organisations/EchoTech]], leading to the company quickly monopolising the orichalcum production on Ibuth. This control has led to EchoTech becoming the primary manufacturer of magitech products in Aenyrathia.
+ # Overview
+ Orichalcum is a metal that is the only known perfect conductor of both electricity and magic. It was previously only known as pig iron, mined by the [[Orcs|Lore/Species/Orcs]] tribes of [[Ibuth|Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth]] in small quantities and used in their forges for millennia.. In the year 1843, the properties of pig iron was discovered by [[EchoTech|Lore/Organisations/EchoTech]], leading to the company quickly monopolising the orichalcum production on Ibuth. This control has led to EchoTech becoming the primary manufacturer of magitech products in Aenyrathia.
Lore/Organisations/ ..
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- # Overview
- EchoTech is a megacorporation headquarted in Mosskach that primarily manufactures magitech made with orichalcum.
+ # Overview
+ EchoTech is a megacorporation headquarted in Mosskach that primarily manufactures magitech made with orichalcum.
Lore/Organisations/The New ..
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- The New Dawn is a small group of technomancers who appear to want less regulation for spellcasters in [[Ilrinia|Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh/Ilrinia]]. They are led by Professor Lyra Valen, an accomplished technomancer who used to head the faculty of magitech in Miskatonic University.
+ The New Dawn is a small group of technomancers who appear to want less regulation for spellcasters in [[Ilrinia|Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Desh/Ilrinia]]. They are led by Professor Lyra Valen, an accomplished technomancer who used to head the faculty of magitech in Miskatonic University.
Lore/Species/ ..
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- # Overview
- Orcs are a type of humanoids that lived in primarily tribal societies in the Pig Iron Sea region of [[Ibuth|Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth]].
+ # Overview
+ Orcs are a type of humanoids that lived in primarily tribal societies in the Pig Iron Sea region of [[Ibuth|Lore/Locations/Aenyrathia/Ibuth]].
Story So Far/Session 13 (31 August 2024).md ..
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- # Players
- - Rafiq: Game Master
- - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 4
- - Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue 4
- - Toph: Arche Kagekiyo (birth name Luvia Bellona Ortlinde), High Elf Twilight Cleric 4
- - Dom: Saziver Copper-Fern, Gnome Empath Psion 4
- # TL;DR
- - The team, in the coastal town of Brunswick near Ilrinia, meet the smuggler and board his ferry that is supposed to head to Mosskach.
- - The ferry instead brings them to a small cove south of Mosskach. The smuggler, along with a whole group of other smugglers, try to rob the team since they should be weakened after the events of the previous day.
- - The team crack their knuckles and get to work slaughtering the smugglers to a man.
- - They loot the cove and find some useful loot.
- - They work on trying to drive one of the boats, a small dinghy, and succeed in sailing it out of the cove and north up the coast into a small inlet that leads inland up a river.
- - They end up at Gnarg, a small mining colony, where Dregdul is waiting for them with a jeep.
- - The team and Dregdul drive to Mosskach.
- # Experience Points
+ # Players
+ - Rafiq: Game Master
+ - Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 4
+ - Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue 4
+ - Toph: Arche Kagekiyo (birth name Luvia Bellona Ortlinde), High Elf Twilight Cleric 4
+ - Dom: Saziver Copper-Fern, Gnome Empath Psion 4
+ # TL;DR
+ - The team, in the coastal town of Brunswick near Ilrinia, meet the smuggler and board his ferry that is supposed to head to Mosskach.
+ - The ferry instead brings them to a small cove south of Mosskach. The smuggler, along with a whole group of other smugglers, try to rob the team since they should be weakened after the events of the previous day.
+ - The team crack their knuckles and get to work slaughtering the smugglers to a man.
+ - They loot the cove and find some useful loot.
+ - They work on trying to drive one of the boats, a small dinghy, and succeed in sailing it out of the cove and north up the coast into a small inlet that leads inland up a river.
+ - They end up at Gnarg, a small mining colony, where Dregdul is waiting for them with a jeep.
+ - The team and Dregdul drive to Mosskach.
+ # Experience Points
For defeating the smuggler group and managing to drive the dinghy out of the cove and finally reaching Mosskach, the team gains 750xp, bringing them up to 6950xp up from 6200xp.
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