# Session Recap
## The Sewer Tunnels
It's the middle of the afternoon on Udis, the 6th of Mistfall 1892. Zel'eon, Arche, [Senzorin](https://aenyrathia.wiki/PCs/Senzorin%20Talos), and [Saziver](https://aenyrathia.wiki/PCs/Saziver%20Copper-Fern) are navigating the sewers beneath [Arbalest](https://aenyrathia.wiki/World%20Info/Locations/Ilrinia/Arbalest), following the trail of a stolen chunk of orichalcum. After defeating a group of ratfolk guards, the party takes a moment to recover. Frustrated by his inability to see in the dark like the rest of the party, Zel'eon dismantles his flashlight, exposing its electronics, and implants it under his collarbone, allowing him to control the light at will. They notice a sewer tunnel on the far wall with sawed-off iron bars and a rusted alarm bell beside it.

Arche and Saziver search the ratfolk corpses and find a rough map, a small vial of murky liquid, and a string necklace adorned with rat bones and teeth. They determine the map shows the layout of the ratfolk hideout, the vial is a weak healing potion, and the necklace is a protective talisman. Zel'eon attempts to harvest body parts for implants but fails due to his inexperience with ratfolk anatomy.
## Into The Barracks
Upon examining the tunnel, they find it trapped with a tripwire connected to the alarm bell. Senzorin disarms the trap and removes the bell, while Zel'eon stores the rusted screws and some sewer sludge in a vial, loading it into his arm cannon. The party then crawls through the tunnel, moving as quietly as possible. Their caution pays off as they emerge into the ratfolk barracks, taking the occupants by surprise. They quickly dispatch three unarmed ratfolk and a trained giant rat. 

The room is filled with straw mats and threadbare blankets, with a small cooking fire burning weakly in the corner. Senzorin notices an unconscious man tied to a post in the middle of the room and approaches him. Arche revives the man with a healing potion, who introduces himself as [Dalen Blackwell](https://aenyrathia.wiki/World%20Info/People/Dalen%20Blackwell), an executor for the [Council of Arcaneum](https://aenyrathia.wiki/World%20Info/Organisations/Council%20of%20Arcaneum). He explains that he was ambushed and brought down here to provide information about the surface to the ratfolk leader. He assumes the Council had received his distress [Message](https://5e.tools/spells.html#message_phb) and had sent the party to rescue him, telling them about the leader, Verminlord Skratch, who wields a powerful magical amulet. The party corrects him and tells him they were not sent by the council, but withhold their intentions of claiming the orichalcum and promise to return and free Dalen later.
## Potions and Traps
They proceed up a narrow stairway to an alchemical laboratory. The room is filled with wooden shelves crammed with ingredients and a workbench covered in scrolls and equipment. A ratfolk alchemist, upon seeing the party, chitters and flees through a north door. The party decides to investigate the lab first before pursuing.

Arche finds a locked glass cabinet containing potions. Senzorin tries to pick the lock but fails due to its crude ratfolk engineered mechanism being something wholly unfamiliar to him. Arche and Saziver search for a key, finding it on the workbench, but Zel'eon smashes the lock with his blade. Inside, they find two [healing potions](https://5e.tools/items.html#potion%20of%20healing_dmg), a [potion of fire breath](https://5e.tools/items.html#potion%20of%20fire%20breath_dmg), and a [potion of poison resistance](https://5e.tools/items.html#potion%20of%20poison%20resistance_dmg). They also discover a scroll of [Ray of Sickness](https://5e.tools/spells.html#ray%20of%20sickness_phb) and a hidden vial labelled [Essence of Nightshade](https://5e.tools/items.html#basic%20poison%20(vial)_phb).

Not wanting to carry the alchemical ingredients into their fight with the Verminlord, the party follows the alchemist’s trail. They spot and disarm a tripwire, and Saziver notices a trap in the floor. He determines that lighter individuals like himself can safely cross it and volunteers to go first and open the door for the others to jump through.
## Against the Verminlord
The party prepares for battle: Senzorin coats his cutlass in Essence of Nightshade, Zel'eon drinks the potion of poison resistance, and everyone drinks their remaining healing potions. Saziver opens the door, narrowly avoiding an alchemical fire trap, and they see Verminlord Skratch on a throne of debris, taunting them. The ratfolk alchemist stands beside him, ready with more bombs.

The battle begins with Saziver mentally restraining Skratch as Senzorin strikes him. Zel'eon as his blade impacts the Verminlord, blasting Skratch behind his throne. Their preparations pay off as they deal a decisive first blow to Skratch, who scrambles to his feet and takes cover behind his throne, realising he may have met his match. The alchemist takes pot shots at the members of the party as they dart around, trying to evade his alchemical bombs. 

Panicking, Skratch summons rats from the earth to distract the party, but as they burrow up, Zel'eon slays each of them in quick order. Advancing on the Verminlord, they wear him down as he unsuccessfully tries to hide behind his minions. Eventually, Saziver breaks through his mental armour and grasps hold of his mind, crushing it in a psionic blow that finally defeats the Verminlord. 

The party's battle was not over, however; the ratfolk alchemist, seeing his master fall, wails in fear and grabs the amulet from his neck, running past the party and attempting to flee the throne room. The party, however, do not let the alchemist escape, and executes him as he attempts to pass by them. Finally having cleared the ratfolk hideout, they take a moment to heal their injuries, as well as to search for the orichalcum chunk they came here to find. 
## To The Kriminals Go The Loot
Rummaging through the trash heap behind the throne, they find a small chest containing not only said orichalcum, but also several jewels and gemstones that appeared to have been ripped out from discarded jewellery. Gathering up their spoils, they begin making their way back to the barracks where Dalen still sits, picking up all the valuables from the laboratory that they can carry. 

Upon reaching the barracks, they decide not to free Dalen just yet. Instead, Zel'eon fashions a contraption out of some scrap metal that will cut through the ropes tying him to the post in an hour. Senzorin warns Dalen not to contact them, but the man simply regards the party with amusement. He congratulates them on their victory, and tells them it was no small feat to defeat the Verminlord, especially for relative novices. 

The party takes this as a sign of disrespect and insult Dalen for being captured in the first place, before leaving him to be freed by Zel'eon's contraption. Making their way back up the sewer entrance, the party finally emerges into the evening light of Ilrinia, having successfully accomplished their goal of acquiring some orichalcum. They make their way back to their student housing, exhausted from the day.
# XP
The party earned 350 experience points for their tactical approach to combat, overcoming traps and obstacles, and rescuing Dalen Blackwell.
# Loot
## Magic Items

**Dagger of Verminlord Skratch**
*Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)*
- This finely crafted dagger has a wickedly sharp edge and a hilt wrapped in tattered leather strips. The blade is etched with runes that glow faintly in the dark.
- **Returning**: When you throw this dagger, it immediately flies back to your hand after it hits or misses its target. You can make a ranged attack with this dagger with a range of 20/60 feet. After the attack, whether it hits or misses, the dagger returns to your hand.
- Curse: While attuned to this dagger, you are plagued by minor infestations. Small vermin (such as rats, insects, or spiders) are inexplicably attracted to you. At the start of each day, you must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer from disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks for the next 24 hours due to the constant distraction and annoyance of these pests.

**Ratfolk Talisman**  
*Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)*  
- A string necklace adorned with tiny bones and rat teeth, believed to bring good luck in battle. Animals avoid the wearer due to them giving off an unsettling aura.
- While attuned, gain a +1 bonus to AC and disadvantage on Animal Handling checks.

**Potion of Healing x 2**  
*Potion, common*  
- A corked glass bottle containing a swirling red liquid. Regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when consumed.

**Spell Scroll (Ray of Sickness)**  
*Scroll, common*  
- A gilded parchment scroll with arcane runes. Casting the spell requires the normal casting time. Once cast, the scroll crumbles to dust. Save DC 13, attack bonus +5.

**Ray of Sickness**  
*1st-level necromancy*  
- Casting Time: 1 action  
- Range: 60 feet  
- Components: V, S  
- Duration: Instantaneous  
A ray of sickening green energy lashes out at a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
## Miscellaneous
- Alchemist's Tools (equipment and notes)
- 10kg of alchemical ingredients and reagents
- Various trinkets, including a tarnished silver locket, a scrap metal compass, and an intricately carved bone statuette of a rat.
- Orichalcum chunk weighing 250g
- 20 crudely made daggers
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