
7ee492 Mohammad Rafiq 2024-08-26 22:49:07 1
# Players
- Rafiq: Game Master
- Haikal: Zel'eon Talos, Human Enhanced Artificer 3
- Buzz: Senzorin Talos, Half-Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue 3
- Toph: Arche Kagekiyo, High Elf Twilight Cleric 3
- Eva: Ellipses Seventhtime, Aasimar Ironmonger Sorcerer 2
# Session Recap
## Downtime (8th of Mistfall 1892 - 21st of Mistfall 1892)
After defeating Azura Glimmerwrench on the 7th of Mistfall 1892, Zel'eon, Arche, Saziver, and Senzorin enjoy a much-needed break, getting to properly enjoy life in Ilrinia. The four are slowly getting used to not having their guard up all the time, as they had to in Mosskach, and are also dealing with some inter-party tension due to how some of the party handled things with Azura.
### Saziver Copper-Fern
Saziver Copper-Fern, still having his sights set on going to a good university, put his nose to the grindstone and studied hard at the Arbalest Academy. He also used the orichalcum liberated from the ratfolk hideout to create communication devices for the party that could connect to the internet and serve as a peer-to-peer encrypted communication network between themselves. He spent most of his time away from the rest of the party, holed up in his room other than at mealtimes, working on finding ways to exploit the surveillance network of Ilrinia and honing his subconscious psionic abilities to always be aware and alert of any threats around him.
### Arche Kagekiyo
Arche Kagekiyo began practicing with the spear that is all she has left from her Ilrinian childhood. Every night, she goes through her Bellona clan-taught combat forms, both as exercise and as a way to reconnect with her elvish heritage. Senzorin takes note of this and correctly guesses that she is, after being back in Ilrinia after so long, thinking about her childhood as a high-born sun elf, the same as Senzorin. The two of them bond over their shared heritage, and Senzorin begins to think about reconnecting with his own heritage. Arche also spends time at the library after school, gravitating toward the self-help section to practice social skills.
### Senzorin Talos
Senzorin Talos, not having to worry about earning his own money for the first time in a while, spends a lot of his time high and watching television at home. Despite disliking school, he enjoys his marksmanship lessons, practicing using his cutlass in tandem with his revolver. He also practices his telekinesis more, gradually being able to manifest an entire external body that works subconsciously, though it can only perform simple tasks. He uses it to automate menial tasks, like taking the load off of Arche always having to wash the dishes. Senzorin also gets a patchwork tattoo sleeve of various animals, gaining the ability to summon them as familiars.
### Ellipses Seventhtime
Ellipses Seventhtime, who lived in the house next to Zel'eon, Saziver, Senzorin, and Arche, decided to visit them more frequently over the period. Senzorin had previously contacted Ellipses to help him grow the marijuana seeds he had brought over from Mosskach. Ellipses wanted to do more with botany, so he approached Zel'eon asking if he could help set up a plant laboratory to grow alchemical ingredients and psychedelic drugs in his bedroom. He had cleared most of Fenrir's old stuff out of the room and preferred wearing some of the Seventhtimes' old hand-me-downs. Ellipses also discovered a penchant for ingesting metal scraps, finding them delicious.
### Zel'eon Talos
Zel'eon Talos takes a few days to manufacture a quick 3D printer in their house for Saziver to use to manufacture their new communication devices. He also spends some time experimenting with the alchemical reagents gathered from the ratfolk hideout, planning to make more with Ellipses' help to build a place in Ellipses' bedroom to grow more ingredients. Over the two weeks, he also works on a way to implement the wings he scavenged from the clockwork automaton in Azura's workshop into his own body, coming to the realization that he will need to replace part of his own spine with the control box to do so. Zel'eon and Arche work on the surgery and eventually manage to implement the wings as a new implant, granting Zel'eon limited flight capabilities.
### Zel'eon and Senzorin's Car Repair Efforts
Zel'eon and Senzorin also work on trying to repair the car the group drove from Mosskach, but find that since the car, a Talos Sovereign 1843, is a luxury vintage model that was discontinued years ago, parts are out of stock and rare. Discovering that the only car of the same model they could find was owned by a wealthy collector named Victor Ralston, they research the man and find out he frequents a bar for vintage car collectors. They head to the Iron Horse Tavern to speak to Sam, the bartender and a friend of theirs, to ask about the bar. They find out the bar is called the Chrome Lounge and is located at the Platinum Tower, a skyscraper in the Core. However, the bar is invite-only and they give up on their search for now. Saziver helps them find out that Victor has a son studying at Miskatonic University named Jonathan, but they don't find any leads, even after hacking into his private social media.
### Ellipses and Arche at the Library
Ellipses finds out that Arche has been going to the library daily and asks if she can bring him to help research more cases like his. When they get there, they get stopped by a young blonde man outside the library handing out flyers for a free Introduction to Technomancy course conducted by a group called the New Dawn every Ruatis at the Horizon Community Centre. Also, Arche sees Jack, the Miskatonic University student she met at the bar with Senzorin a few weeks prior, and strikes up an awkward conversation. At the end of it, Jack asks her out on a date for the following Uroim, and Arche accepts.
Meanwhile, Ellipses discovers that his case is not the first of its kind, and that this phenomenon is dubbed "Spontaneous Amnesiac Resurrection". Some scholars posit that this may be due to some unknown magical interference, leading to a transference of a soul into the recently deceased body, which tracks with what Ellipses heard from Ekra's mentor. Ellipses also reads about a case of a man who underwent spontaneous amnesiac resurrection and finds that the man was from Elenwyth, a town that is a day's train ride from Ilrinia. The stories about the man seem to end around the year 1200, but Ellipses intends to travel to the town and see what he can find.
## Ruatis, 22nd of Mistfall 1892
### Lunch with Ellipses' Parents
Ellipses' parents, noticing that their son has been spending a lot of time at his neighbors', invite them over for lunch after school. They have a meal of lembas, traditional elvish fare that is rare to find among the mostly modernized elves of Ilrinia, like Arche and Senzorin's families, along with some conversation about the Seventhtimes and the elvish heritage of some in the group. They learn that the Seventhtimes are a candle-making clan. Saziver does not join the lunch, staying at school for extracurriculars.
### New Dawn's Introduction to Technomancy Course
After lunch, the group consisting of Ellipses, Zel'eon, Senzorin, and Arche head to the New Dawn's Introduction to Technomancy course. They drive to the Old City district, where the Horizon Community Centre is located. They spy Luw Xei outside the community center, flanked by a large arcane golem. Telling the magister they are here for the course, he is shocked and tells them the New Dawn are miscreants who want to dismantle the Council, seeking less regulation for mages. The golem scans their faces, confirming their registration for the course, and the group heads inside.
Inside the community center, they see Professor Lyra Valen, a mousy brunette middle-aged woman, at the front of a small lecture theater talking to two Miskatonic University students. The rest of the lecture's attendants include an elderly couple and a few other university students, including Jonathan Ralston, who Senzorin and Zel'eon immediately recognize. Professor Valen launches into a lecture about Technomancy, a discipline that involves encoding magic into circuits, similar to electricity, explaining how although most technomancers outside of EchoTech, who control all the orichalcum, are unable to find conductors that can reliably conduct both electricity and magic, they make do by finding ingenious ways to work around that shortcoming.
### Golem Attack
As she is about to go into detail about these methods, the floor starts rumbling. The doors of the lecture theater suddenly burst open and the golem storms in, moving erratically and sending splinters of wood everywhere as it breaks the floorboards and pews. The students scramble towards Lyra for cover as she casts a forcefield, and the party leaps into action.
Zel'eon and Arche are stuck in the force field Lyra puts up and cannot make any attacks through it while the golem begins pounding at the force field, trying to get to Lyra. Ellipses and Senzorin focus on taking out the core rune of the golem in an attempt to disable it as soon as possible. Ellipses goes down during the battle from an energy blast from the rune but gets back up after Arche manages to channel the power of the New Moon to imbue everyone in the room with holy restorative energy. The combined efforts of Arche and Ellipses manage to shatter the runestone powering and controlling the golem, and it crumbles to bits.
Arche approaches the heavily injured elderly woman whose husband was vaporized in one of the golem's magical force blasts and beseeches Ruatis to shine her light on the woman and heal her. The elderly woman listens to Arche speak about Ruatis and says a heartfelt prayer to Ruatis, the first in centuries other than from Arche.
### Confrontation with Luw Xei
Zel'eon and Senzorin rush outside to confront Luw Xei, who they suspect of deploying the golem on the lecture, though he denies any involvement in the matter. They drag him into the community center, and Zel'eon throws him in front of an angry Lyra, who begins screaming and kicking him, accusing him of sending the golem to attack and kill her. Zel'eon calms her as Arche begins casting a spell that will ensure anyone within speaks only the truth.
They begin to question Luw Xei, but he again denies that he had anything to do with the golem going mad and attacking Lyra. Arche confirms that he is telling the truth, but Lyra insists there is no way a Council golem can possibly be controlled by anyone else other than a Council member and that they were trying to assassinate her and get rid of the New Dawn. The party calls Dalen Blackwell for Council assistance in managing the situation, and upon hearing so, Lyra requests the party to meet her at her estate in Greenwich on the morrow. Additionally, Senzorin cozies up to Jonathan Ralston, who he recognized earlier, and realizes Jonathan is flirting with him. He leverages this to get Jonathan's phone number in an attempt to later use it to find a way to access Victor Ralston's Talos Sovereign 1843.
### Arrival of Council Security Forces
The Council's security forces arrive at the community center and begin cordoning it off. Dalen walks in, and icy greetings are shared between him and Lyra, prompting the party to make comments about a possible scorned lover situation between the two. Dalen and Lyra immediately react in disgust, telling the party they are related, which promptly makes the party profusely apologize in shame.
Dalen pulls the party outside and requests a full debrief. He shakes his head and tells the party he suspects the New Dawn had something to do with this, in an attempt to garner sympathy for their underdog cause against the Council. He asks the party to speak with him after their visit to Lyra's estate. He also tells the party their actions have gained them some renown, pointing at the attendants of the New Dawn lecture who are arrayed around the safety cordon, telling their family and friends about the party's actions.
The party begins to leave the area and head home, but Senzorin cannot resist one last jab at Dalen. He reaches out a telekinetic hand to poke Dalen on the shoulder, but the moment he brushes against him, he feels a ringing telekinetic slap on his face. The party heads home to find Saziver and discuss the situation.
# Experience Points and Reputation
For defeating the Council golem that attacked the New Dawn lecture and saving multiple innocents from dying, Ellipses, Senzorin, Arche, and Zel'eon gain 450xp each, levelling up Ellipses to character level 3. Additionally, 5 reputation was gained with the New Dawn and the Council of Arcaneum factions, and 10 with the city of Ilrinia to represent word being spread of the party's deeds.
# Loot
## Magic Items
### Saziver's Smartphones
Wondrous item, uncommon
- **Encrypted Communication**: The primary feature of this device is its ability to establish an encrypted communication network between all Orichalcum Communication Devices within a 10-mile radius. This network allows for secure voice calls and text messages that cannot be intercepted or deciphered by external sources.
- **Durability**: The device is built to withstand rough handling and minor magical interference. It is resistant to water, minor impacts, and can function in extreme temperatures.
- The device is uniquely linked to its creator, Saziver Copper-Fern. The encryption key for the network is tied to his psionic abilities, making it virtually impossible for anyone outside the party to replicate or access the network without his direct input.
## Miscellaneous
- Various metal scraps collected from the debris of the defeated golem